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Practice, teaching, policy in teacher education (PUPIL)

PUPIL's research focus is on themes central to teacher education and is based on a central principle for the qualification of future teachers that this qualification takes place both on campus and in practice in schools.

Among the topics that PUPIL focuses on are:

  • importance of aesthetic learning processes for the qualification of future teachers
  • the student teachers' professional digital competence
  • development of innovative teaching methods at GLU
  • internationalization of teacher education (internationalization from home)
  • the performance of the teacher educator role on campus and in the field of practice
  • aptitude assessment of student teachers on campus and in practice
  • different forms of teachers' professional development in schools
  • importance of the school-based guidance pedagogy for the school's practice

Relevant ph.d.-program

PhD programme in Humanities and Education



Tags: Education and teacher training
Published Apr. 29, 2024 9:44 AM - Last modified May 28, 2024 9:32 AM