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Pure and Applied Mathematical Analysis Research group (PAMAR)

Illustration photo of a pencil and mathematic notes

The Pure and Applied Mathematical Analysis Research group (PAMAR) is a community of mathematicians and historians of mathematics at the Department of Mathematical Sciences who are researching within a range of domains of mathematics and history of mathematics. The PAMAR group comprises ten researchers who developed distinctive research profiles via participation in conferences, external visits, and joint research. The quality of research conducted by the group members has been acknowledged both at the national level and internationally. 

PAMAR is organized in three subgroups:

Functional analysis
Research topics: geometry of Banach spaces, approximation properties, massiveness properties, ideal structures, diameter 2 properties in Banach spaces

Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems 
Research topics: ergodic Ramsey theory, combinatorial number theory, stochastic analysis (rough paths, fluid equations,and Malliavin calculus nonlinear stochastic partial differential equations, local and global well-posedness of dispersive equations for rough initial data), differential equations (asymptotic behaviour of solutions to nonlinear differential and functional differential equations, mathematical modelling)

History of Mathematics 

Collaboration and Networking

  • Dr. Abrahamsen, Dr. Lima, Dr. Martiny, and Dr. Nygaard collaborate with colleagues at the University of Tartu in Estonia, Freie Universität Berlin, University of Murcia in Spain, Polytechnical University in Prague, University of Eastern Finland, Saint Louis University in USA, University of Granada in Spain, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Israel, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, University of Franche-Comté in France, Polytechnic University of Valencia in Spain, University College Dublin in Belfield in Ireland. They actively contribute to the Estonian doctoral school in Mathematics and Statistics.
  • Dr. Knutson has collaborators at Ohio State University in the US and at Pohang University of Science and Technology in Korea. 
  • Dr. Rogovchenko is a member of the work group "Complex networks and nonlinear production models for economic geography" under the COST Action IS1104 (2012-15) and has collaborators in Algeria, Australia, China, Cyprus, France, Italy, Romania, Slovak Republic, USA.
  • Dr. Signahl collaborates with a colleague at the Linnaeus University in Sweden.
  • Dr. Nilssen collaborates with University of Oslo in Norway University of Bergen in Norway, NORD university in Norway, King’s College London in UK, Imperial College London in UK, University of Bath in UK, University of Manchester in UK, University of Liverpool in UK, Southern Illinois University in USA, University of Southern California in USA, Bielefeld Universität in Germany,  Universität Potsdam in Germany, Technische Universität Berlin in Germany, Technische Universität Darmstadt in Germany, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München in Germany, Università degli Studi di Trento in Italy, Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa in Italy, Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing in China.

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Tags: engineering and sciences, natural sciences
Published Apr. 30, 2024 2:54 PM - Last modified May 28, 2024 12:38 PM