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Rotem Shneor

Institutt for strategi og ledelse
+47 38142311
Kontor 9I257 (Universitetsveien 19, 4630 Kristiansand, Norway)


Rotem Shneor er professor i entreprenørskap ved Universitetet i Agder (UiA) Handelshøyskolen i Norge, og fungerer som leder av universitetets Crowdfunding Research Center. Han har en doktorgrad i internasjonal ledelse fra UiA og en mastergrad i internasjonal virksomhet fra Norges Handelshøyskole (NHH).

Forskningen hans inkluderer spørsmål knyttet til crowdfunding-atferd og motivasjoner, internettmarkedsføring, internasjonal markedsføring, og kognitive aspekter ved entreprenørskap.

Han har publisert i ledende tidsskrifter, inkludert Journal of Business Research (JBR), Entrepreneurship and Regional Development (ERD), Decision Support Systems (DSS), Venture Capital (VC), Electronic Markets (EM), E-Commerce Research and Applications (ECRA), Business Horizons (BH), Cross Cultural Management (CCM), Journal of Product & Brand Management (JPBM), International Journal of Emerging Markets (IJoEM), Journal of e-Business, Global Business and Organizational Excellence (GBOE), og Baltic Journal of Management ( BJM) blant andre.

Siden 2023 fungerer han som sjefredaktør for Journal of Alternative Finance (ALF) utgitt av SAGE publishing.

I tillegg har Prof. Shneor fungert som hovedredaktør på et populært redigert bind om Advances in Crowdfunding Research and Practice av Palgrave McMillan, og medredigert flere spesialutgaver for Baltic Journal of Management (BJM).

De siste årene har han også fungert som assisterende forsker ved Cambridge University Center for Alternative Finance, medforfatter av de årlige benchmarking-rapportene for alternativ finans.

De siste tiårene har han undervist i en rekke kurs i entreprenørskap, markedsføring og forbrukeratferd på bachelor-, master- og doktorgradsnivå, samt veiledet dusinvis av vellykkede masteroppgaver og flere doktorgradsavhandlinger innen ulike områder.

I tillegg til sin akademiske forskning og undervisning, er han tett involvert i industrisamarbeid med gründere og aktører innen crowdfunding og FinTech-sektorene.

Hans ekspertise har gjort ham til en populær foredragsholder og mediekommentator i spørsmål knyttet til crowdfunding i Norden, Europa og globalt, og har holdt foredrag og seminarer rundt om i verden om relaterte temaer.


Faglige interesser

- Mortivasjoner for Crowdfunding-bidrag og engasjement

- Suksessfaktorer for Crowdfunding-kampanjer

- Sammenligninger på tvers av Crowdfunding-betingelser og dynamikk

- Fellesskapsaspekter ved Crowdfunding-atferd

- Korte- og langsiktige effekter av Crowdfunding-opplevelser

- Faktorer som påvirker entreprenørielle intensjoner til studenter

Utvalgte publikasjoner

Shneor, R., L. Zhao, and J. Fabian Michael Goedecke (2023), On relationship types, their strength, and reward crowdfunding backer behavior. Journal of Business Research. 154: p. 113294 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2022.08.058.

Lukkarinen, A., Shneor, R., & Wallenius, J. (2022). Growing pains and blessings: Manifestations and implications of equity crowdfunding industry maturation. Decision Support Systems, 157, 113768. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dss.2022.113768

Zhao, L., Shneor, R., & Sun, Z. (2022). Skin in the game: Self-funding and reward crowdfunding success. Business Horizons, 65(1), 89-100. https://doi.orh/10.1016/j.bushor.2021.09.007

Baah-Peprah, P., & Shneor, R. (2022). A trust-based crowdfunding campaign marketing framework: theoretical underpinnings and big-data analytics practice. International Journal of Big Data Management, 2(1), 1-24. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJBDM.2022.119453

Serwaah, P., & Shneor, R. (2021). Women and entrepreneurial finance: a systematic review. Venture Capital, 23(4), 291-319. https://doi.org/10.1080/13691066.2021.2010507

Shneor, R., Munim, Z. H., Zhu, H., & Alon, I. (2021). "Individualism, collectivism and reward crowdfunding contribution intention and behavior". Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 47, 101045. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.elerap.2021.101045

Shneor, R., Mrzygłód, U., Adamska-Mieruszewska, J. and Fornalska-Skurczyńska, A. (2021) "The role of social trust in reward crowdfunding campaigns’ design and success". Electron Markets. 32,  1103–1118.  https://doi.org/10.1007/s12525-021-00456-5

Munim, Z.H.Shneor, R.Adewumi, O.M. and Shakil, M.H. (2020), "Determinants of crowdfunding intention in a developing economy: ex-ante evidence from Bangladesh", International Journal of Emerging Markets, 16(6), 1105-1125. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJOEM-08-2019-0657

Shneor, R. and Vik, A.A. (2020), "Crowdfunding success: a systematic literature review 2010–2017", Baltic Journal of Management, Vol. 15 No. 2, pp. 149-182. doi:https://doi.org/10.1108/BJM-04-2019-0148

Shneor, R. & Munim, Z. H. (2019). Reward crowdfunding contribution as planned behaviour: An extended framework. Journal of Business Research, Vol. 103, No. ahead of print, pp. 56-70. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2019.06.013




Bachelor courses:

  • Entrepreneurship and Innovation 
  • Entrepreneurship Lab 
  • Entrepreneurship for Art Students 
  • Entrepreneruship for Tourism Students 
  • Consumer Behavior

Master's courses:

  • Crowdfunding Lab
  • International Marketing
  • Internationalization Lab

PhD courses:

  • International Marketing


  • Shneor, Rotem & Ryu, Sunghan (2024). Digital Creative Entrepreneurship. I Ryu, Sunghan; Xiang, Yong & Zhang, Weiming (Red.), Guide to Digital Innovation in the Cultural and Creative Industry. Sage Publications. ISSN 978-1071909980. s. 95–108.
  • Rykkja, Anders; Shneor, Rotem; Mæhle, Natalia & Munim, Ziaul Haque (2024). Cultural Crowdfunding: Does Experience Matter? Beta. ISSN 0801-3322. 31(1), s. 1–18. doi: 10.18261/beta.37.1.7. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Baah-Peprah, Prince; Shneor, Rotem & Munim, Ziaul Haque (2024). “In this together”: on the antecedents and implications of crowdfunding community identification and trust. Venture Capital : an International Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance. ISSN 1369-1066. s. 1–31. doi: 10.1080/13691066.2024.2310232. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Arshad, Nadia; Shneor, Rotem & Berndt, Adele (2023). The reward crowdfunding campaign management process: an engagement perspective. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research. ISSN 1355-2554. 30(11), s. 1–18. doi: 10.1108/IJEBR-05-2023-0480. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Serwaah, Priscilla; Shneor, Rotem; Anokye Nyarko, Samuel & Roed Nielsen, Kristian (2023). Explaining gender differences in crowdfunding contribution intentions. Technology in society. ISSN 0160-791X. 76. doi: 10.1016/j.techsoc.2023.102425. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Meghouar, Hicham; Ezzahid, Hibbat-Allah & Shneor, Rotem (2023). What drives the use of crowdfunding by micro-entrepreneurs in Morocco? – exploring fundraiser motives and characteristics. Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies. ISSN 2053-4604. doi: 10.1108/JEEE-04-2023-0177. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Efrat, Kalanit; Gilboa, Shaked; Wald, Andreas Erich & Shneor, Rotem (2023). Loyalty and well-being explain serial crowdfunding backing behavior: an empirical test of complementary theories. Internet Research. ISSN 1066-2243. doi: 10.1108/INTR-09-2022-0707.
  • Shneor, Rotem; Munim, Ziaul Haque; Mæhle, Natalia; Rykkja, Anders; Demattos Guimaraes, Alice & Dalla Chiesa, Carolina (2022). Crowdfunding Adoption by Artists: A comparison of Norway and Brazil. I Berliner, Daniel & Shneor, Rotem (Red.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Crowdfunding Research . Universitetet i Agder. ISSN 978-82-693153-0-1. s. 29–30.
  • Shneor, Rotem (2022). The context: the crowdfunding market and its recent developments. I Eugenia, Macchiavello (Red.), Regulation on European Crowdfunding Service Providers for Business: A Commentary. Edward Elgar Publishing. ISSN 978 1 80220 993 8. s. 15–27. doi: https:/doi.org/10.4337/9781802209945.00014.
  • Shneor, Rotem; Zhao, Liang & Goedecke, Jann (2022). On relationship types, their strength, and reward crowdfunding backer behavior. Journal of Business Research. ISSN 0148-2963. 154. doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2022.08.058. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Lukkarinen, Anna; Shneor, Rotem & Wallenius, Jyrki (2022). Growing pains and blessings: Manifestations and implications of equity crowdfunding industry maturation. Decision Support Systems. ISSN 0167-9236. 157. doi: 10.1016/j.dss.2022.113768. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Serwaah, Priscilla & Shneor, Rotem (2021). Women and entrepreneurial finance: a systematic review. Venture Capital : an International Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance. ISSN 1369-1066. 23(4), s. 291–319. doi: 10.1080/13691066.2021.2010507.
  • Baah-Peprah, Prince & Shneor, Rotem (2021). A Trust-Based Crowdfunding Campaign Marketing Framework: Theoretical Underpinnings and Big-Data Analytics Practice. International Journal of Big Data Management (IJBDM). ISSN 2631-8679. 2(1), s. 1–24. doi: 10.1504/IJBDM.2022.119453. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Zhao, Liang; Shneor, Rotem & Zhe, Sun (2021). Skin in the game: Self-funding and reward crowdfunding success. Business Horizons. ISSN 0007-6813. 65(1), s. 89–100. doi: 10.1016/j.bushor.2021.09.007.
  • Shneor, Rotem; Munim, Ziaul Haque; Zhu, Helena & Alon, Ilan (2021). Individualism, collectivism and reward crowdfunding contribution intention and behavior. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications. ISSN 1567-4223. 47. doi: 10.1016/j.elerap.2021.101045. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Shneor, Rotem; Mrzyglod, Urszula; Adamska-Mieruszewska, Joanna & Fornalska-Skurczyńska, Anna (2021). The role of social trust in reward crowdfunding campaigns’ design and success. Electronic Markets. ISSN 1019-6781. doi: 10.1007/s12525-021-00456-5. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Shneor, Rotem; Flåten, Bjørn-Tore & Zhao, Liang (2020). The Future of Crowdfunding Research and Practice. I Shneor, Rotem; Zhao, Liang & Flåten, Bjørn-Tore (Red.), Advances in Crowdfunding: Research and Practice. Palgrave Macmillan. ISSN 978-3-030-46309-0. s. 499–519. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-46309-0_21. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Rykkja, Anders; Mæhle, Natalia; Munim, Ziaul Haque & Shneor, Rotem (2020). Crowdfunding in the Cultural Industries. I Shneor, Rotem; Zhao, Liang & Flåten, Bjørn-Tore (Red.), Advances in Crowdfunding: Research and Practice. Palgrave Macmillan. ISSN 978-3-030-46309-0. s. 423–440. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-46309-0_18. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Shneor, Rotem & Flåten, Bjørn-Tore (2020). Crowdfunding Education: Objectives, Content, Pedagogy, and Assessment. I Shneor, Rotem; Zhao, Liang & Flåten, Bjørn-Tore (Red.), Advances in Crowdfunding: Research and Practice. Palgrave Macmillan. ISSN 978-3-030-46309-0. s. 475–497. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-46309-0_20. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Wenzlaff, Karsten; Odorovic, Ana; Ziegler, Tania & Shneor, Rotem (2020). Crowdfunding in Europe: Between Fragmentation and Harmonization. I Shneor, Rotem; Zhao, Liang & Flåten, Bjørn-Tore (Red.), Advances in Crowdfunding: Research and Practice. Palgrave Macmillan. ISSN 978-3-030-46309-0. s. 373–390. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-46309-0_16. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Chao, Emmanuel; Serwaah, Priscilla; Baah-Peprah, Prince & Shneor, Rotem (2020). Crowdfunding in Africa: Opportunities and Challenges. I Shneor, Rotem; Zhao, Liang & Flåten, Bjørn-Tore (Red.), Advances in Crowdfunding: Research and Practice. Palgrave Macmillan. ISSN 978-3-030-46309-0. s. 319–339. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-46309-0_14. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Shneor, Rotem & Torjesen, Stina (2020). Ethical Considerations in Crowdfunding. I Shneor, Rotem; Zhao, Liang & Flåten, Bjørn-Tore (Red.), Advances in Crowdfunding: Research and Practice. Palgrave Macmillan. ISSN 978-3-030-46309-0. s. 161–182. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-46309-0_8. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Zhao, Liang & Shneor, Rotem (2020). Donation Crowdfunding: Principles and Donor Behaviour. I Shneor, Rotem; Zhao, Liang & Flåten, Bjørn-Tore (Red.), Advances in Crowdfunding: Research and Practice. Palgrave Macmillan. ISSN 978-3-030-46309-0. s. 145–160. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-46309-0_7. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Ziegler, Tania & Shneor, Rotem (2020). Lending Crowdfunding: Principles and Market Development. I Shneor, Rotem; Zhao, Liang & Flåten, Bjørn-Tore (Red.), Advances in Crowdfunding: Research and Practice. Palgrave Macmillan. ISSN 978-3-030-46309-0. s. 63–92. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-46309-0_4. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Ziegler, Tania; Shneor, Rotem & Zhang, Bryan (2020). The Global Status of the Crowdfunding Industry. I Shneor, Rotem; Zhao, Liang & Flåten, Bjørn-Tore (Red.), Advances in Crowdfunding: Research and Practice. Palgrave Macmillan. ISSN 978-3-030-46309-0. s. 43–61. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-46309-0_3. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Shneor, Rotem; Zhao, Liang & Flåten, Bjørn-Tore (2020). Introduction: From Fundamentals to Advances in Crowdfunding Research and Practice. I Shneor, Rotem; Zhao, Liang & Flåten, Bjørn-Tore (Red.), Advances in Crowdfunding: Research and Practice. Palgrave Macmillan. ISSN 978-3-030-46309-0. s. 1–18. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-46309-0_1. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Shneor, Rotem (2020). Crowdfunding Models, Strategies, and Choices Between Them. I Shneor, Rotem; Zhao, Liang & Flåten, Bjørn-Tore (Red.), Advances in Crowdfunding: Research and Practice. Palgrave Macmillan. ISSN 978-3-030-46309-0. s. 21–42. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-46309-0_2. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Munim, Ziaul Haque; Shneor, Rotem; Adewumi, Olugbenga Michael & Shakil, Mohammad Hassan (2020). Determinants of crowdfunding intention in a developing economy: ex-ante evidence from Bangladesh. International Journal of Emerging Markets. ISSN 1746-8809. s. 1–21. doi: 10.1108/IJOEM-08-2019-0657.
  • Shneor, Rotem; Smith, Brock; Smith, Claudia & Jann, Goedecke (2020). The Differential Impact of Entrepreneurship Education on the Entrepreneurial Intentions of Segments of Students. Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy (EE&P). 4(4), s. 718–739. doi: 10.1177/2515127420936240.
  • Shneor, Rotem & Vik, Amy Ann (2020). Crowdfunding success: a systematic literature review 2010–2017. Baltic Journal of Management. ISSN 1746-5265. 15(2), s. 149–182. doi: 10.1108/BJM-04-2019-0148. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Shneor, Rotem & Mæhle, Natalia (2020). Editorial: Advancing crowdfunding research: new insights and future research agenda. Baltic Journal of Management. ISSN 1746-5265. 15(2), s. 141–147. doi: 10.1108/BJM-04-2020-420. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Shneor, Rotem & Munim, Ziaul Haque (2019). Reward crowdfunding contribution as planned behaviour: An extended framework. Journal of Business Research. ISSN 0148-2963. 103, s. 56–70. doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2019.06.013. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Shneor, Rotem (2024). Introduction to Crowdfunding and Hands-On Advice.
  • Shneor, Rotem (2024). Introduction to Crowdfunding and Hands-On Advice.
  • Rykkja, Anders; Shneor, Rotem; Munim, Ziaul Haque; Dalla Chiesa, Carolina & Schlott, F. (2023). How productive are Patreon creators? A view of incentives at the margins.
  • Mæhle, Natalia; Shneor, Rotem; Munim, Ziaul Haque; Nordgård, Daniel; Bonet, Lluis & Lazarro, Elisabetta (2023). Round table: Crowdfunding Cultural Industries - the CROWDCUL project.
  • Mæhle, Natalia; Shneor, Rotem; Munim, Ziaul Haque; Nordgård, Daniel; Bonet, Lluis & Lazarro, Elisabetta (2023). Round table: Crowdfunding Cultural Industries - the CROWDCUL project.
  • Ezzahid, Hibbat-Allah; Shneor, Rotem & Meghouar, Hicham (2023). What Drives the Use of Crowdfunding by Micro-Entrepreneurs in Morocco? - Exploring Fundraiser Motives and Characteristics.
  • Arshad, Nadia; Shneor, Rotem & Berndt, Adele (2023). The Reward Crowdfunding Campaign Management Process: An Engagement Perspective.
  • Zhu, Fengya; Shneor, Rotem; Zhang, Bryan & Xie, Zhifu (2023). Drivers of peer-to-peer consumer lending amounts: evidence from the Philippines.
  • Berliner, Daniel; Shneor, Rotem & Wald, Andreas Erich (2023). Do Serial, Occasional and One-Time Equity Crowdfunding Investors Differ in Their Decision-Making Criteria?
  • Shneor, Rotem (2022). Introduction to Crowdfunding - November 2022.
  • Shneor, Rotem (2022). Entrepreneurial Finance: Planning, Sources, and Crowdfunding.
  • Bonet, Lluis; Rykkja, Anders; Munim, Ziaul Haque & Shneor, Rotem (2022). Institutional Crowdfunding: A Research Proposal for Museet Midt, Norway.
  • Shneor, Rotem; Munim, Ziaul Haque; Mæhle, Natalia; Demattos Guimaraes, Alice & Dalla Chiesa, Carolina (2022). Crowdfunding Adoption by Artists: A comparative analysis of Norway and Brazil.
  • Shneor, Rotem (2022). Crowdfunding: Opportunities for venture financing by the crowd.
  • Shneor, Rotem (2022). Digital Lending and Digital Capital Raising.
  • Shneor, Rotem (2022). Introduction to Streetlight Issues in Crowdfunding Research: Reflections, Directions, and Provocations.
  • Efrat, Kalanit; Gilboa, Shaked; Shneor, Rotem & Wald, Andreas Erich (2022). What drives serial backers in crowdfunding? An empirical test of competing theories.
  • Shneor, Rotem; Munim, Ziaul Haque; Mæhle, Natalia; Rykkja, Anders; Guimaraes, Alice Demattos & Dalla Chiesa, Carolina (2022). Crowdfunding Adoption by Artists: A comparative analysis of Norway and Brazil.
  • Baah-Peprah, Prince; Shneor, Rotem & Munim, Ziaul Haque (2022). The Roles of Community Identification and Trust in Crowdfunding Information-Sharing Attitudes, Intentions, and Behaviors.
  • Baah-Peprah, Prince; Shneor, Rotem & Munim, Ziaul Haque (2022). Explaining Reward Crowdfunding Backers’ Intentions and Behavior.
  • Shneor, Rotem; Rykkja, Anders; Mæhle, Natalia & Munim, Ziaul Haque (2021). Drivers of Norwegian Artists' Use of Crowdfunding for Financing their Projects.
  • Shneor, Rotem (2021). Crowdfunding and Sustainability.
  • Shneor, Rotem (2021). Tyr til folkefinansiering for å utvikle bedriften. [Avis]. lister24.no.
  • Shneor, Rotem; Rykkja, Anders; Mæhle, Natalia & Munim, Ziaul Haque (2021). Drivers of Norwegian Artists' Use of Crowdfunding for Financing their Projects.
  • Shneor, Rotem; Rykkja, Anders; Mæhle, Natalia & Munim, Ziaul Haque (2021). Crowdfunding Cultural Production: Determinants of Crowdfunding Adoption by Artists.
  • Berliner, Daniel; Wald, Andreas Erich & Shneor, Rotem (2020). Financing Entrepreneurship: A Review of Equity Investors’ Decision-Making Criteria.
  • Shneor, Rotem & Wald, Andreas Erich (2020). Financing Entrepreneurship - A Review of Equity Investors’ Decision-Making Criteria.
  • Shneor, Rotem (2020). The State of Global Alternative Finance: Opportunities and Challenges in Sri Lanka and the World.
  • Shneor, Rotem (2020). Introduction to Crowdfunding for Art Students.
  • Shneor, Rotem (2020). Crowdfunding as Alternative Finance: Models, Trends, Challenges and Opportunities.
  • Shneor, Rotem (2020). Crowdfunding: Models, Trends, Challenges and Opportunities.
  • Shneor, Rotem (2020). Crowdfunding: Modeller, Trender, Utfordringer og Muligheter.
  • Serwaah, Priscilla; Shneor, Rotem & Munim, Ziaul Haque (2020). A gendered-based model of crowdfunding intentions.
  • Ziegler, Tania; Shneor, Rotem & Wenzlaff, Karsten (2020). Global Fintech Benchmarking and COVID-19s Impact.
  • Shneor, Rotem (2020). Crowdfunding: Revolutionizing entrepreneurial finance before, during, and after COVID-19 - implications for South Africa.
  • Shneor, Rotem (2020). Introduction to Crowdfunding: Models, Opportunities and Guidelines.
  • Shneor, Rotem (2020). EU mykner opp reglene for folkefinansiering. [Internett]. e24.no.
  • Rykkja, Anders; Munim, Ziaul Haque; Mæhle, Natalia & Shneor, Rotem (2019). Cultural Crowdfunding - What do we know?
  • Rykkja, Anders; Munim, Ziaul Haque; Mæhle, Natalia & Shneor, Rotem (2019). Cultural Crowdfunding - What do we know?
  • Shneor, Rotem (2019). Crowdfunding: Models, Opportunities, and Guidelines.
  • Shneor, Rotem (2019). The Global Landscape of Online Alternative Finance.
  • Shneor, Rotem (2019). Crowdfunding Models, Opportunities and Guidelines.
  • Shneor, Rotem (2019). Donasjon crowdfunding i Norge og i Verden. [Radio]. NRK Radio - Her og nå.
  • Shneor, Rotem (2019). Global Status of Crowdfunding: Trends and Opportunities.
  • Shneor, Rotem (2019). Crowdfunding: Trends, Opportunities and Challenges.
  • Shneor, Rotem (2019). The Status of Global Crowdfunding.
  • Ziegler, Tania & Shneor, Rotem (2019). The Global State of Crowdfunding: How Regions are Developing in Alternative Finance.
  • Shneor, Rotem (2019). Forskere ber folk flest åpne lommeboka. [Fagblad]. Forskningsetikk.
  • Øyna, Stine & Shneor, Rotem (2018). The Evolution of Born Globals: International Developmental Orientation.
  • Shneor, Rotem (2018). The Nordic Crowdfunding Industry - Leaders or Laggards? Ànd What Next.
  • Shneor, Rotem (2018). UiA: Norwegian University Launches Master’s Elective Crowdfunding Lab Course . [Internett]. Crowdfundinsider.com.
  • Shneor, Rotem & Munim, Ziaul Haque (2018). Reward Crowdfunding as Planned Behavior.
  • Shneor, Rotem (2018). What is Crowdfunding? - Trends, Opportunities and Challanges in Africa and Globally.
  • Shneor, Rotem (2018). Tilbyr utdannelse innen «crowdfunding». [Avis]. Sørlandsavisen.
  • Shneor, Rotem (2018). Crowdfunding in Norway: Current Status, Trends and Challenges.
  • Shneor, Rotem; Wenzlaff, Karsten; Boyko, Konstantin; Baah-Peprah, Prince; Odorovic, Ana & Okhrimenko, Olga (2024). European Crowdfunding Market Report 2023. Universitetet i Agder - Crowdfunding Forskning Senter. ISSN 978-82-693153-2-5. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Ziegler, Tania; Shneor, Rotem; Wenzlaff, Karsten; Suresh, Krishnamurthy; Paes, Felipe & Mammadova, Leyla [Vis alle 16 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2021). The 2nd Global Alternative Finance Market Benchmarking Report. Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance.
  • Ziegler, Tania; Shneor, Rotem; Wenzlaff, Karsten; Britney, Wang; Kim, Jaesik & Odorovic, Ana [Vis alle 14 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2020). The Global Alternative Finance Market Benchmarking Report. Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance.
  • Ziegler, Tania; Shneor, Rotem; Wenzlaff, Karsten; Ana, Odorovic; Johanson, Deniel & Hao, Rui [Vis alle 7 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2019). Shifting Paradigms: The 4th Annual European Alternative Finance Report. Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

Publisert 16. apr. 2024 11:04