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General didactics and education policies

We do research on the relationship between national and global education policies, as well as on teaching in institutional settings. Democracy, diversity, Bildung-theory, teacher education and vocational training are all key themes.

Central fields of experise in the group are philosophy of education, critical theory, Bildung-theory, curriculum research, classroom research, gender research, preschool research and vocational educational research.

General didactics (Allgemein Didaktik, allmenndidaktikk) explores the foundations of teaching in institutional settings. This didactics involves extensive European traditions associated with Bildung-theory, pedagogical philosophy and critical perspectives. 

We are especially interested in how directives of educational policies at national and global levels influences curricula, regulatory documents and teaching in schools, kindergartens and universities. These educational policies represent challenges and opportunities for general didactics, Bildung-processes, democracy, diversity and inclusion.

Selected publications

  • Birkeland, Nils Rune;  Cameron,  David Lansing og Aasebø, Turid Skarre (2022): Bruk av «mixed methods»-design som forskningstilnærming – erfaringer fra en studie av arbeidsplassbasert barnehagelærerutdanning. I Moxnes. A.R. m fl. (red). Barnehagelærerutdanning i endring. Å forske på egen undervisningspraksis i høyere utdanning (kap 12, 174-187). Universitetsforlaget.
  • Ivashenko Amdal, I., & Mastad, L. B. T. (2022). Forståelsen av lærerutdannerrollen blant skolebaserte lærerutdannere i Norge. Acta Didactica Norden, 16(1), 23 sider.
  • Kjenes Arnesen, S. M., Jensen , A. R., Grindal Patil, G., & Berget, B. (2022). Gården som arena for tilpasset opplæring: Erfaringer med gård–skole-tilbud i et inkluderingsperspektiv. Nordisk tidsskrift for utdanning og praksis, 16(1), 101–118.
  • Aasebø, T. S., & Willbergh, I. (2022). Empowering minority students: a study of cultural references in the teaching content. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 54(5), 618-631.
  • Cameron, D. L., Stray, I. E., & Skreland, L. L. (2021). Lower secondary school pupils’ written descriptions of their experiences with bullying and the tendency to seek help. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 26(1), 487-500. doi:10.1080/02673843.2021.2001348
  • Willbergh, I. (2021). Bildung-Centered General Didactics. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education. doi:
  • Nome, D. Ø., Olsen, A. K. V., Skreland, L. L., & Spieler, K. S. (2021). Prosjektarbeid i barnehagen – mellom bekvemmelighet og medvirkning. Nordisk tidsskrift for pedagogikk og kritikk, 7.
  • Qvortrup, Ane; Mikkelsen, Chanette Catharina Bach (2021). Lærerens didaktiske valg og deres betydning for eleven i undervisningen - En empirisk undersøgelse af didaktiske kernebegreber, hvordan de kommer til udtryk i interaktioner i folkeskolens udskoling og deres betydning for elevens meningsdannelser. Nordisk tidskrift för allmän didaktik (NoAD). ISSN: 2002-2832. 7 (1). s 2 - 18.
  • Jensen, Andreas Reier (2019). Innvielse til læreryrket. En analyse av praksislæreres veiledningssamtaler. Oslo, Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
  • Ringereide, Hans Otto & Özerk, Kamil (2019). A New Approach to Vocational Teacher Training - A Norwegian Innovative Experience. Journal of Education and Human Development, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 18-28.
  • Jensen, Andreas. R. (2019). Access in Primary Education (Norway). I Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies. Bloomsbury Publishing. London.  DOI: 10.5040/9781350996304.0013
  • Birkeland, N R; Cameron, D L, Aasebø, T S, og Wergeland-Yates, M (2019). Kunnskapsdeling i Arbeidsplassbasert barnehagelærerutdanning: Fra ideal til praktisk virkelighet. Uniped, 3. DOI: 10.18261/issn.1893-8981-2019-03-07
  • Willbergh, Ilmi & Aasebø, Turid Skarre (2018). ‘Sociability before individuality’: lesson structure in lower secondary classrooms. Journal of Curriculum Studies: doi: 10.1080/00220272.2018.1558458
  • Tveit, Sverre & Rolf Vegar Olsen (2018). Eksamens mange roller i sertifisering, styring og støtte av læring og undervisning i norsk grunnopplæring. Acta Didactica Norge - tidsskrift for fagdidaktisk forsknings- og utviklingsarbeid i Norge. 2018, 12 (4),
  • Witsø, Hilde (2018.) Does the introduction of learning management systems in vocational education and training affect learning? A Norwegian experience. JISTE (Journal of the International Society for Teacher Education) 22 (2), pp. 15-22.
  • Nome, Dag (2018). Social life among toddlers in kindergarten as communicative musicality. Psychology of Music, 0305735618816159.
  • Nome, Dag (2018). Vennskap i småbarnsavdelinger som private relasjoner på en offentlig arena. Nordisk tidsskrift for pedagogikk og kritikk, 4.
  • Stray, Ingunn Elisabeth & Helen Eikeland Voreland (2017). Refractions of the Global Educational Agenda. Educational possibilities in an ambigous policy terrain. In T. Rudd & I. F. Goodson (Eds.), Negotiating Neoliberalism, 87–99. SensePublishers, Rotterdam
  • Aasebø, Turid Skarre; Midtsundstad, Jorunn & Willbergh, Ilmi (2017). Teaching in the age of accountability: restrained by school culture? Journal of Curriculum Studies, Vol.49(3), pp.273-290.
  • Garmannslund, Per Einar & Witsø, Hilde (2017). Lærings- og arbeidsvaner hos lærlinger. Nordic Journal of Vocational Education and Training. ISSN 2242-458X. 7 (1), s 23 - 41 doi: 10.3384/njvet.2242-458X.177123
  • Nome, Dag. Ø. (2017). De yngste barna og tingene deres –en ANT-analyse av lek i småbarnsavdelinger. Tidsskrift for Nordisk barnehageforskning, 14.
  • Willbergh, I. (2017). The Representation of Reality in Teaching: A “Mimetic Didactic” Perspective on Examples in Plenary Talk. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 61(5), 616-627. doi:10.1080/00313831.2016.1172500
  • Stray, Ingunn. E. (2017). Teachers' ways in times of fluidity; Idiosyncratic cultural responses to global educational reform movements. Doctoral dissertations at University of Agder.
  • Birkeland, N.R., Aasebø, T. S., Nome, D. & Wergeland-Yates, M. (2016). Bacheloroppgaven som møteplass mellom praktisk og teoretisk profesjonsforståelse i barnehagelærerstudiet. Uniped, 39 (03)
  • Willbergh, Ilmi (2016). Bringing teaching back in: The Norwegian NOU The school of the future in light of the Allgemeine Didaktik theory of Wolfgang Klafki. Nordic Journal of Pedagogy and Critique, 2(3), 111–124. doi:
  • Willbergh, Ilmi (2015). The problems of ‘competence’ and alternatives from the Scandinavian perspective of Bildung. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 47(3), 334-354. doi:10.1080/00220272.2014.1002112
  • Stray, Torstein & Stray, Ingunn. E. (2014). Alle elever har behov for å bli forstått. I TNM Bunting. Tilpasset opplæring-i forskning og praksis, 56-80.

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Tags: Education and teacher training
Published Apr. 25, 2024 1:00 PM - Last modified May 28, 2024 10:59 AM