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Gunilla Brita Maria Eklund

Department of Education
+47 38142054

Areas of responsibility

I am a professor in Education at University of Agder. I have previously been Professor II at Oslo Metropolitan University and I have extensive experience as a senior lecturer in education from Åbo Akademi University in Finland. I have long experience in teaching research methodology and supervising bachelor's, master's and doctoral theses. My research interest is research-based teacher education and teacher’s professional development. I participate in several research projects on the development of teacher education and teaching profession.


My early research focuses on student learning and my PhD thesis is entitled; “Students' learning. Conceptions, approaches and outcomes of learning”. I did my postdoctoral period at the University of California, Berkeley with Jean Lave as supervising researcher.

My current research concerns research-based teacher education and teacher’s professional development. I participate in several Nordic research projects and I am interested in developing teacher education and its relevance for the educational community.

Selected publications

Scientific articles

Aalbergsjø, S. G., Henriksen, E., & Eklund, G. (2023). Fostering research literate science teachers: Science teacher educators’ views on research-based teacher education. Nordic Studies in Science Education, 19(1), 20–34.

Eklund, G., Mestad, I., Aksland, C., & Jegstad, K. M. (2022). Research assignments in teacher education – Norwegian undergraduate students’ experiences of the writing process. Acta Didactica Norden, 16(3), 1-21.

Kula, S., Eklund, G., & Kronholm-Cederberg, A. (2022). Kodknäckaren – Gymnasiestuderandes syn på ett genrepedagogiskt läromedel och dess betydelse för välmående och studieframgång. Finsk Tidskrift, 5, 35–59.

Jusslin, S., & Eklund, G. (2022). Intra-active pedagogy in practice- and arts-based master’s thesis projects in education: What can we learn from it? Journal for Research in Arts and Sports Education, 6(3), 121–137.

Sundqvist, K., & Eklund, G. (2022). Home Economic teachers’ ICT use in Finland seen from a lens of reciprocal determinism. International Journal of Home Economics, 14(2), 116–129.

Henriksson, J., Eklund, G., & Aspfors, J. (2021).  A genre shift in disseminating knowledge –Student teachers’ experiences of communicating their master’s theses as popular science. Nordic Journal of Education and Practice, 15(3), 70–87.

Sjöblom, P., Eklund, G., & Fagerlund, P. (2021). Student teachers’ views of outdoor education as teaching method. Two cases from Finland and Norway. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning.

Aspfors, J., Eklund, G., Holand, A., Fiskum, T., Hansén, S–E., & Jegstad, K. (2021). Scientifically Designed Teacher Education: Teacher Educators’ Perceptions in Norway and Finland. Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education, 5(1), 85–103.

Jegstad, K., Fiskum, T., Aspfors, J., & Eklund, G. (2021). Dichotomous and multifaceted – Teacher educators’ understanding of professional knowledge in research-based teacher education. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research.

Pajchel, K., Jegstad, K., Eklund, G., Aalbergsjø, S. G., & Sollid, P. Ø. D. (2021). The role of school placement within research-based teacher education – through the eyes of science mentors. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and practice.

Sundqvist, K., Korhonen, J., & Eklund, G. (2021). Predicting Finnish subject-teachers’ ICT use in Home Economics based on teacher- and school-level factors. Education Inquiry.

Haagensen, J., Eklund, G., & Aspfors, J. (2020). Values and beliefs matter – Newly qualified teachers’ experiences of relational trust. Journal of Teacher Education and Educator, 9(3), 329–347.

Sundqvist, K., Korhonen, J., & Eklund, G. (2020). Finnish subject-teachers’ beliefs and use of information and communication technology in Home Economics. Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy, 15(3), 202–222.

Eklund, G., Sundqvist, C., Lindell, M., & Toppinen, H. (2020). Primary school teachers’ views of three-tiered support. A study of Finnish primary school teachers’ experiences of their role and competence by implementing the three-tiered support. European Journal of Special Needs Education.

Aspfors, J., Eklund, G., & Hansén, S-E. (2019). Early Career Teachers’ Experiences of Developing Professional Knowledge – from Research-based Teacher Education to the First Five Years in the Profession. Nordisk Tidskrift för Allmän Didaktik, 5(1).

Eklund, G., Aspfors, J., & Hansén, S-E. (2019). Master’s thesis – a tool for professional development? Teachers’ experiences of master’s theses in Finnish teacher education. Nordic Journal of Education and Practice, 13(2), 76–92. 

Bendtsen, M., Eklund, G., Forsman, L., & Pörn, M. (2019). Student teachers’ experiences of action research-based projects: Two cases within initial teacher education in Finland. Educational Action Research.

Jakhelln, R., Eklund, G., Aspfors, J., Bjørndal, K., & Stølen, G. (2019). Newly qualified teachers’ understandings of research-based teacher education practices in Finland and Norway. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research.

Eklund, G. (2019). Master’s thesis as a part of research-based teacher education: A Finnish case. Journal of Teacher Education and Educator, 8(1), 5–20.

Aspfors, J., Eklund, G., Hansén, S-E., & Wikman, T. (2018). Equity, Trust, and Autonomy – Perspectives on Teacher Education in Finland. In K.G. Karras & C.C. Wolhuter (Eds.), International Handbook of Teacher Education (2nd ed., Vol. 1) (pp. 511–525). HM Studies.

Eklund, G. (2018). Does research-based teacher education matter? Student teachers' experiences of Research-Based Teacher Education in Finland. Nordisk Tidskrift för Allmän Didaktik, 4(1), 3–17.

Aspfors, J., & Eklund, G. (2017). Explicit and implicit perspectives on research-based teacher education – newly qualified teachers’ experiences in Finland. Journal of Education for Teaching – International Research and Pedagogy, 43(5).

Hansén, S-E., Eklund, G., & Sjöberg, J. (2015). General Didactics in Finnish Teacher Education – the case of class teacher education at Åbo Akademi University. Nordisk Tidskrift för Allmän Didaktik, 1(1), 7–20.

Eklund, G. (2014). A research-based teacher education in Finland – a dilemma for the students. Psychology Research, 4(7), 567–578.

Hansén, S-E., & Eklund, G. (2014). Finnish teacher education – challenges and possibilities. Journal of International Forum of Researchers in Education, 1(2).

Eklund-Myrskog, G., Sjöblom-Lehtinen, M., & Troberg H. (2007). Vad har du lärt dig i skolan idag? En studie kring elevers syn på vad de lärt sig i årskurs ett. SPEKTRI, 1, 24–25.

Hansén, S-E, Sjöberg, J., & Eklund-Myrskog, G. (2005). Must know, good to know, nice to know. Kärnstoffsanalys i lärarutbildningar. Nordic Studies in Education, 4, 400–412.

Eklund-Myrskog, G. (2000). Student nurses' understanding of caring science. Nurse Education Today, 2(20), 164–170.

Eklund-Myrskog, G. (2000). Finnish students’ approaches to learning in different educational contexts. Estudios Pedagogicos. Faculad de Filosofia Y Humanidades,25, 7–20. Universidad Austral De Chile, Valdivia, Chile.

Eklund-Myrskog, G., & Wenestam, C-G. (1999). Students’ approaches to learning in Finnish General Upper Secondary School. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 43(1), 5–18.

Eklund-Myrskog, G. (1998). The influence of the educational context on students' conceptions of learning. Higher Education, 35, 299–316.

Eklund-Myrskog, G. (1997). The influence of the educational context on students’ conceptions of learning and approaches to learning. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 3(67), 371–381.

Eklund-Myrskog, G. (1997). Studerandes inriktningar vid inlärning inom yrkesutbildning. En undersökning av studerandes inlärningsinriktningar inom ramen för två yrkesutbildningar i Finland. Kasvatus, 4, 326–337.

Eklund-Myrskog, G. (1997). Students' views of learning in vocational education. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 2, 179–188.

Eklund-Myrskog, G. (1997). Eleverna behöver nya utgångspunkter för inlärningen. SPEKTRI.

Eklund-Myrskog, G. (1996). Book Recension: Nyberg, R. (1996). Skriva avhandling och rapporter steg för steg. Guide för skribenter. Läraren.

Myrskog, G. (1994). Lärarstuderandes uppfattningar av inlärning i ett praktiskt respektive teoretiskt studiemoment i lärarutbildningen. Kasvatus, 5, 483–491.


Scientific books and chapters in books

Aksland, C., Mestad, I. Jegstad, K.M. og Eklund, G. (2024, in press). Masteroppgaver innen forskningsbasert lærerutdanning i naturfag: Studenters og lærerutdanneres perspektiver. I Henriksen, E.K., Jegstad, K.M, Mestad, I., Pajchel, K. og Eklund, G.: Fra forskningsfronten til klasserommet: Perspektiver på forskningsbasert lærerutdanning i naturfag. Universitetsforlaget.

Henriksen, E.K., Jegstad, K.M, Mestad, I., Pajchel, K. og Eklund, G. (2024, in press). Fra forskningsfronten til klasserommet: Perspektiver på forskningsbasert lærerutdanning i naturfag. Universitetsforlaget.

Hansén, S-E., Aspfors, J., Eklund, G., & Wikman, T. (2023). Att gestalta vetenskaplig text. Studentlitteratur.

Aspfors, J., Eklund, G., Hansén, S-E., & Wikman, T. (2018). Equity, Trust, and Autonomy – Perspectives on Teacher Education in Finland. In K.G. Karras & C.C. Wolhuter (Eds.), International Handbook of Teacher Education (2nd ed., Vol. 1) (pp. 511–525). HM Studies.

Nyberg, R., & Eklund, G. (2012). Gör källförteckning. In R. Nyberg & A. Tidström, (Eds.), Skriv vetenskapliga uppsatser, examensarbeten och avhandlingar (pp. 293–312). Studentlitteratur.

Nyberg, R., & Eklund, G. (2012). Ange källor i texten. In R. Nyberg & A. Tidström, (Eds)., Skriv vetenskapliga uppsatser, examensarbeten och avhandlingar (pp. 271–292). Studentlitteratur.

Eklund, G., & Sjöberg, J. (Red.), (2010). Att växa till lärare. (Special edition no. 4). Åbo Akademi University, Faculty of Education.

Eklund, G. (2010). Student teachers’ views of the scientific thesis within teacher education in Finland. I G. Eklund & J. Sjöberg (Eds.), Att växa till lärare. (pp. 11–28). (Special edition no. 4). Åbo Akademi University, Faculty of Education.

Eklund-Myrskog, G., & Jeskanen, R. (2006). Klasslärares syn på integrering och inklusion av elever med Downs syndrom i den allmänna skolan. (Publication no. 13). Åbo Akademi University, Faculty of Education.

Eklund-Myrskog, G. (2006). Inlärningsforskningens betydelse för lärarens arbete? In M. Bendtsen, M. Björklund, C. Fant, & L. Forsman (Eds.), Språk, lärande och utbildning i sikte. Festskrift tillägnad professor Kaj Sjöholm (pp. 263–272). (Report no. 20). Åbo Akademi University, Faculty of Education.

Hansén, S-E., Sjöberg, J., & Eklund-Myrskog, G. (2004). Pedagogiken i lärarutbildningen – perspektiv på en kärnstoffsanalys. In M. Lundkvist & C. Öhberg (Eds.), Det synliga barnet. Praktiska och teoretiska perspektiv på pedagogiken. Festskrift tillägnad Marita Lindahl. (pp. 141–156). (Report no. 9). Åbo Akademi University, Faculty of Education.

Eklund-Myrskog, G. (2003). What is learning for me and how do I learn. In J. Sjöberg, H. Andersson & O. Björkqvist (Eds.), Läraren och pedagogiken. Festkrift tillägnad Sven-Erik Hansén (pp. 151–163). Åbo Akademi University Press.

Hansén, S-E, Sjöberg, J., & Eklund-Myrskog, G. (Eds.), (2000). Att spana i tiden. Pedagogiska utblickar. Festskrift tillägnad Håkan Andersson. Åbo Akademi University Press.

Eklund-Myrskog, G. (2000). Klasslärarstuderandes syn på pedagogik och på pedagogiska studier inom lärarutbildningen. In S-E Hansén, J. Sjöberg & G. Eklund-Myrskog (Eds.), Att spana i tiden. Pedagogiska utblickar. Festskrift tillägnad Håkan Andersson. (pp. 61–69). Åbo Akademi University Press.

Hansén, S-E., & Eklund-Myrskog, G. (1999). Review: Perspectives: Key concepts for understanding curriculum (Volume 1). Curriculum Studies, 31(1), pp. 107–126.

Eklund-Myrskog, G. (1998). Studerandes förhållningssätt till inlärning vid inträdet till yrkesutbildning. In G. Eklund-Myrskog, (Ed.), Individers inlärning i ett yrkespedagogiskt perspektiv. (pp. 23–36). Nordiskt yrkespedagogiskt nätverk. FoU samarbete 1997–1998. Arbetsrapport till Nordiska Ministerrådet.

Eklund-Myrskog, G. (Ed.), (1998).  Individers inlärning i ett yrkespedagogiskt perspektiv. Nordiskt yrkespedagogiskt nätverk. FoU samarbete 1997–1998. Arbetsrapport till Nordiska Ministerrådet.

Hansen, S–E. & Eklund-Myrskog, G. (1997). Jag lär så länge jag (har e)lever. I S. Lindgren & J. Sjöberg (Eds.), Lärandet som livshållning. Det livslånga lärandet i ett finlandssvenskt perspektiv. (pp. 105–122).  Finnish National Agency for Education.

Eklund-Myrskog, G. (1996). Yrkeskolstuderandes beredskap för ett livslångt lärande. En undersökning av studerandes inlärningsinriktningar inom ramen för två yrkesutbildningar i Finland. In B. Petterson (Ed.), Kongressrapport från Nordisk Yrkespedagogisk Konferens. Gothenburg, Sweden.

Eklund-Myrskog, G. (1996). Studerandes förståelse av sin egen inlärning och roll i inlärningsprocessen. In G. Eklund-Myrskog, O. Liljefelt, & J-F Waage (Eds.), Personers laering i yrkesfaglige sammenhenger: Dryftinger og empiriske arbeider fra en arbetsgruppe. Nordiskt yrkespedagogiskt nätverk. FoU samarbete 1995–1996. Arbetsrapport till Nordiska Ministerrådet.

Eklund-Myrskog, G., Liljefelt, O., & Waage, J-F (Eds.), (1996). Personers laering i yrkesfaglige sammenhenger: Dryftinger og empiriske arbeider fra en arbetsgruppe. Nordiskt yrkespedagogiskt nätverk. FoU samarbete 1995–1996. Arbetsrapport till Nordiska Ministerrådet.

Eklund-Myrskog, G. (1996). Forskning kring uppfattningar av inlärning. Kontextrelaterad inlärnings- och kognitionsforskning In G. Eklund-Myrskog, O. Liljefelt, & J-F Waage (Eds.), Personers laering i yrkesfaglige sammenhenger: Dryftinger og empiriske arbeider fra en arbetsgruppe. Nordiskt yrkespedagogiskt nätverk. FoU samarbete 1995–1996. Arbetsrapport till Nordiska Ministerrådet.

Eklund-Myrskog, G. (1996). Students’ ideas of learning. Conceptions, approaches, and outcomes in different educational contexts. Doctoral thesis. Åbo Akademi University Press.

Hansen, S-E., & Myrskog, G. (1994). Läroplansreform och inlärningssyn. I Wickman-Skult (Ed.), Grundskolan förändras. Läroplansarbete i blickpunkten (pp. 14–22). Finnish National Agency for Education.

Hansen, S-E. & Myrskog, G. (1993). Inlärningssyn. In Skolans värdegrund (pp. 39–48). Förbundet hem och skola i Finland.

Myrskog, G. (1993). Lärares syn på studerandes inlärning. En studie rörande uppfattningar av studerandes inlärning bland lärare vid Vasa svenska hälsovårdsläroanstalt (Publication no. 5). Åbo Akademi University, Faculty of Education.

Myrskog, G. (1993). Tankar om inlärning. En studie av lärarstuderandes uppfattningar av inlärning i relation till olika kontexter inom lärarutbildningen (Report no. 6). Åbo Akademi University, Faculty of Education.

Myrskog, G., Sundqvist, R., & Wenestam, C-G. (Eds.), (1992). Lärarutbildningen i Finland: Exemplet Åbo Akademi. In R. Mykletun (Ed.), Kongressrapport fra den 20. nordiske kongress for pedagogisk forskning (pp. 393–411). Stavanger, Norway.

Myrskog, G. (1990). Inriktningar och strategier vid inlärning bland klasslärarstuderande. Master’s thesis in Education. Åbo Akademi University, Faculty of Education.

Eklund, G. (1990). Inlärning innebär utveckling. In R. Nyberg (Ed.), Inlärning och motivation bland studerande i finlandssvenska handelsläroanstalter (Yrkesutbildningsserien no 3, pp. 13–51). Hämeenlinnan opettajankoulutuslaitos


I teach university pedagogy and pedagogy, with a focus on research-based teaching and learning. I also supervise master's thesis in special pedagogy within primary school teacher education.

Short biography

2024 Professor in Education, University of Agder, Norway

2018-2022 Professor II, Oslo Metropolitan University, Oslo, Norway

2013 Associate professor, Åbo Akademi University, Finland

2018-2022, 2014-2016, 1997-1998 Research manager (vice professor), Åbo Akademi University, Finland

2017- Senior lecturer in Education, Åbo Akademi University, Finland

1997-2017, 1993-1994 Lecturer in Education, Åbo Akademi University, Finland


  • Aalbergsjø, Siv Gundrosen; Henriksen, Ellen Karoline & Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria (2023). Fostering research literate science teachers: Science teacher educators’ views on research-based teacher education. Nordic Studies in Science Education. ISSN 1504-4556. 19(1), p. 20–34. doi: 10.5617/NORDINA.9582.
  • Kula, Stefan; Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria & Kronholm, Anette (2022). Kodknäckaren – Gymnasiestuderandes syn på ett genrepedagogiskt läromedel och dess betydelse för välmående och studieframgång. Finsk Tidskrift (FT). ISSN 0015-248X. p. 35–59.
  • Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria; Mestad, Idar; Aksland, Charlotte & Jegstad, Kirsti Marie (2022). Research assignments in teacher education - Norwegian undergraduate student teachers' experiences of the writing process. Acta Didactica Norden (ADNO). ISSN 2535-8219. 16(3). doi: 10.5617/adno.9196. Full text in Research Archive
  • Jusslin, Sofia & Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria (2022). Doing arts-based master’s thesis supervision/writing in teacher education: A new materialist approach to supervision. Journal for Research in Arts and Sports Education. ISSN 2535-2857. 6(3), p. 121–137. doi: 10.23865/jased.v6.3538.
  • Aspfors, Jessica Marianne; Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria; Holand, Anna Marie; Fiskum, Tove Anita; Hansen, Sven-Erik & Jegstad, Kirsti Marie (2021). Scientifically Designed Teacher Education: Teacher Educators’ Perceptions in Norway and Finland. Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education (NJCIE). ISSN 2535-4051. 5, p. 85–103. doi: 10.7577/njcie.4122.
  • Sundqvist, Karin & Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria (2021). Home Economic Teachers’ ICT Use in Finland Seen From a Lens of Reciprocal Determinism. International Journal of Home Economics. ISSN 1999-561X. 14(2), p. 116–129.
  • Henriksson, John; Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria & Aspfors, Jessica (2021). A genre shift in disseminating knowledge: Student teachers’ experiences of communicating their master’s theses as popular science. Nordisk tidsskrift for utdanning og praksis. ISSN 2535-7697. 15(3), p. 70–87. doi: 10.23865/up.v15.3227.
  • Sjöblom, Pia; Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria & Fagerlund, Petra (2021). Student teachers’ views of outdoor education as teaching method. Two cases from Finland and Norway. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning. ISSN 1472-9679. doi: 10.1080/14729679.2021.2011338.
  • Jegstad, Kirsti Marie; Fiskum, Tove Anita; Aspfors, Jessica & Eklund, Gunilla (2021). Dichotomous and Multifaceted: Teacher Educators’ Understanding of Professional Knowledge in Research-based Teacher Education. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research. ISSN 0031-3831. 66(6). doi: 10.1080/00313831.2021.1958255. Full text in Research Archive
  • Pajchel, Katarina; Jegstad, Kirsti Marie; Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria; Aalbergsjø, Siv Gundrosen & Sollid, Per Øyvind (2021). The role of school placement within research-based teacher education–through the eyes of science mentors. Teachers and Teaching: theory and practice. ISSN 1354-0602. doi: 10.1080/13540602.2021.1933416.
  • Sundqvist, Karin; Korhonen, Johan & Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria (2020). Finnish subject-teachers’ beliefs and use of information and communication technology in Home Economics. Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy. ISSN 1891-943X. 15(3), p. 202–222. doi: 10.18261.
  • Eklund, Gunilla; Sundqvist, Christel; Lindell, Matilda & Toppinen, Heidi (2020). A study of Finnish primary school teachers’ experiences of their role and competences by implementing the three-tiered support. European Journal of Special Needs Education. ISSN 0885-6257. doi: 10.1080/08856257.2020.1790885. Full text in Research Archive
  • Sundqvist, Karin; Korhonen, Johan & Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria (2020). Predicting Finnish subject-teachers’ ICT use in Home Economics based on teacher- and school-level factors. Education Inquiry. ISSN 2000-4508. doi: 10.1080/20004508.2020.1778609.
  • Aspfors, Jessica ; Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria & Hansen, Sven-Erik (2019). Early Career Teachers’ Experiences of Developing Professional Knowledge: from research-based teacher education through five years in the profession. Nordisk Tidskrift för Allmän Didaktik. ISSN 2002-2832. 5(1), p. 2–18. Full text in Research Archive
  • Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria; Aspfors, Jessica & Hansen, Sven-Erik (2019). Master’s thesis – a tool for professional development? Teachers’ experiences from Finnish teacher education. Nordisk tidsskrift for utdanning og praksis. ISSN 2535-7697. 13(2), p. 76–92. doi: 10.23865/up.v13.1973. Full text in Research Archive
  • Bendtsen, Marina; Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria; Forsman, Liselott & Pörn, Michaela (2019). Student teachers' experiences of action research-based projects: Two cases within initial teacher education in Finland. . Educational Action Research. ISSN 0965-0792. doi: 10.1080/09650792.2019.1684969.
  • Jakhelln, Rachel Elise; Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria; Aspfors, Jessica ; Bjørndal, Kristin Emilie W & Stølen, Gerd (2019). Newly qualified teachers' understandings of research-based teacher education practices-Two cases From Finland and Norway. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research. ISSN 0031-3831. p. 1–18. doi: 10.1080/00313831.2019.1659402. Full text in Research Archive
  • Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria (2019). Master’s thesis as a part of research-based teacher education: A Finnish case. Journal of Teacher Education and Educators. ISSN 2147-0456. 8(1), p. 5–20.
  • Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria (2018). Does research-based teacher education matter? Student teachers' experiences of Research-Based Teacher Education in Finland. Nordisk Tidskrift för Allmän Didaktik. ISSN 2002-2832. 4(1), p. 3–17. doi: 10.1080/09650792.2019.1684969.
  • Aspfors, Jessica ; Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria; Hansèn, Sven-erik & Wikman, Tom (2018). Equity, trust and autonomy - Perspectives on teacher education in Finland. In Karras, K.G. & Wolhuter, C. C. (Ed.), International Handbook on Teacher Education Worldwide: Issues and Challenges for Teacher Profession. HM Studies & Publishing. ISSN 978-9963-2415-5-2. p. 511–526.
  • Aspfors, Jessica & Eklund, Gunilla (2017). Explicit and implicit perspectives on research-based teacher education - newly qualified teachers’ experiences in Finland. Journal of Education for Teaching. ISSN 0260-7476. 43(4), p. 400–413. doi: 10.1080/02607476.2017.1297042.
  • Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria; Hansen, Sven-Erik & Sjöberg, Jan (2015). General Didactics in Finnish Teacher Education – the case of class teacher education at Åbo Akademi University. Nordisk Tidskrift för Allmän Didaktik. ISSN 2002-2832. 1(1), p. 7–20.
  • Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria (2014). A research-based teacher education in Finland - a dilemma for the students. Journal of Psychology Research. ISSN 2159-5542. 4(7), p. 567–578. doi: 10.17265/2159-5542/2014.07.005.
  • Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria & Hansén, Sven-Erik (2014). Finnish teacher education – challenges and possibilities. . Journal of International Forum of Researchers in Education. ISSN 2349-2708. 1(2).
  • Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria (2010). Student teachers’ views of the scientific thesis within teacher education in Finland. . In Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria & Sjöberg, Jan (Ed.), Att växa till lärare. Åbo Akademi, Pedagogiska fakulteten. p. 11–28.
  • Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria; Hansen, Sven-Erik & Sjöberg, Jan (2005). Must know, good to know, nice to know. Kärnstoffsanalys i lärarutbildningar. . Nordic Studies in Education. ISSN 1891-5914. 4, p. 400–412.
  • Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria (2000). Finnish students’ approaches to learning in different educational contexts. Estudios Pedagógicos. ISSN 0716-050X. 25, p. 7–20.
  • Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria (2000). Student nurses' understanding of caring science. Nurse Education Today. ISSN 0260-6917. 20(2), p. 164–170.
  • Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria & Wenestam, Claes-Göran (1999). Students’ approaches to learning in Finnish General Upper Secondary School. . Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research. ISSN 0031-3831. 43(1), p. 5–18.
  • Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria (1998). The influence of the educational context on students' conceptions of learning. Higher Education. ISSN 0018-1560. 35, p. 299–316.
  • Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria (1997). Studerandes inriktningar vid inlärning inom yrkesutbildning. En undersökning av studerandes inlärningsinriktningar inom ramen för två yrkesutbildningar i Finland. Kas­va­tus. ISSN 0022-927X. 4, p. 326–337.
  • Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria (1997). Students' views of learning in vocational education. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research. ISSN 0031-3831. 2, p. 179–188.
  • Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria (1997). The influence of the educational context on students' conceptions of learning and approaches to learning. British Journal of Educational Psychology. ISSN 0007-0998. 3(67), p. 371–381.
  • Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria (1994). Lärarstuderandes uppfattningar av inlärning i ett praktiskt respektive teoretiskt studiemoment i lärarutbildningen. Kas­va­tus. ISSN 0022-927X. 5, p. 483–491.
  • Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria (1994). Lärarstuderandes uppfattningar av inlärning i ett praktiskt respektive teoretiskt studiemoment i lärarutbildningen. Kas­va­tus. ISSN 0022-927X. 5, p. 483–491.

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  • Hansen, Sven-Erik; Aspfors, Jessica Marianne; Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria & Wikman, Tom (2023). Att gestalta vetenskaplig text. Studentlitteratur AB. ISBN 9789144161884. 122 p.

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  • Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria (2024). Webinar: Nordic research on teacher education. [Internet]. Knowledge Centre for Education, University of Stavanger.
  • Aspfors, Jessica Marianne; Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria & Henriksson, John (2024). Bridging theory and practice   – student teachers’ communication of their master’s thesis with a popular scientific approach.
  • Jegstad, Kirsti Marie; Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria; Aksland, Charlotte & Mestad, Idar (2023). Norwegian science teacher educators’ views of the master’s thesis within teacher education for primary and lower secondary school.
  • Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria; Mestad, Idar; Aksland, Charlotte & Jegstad, Kirsti Marie (2021). Naturfagstudenters erfaringer med og oppfatning av FOU-oppgaven i syklus 1.
  • Henriksson, John; Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria & Aspfors, Jessica Marianne (2021). Student Teachers’ Communication of Their Master’s Theses in a Popular Scientific Way – An action research study .
  • Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria; Mestad, Idar; Aksland, Charlotte & Jegstad, Kirsti Marie (2021). Student teachers' experiences of writing research assignments – challenging and inspiring .
  • Aalbergsjø, Siv Gundrosen; Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria & Henriksen, Ellen Karoline (2021). Science teacher educators' ideas about research-based science teacher education.
  • Bendtsen, Marina; Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria; Forsman, Liselott & Pörn, Michaela (2019). Student teachers’ experiences of action research-based projects: Two cases within initial teacher education in Finland.
  • Pajchel, Katarina; Jegstad, Kirsti Marie; Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria; Aalbergsjø, Siv Gundrosen & Sollid, Per Øyvind Dokken (2019). Practice teachers’ views and experiences of research-based science teacher education – a case within initial teacher education in Norway.
  • Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria; Haagensen, Jenny & Aspfors, Jessica (2019). Newly qualified teachers’ perceptions of their relational competence.
  • Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria (2019). Student teachers’ experiences of writing their master’s theses as action research based projects.
  • Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria (2018). Supervision of Master’s thesis within Finnish teacher education – challenges and opportunities.
  • Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria (2018). Master’s thesis in teacher education: experiences from a Finnish case. .
  • Jakhelln, Rachel Elise; Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria; Aspfors, Jessica ; Bjørndal, Kristin Emilie W & Stølen, Gerd (2018). Newly qualified teachers’ understanding of research-based teacher education in Finland and Norway.
  • Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria & Aspfors, Jessica (2017). Early career teachers’ experiences of professional knowledge from the research-based teacher education in Finland.
  • Aspfors, Jessica & Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria (2017). Student teachers’ experiences of research-based teacher education in Finland.
  • Aspfors, Jessica & Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria (2016). Newly qualified teachers' experiences of the research-based teacher education in Finland.
  • Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria (2015). A Research-oriented teacher Education in Finland – Challenges and Opportunities.
  • Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria (2014). A research-based teacher education in Finland - a dilemma for the students.
  • Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria & Nyberg, Rainer (2012). Skriv vetenskapliga uppsatser, examensarbeten och avhandlingar . In Nyberg, Rainer & Tidström, Annika (Ed.), Skriv vetenskapliga uppsatser, examensarbeten och avhandlingar. Studentlitteratur AB. ISSN 978-91-44-07775-8. p. 293–312.
  • Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria & Nyberg, Rainer (2012). Skriv vetenskapliga uppsatser, examensarbeten och avhandlingar. In Nyberg, Rainer & Tidström, Annika (Ed.), Skriv vetenskapliga uppsatser, examensarbeten och avhandlingar. Studentlitteratur AB. ISSN 978-91-44-07775-8. p. 271–292.
  • Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria (2012). Student teachers’ views of research and science within teacher education in Finland. .
  • Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria (2009). Student teachers’ views of the scientific thesis within teacher education in Finland. .
  • Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria (2007). Student teachers' ideas of writing a scientific thesis within teacher education in Finland. .
  • Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria (2006). Student teachers' ideas of writing a scientific thesis within teacher education in Finland.
  • Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria; Hansen, Sven-Erik & Sjöberg, Jan (2005). Must know, good to know, nice to know - A core content analysis of Pedagogy in Teacher Education. .
  • Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria & Sjöberg, Jan (2010). Att växa till lärare. Åbo Akademi, Pedagogiska fakulteten.
  • Bjerknes, Ellen; Svejgaard, Karin; Waage, Jan Fredrik & Eklund-Myrskog (red., Gunilla (1999). Individers inläring i ett yrkespedagogiskt perspektiv : Nordisk yrkespedagogisk nättverk : FoU samarbete 1997-1998 : sluttrapport. Vasa.
  • Waage, Jan Fredrik; Eklund-Myrskog, Gunilla & Liljefelt, Owe (1997). Personers læring i yrkesfaglige sammenhenger : drøftinger og empiriske arbeider fra en arbeidsgruppe. Høgskulen på Vestlandet.
  • Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria (1996). Students’ ideas of learning. Conceptions, approaches, and outcomes in different educational contexts. Åbo Akademi University Press. ISSN 952-9616-68-6.
  • Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria (1993). Tankar om inlärning. En studie av lärarstuderandes uppfattningar av inlärning i relation till olika kontexter inom lärarutbildningen. . Åbo Akademi University Press. ISSN 951-650-302-0.

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Published Apr. 16, 2024 11:21 AM - Last modified May 13, 2024 3:40 PM