Norwegian version of this page

Monica Strømland

Department of Psychosocial Health
+47 37233130
Mobile phone
Office C5022 (Jon Lilletuns vei 9, 4879 Grimstad, Norway)

Areas of responsibility

Assistant Professor Department of Psychosocial Health (2020-)

Project Manager, Child Welfare Education, Department of sociology and social work (2020)

PhD Research Fellow Department of Psychosocial Health (2017-2020)

Researcher at Sørlandet Hospital (2016-2019)

Master of Political Science (2015)




Philosophy of Social Justice - John Rawls and Martha C. Nussbaum

Children`s Rights

Human Rights

Child Welfare Services

Recovery as a methodological approach to improve mental health challenges 

General outreach

Lørdagsuniversitetet: "Experiences with Bullying. How can we use painful experiences with bullying to do a better job and ensure all children and young people the right to education in a safe and good school environment?" (2018)

Interview: Children`s Rights - how are we doing? (2019)


Children`s Rights 

Human Rights 

Social Sciences 


  • Strømland, Monica; Bahus, Marianne & Andersen, Anders Johan Wickstrøm (2023). “What’s the Purpose of Having a Say If I Cannot Participate?” A Qualitative Study of Young People’s Experiences of Being Heard and to Participate in Decision-Making Processes in Norwegian Child Welfare Services. The International Journal of Children's Rights. ISSN 0927-5568. 31(3), p. 729–755. doi: 10.1163/15718182-31030007.
  • Strømland, Monica; Bahus, Marianne & Andersen, Anders Johan W. (2022). Too Vulnerable to Participate? A Systematic Literature Review of the Gap between a Right to Participate and Participation, in Welfare Services. Journal of Human Rights Practice. ISSN 1757-9619. 14(1), p. 331–351. doi: 10.1093/jhuman/huab061.
  • Larsen, Inger Beate; Friesinger, Jan Georg; Strømland, Monica & Topor, Alain Pierre (2021). You realise you are better when you want to live, want to go out, want to see people: Recovery as assemblage. International Journal of Social Psychiatry. ISSN 0020-7640. p. 1–8. doi: 10.1177/00207640211019452. Full text in Research Archive
  • Strømland, Monica; Andersen, Anders Johan W.; Johansen, Venke Frederike & Bahus, Marianne (2019). In Your Best Interest. A Discussion of How Capability Approach Could be Used as a Guideline to Strengthen and Supplement the Principle of the Child’s Best Interests. The International Journal of Children's Rights. ISSN 0927-5568. 27(3), p. 517–544. doi: 10.1163/15718182-02703009.

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  • Lindvig, Gunnhild Ruud; Kogstad, Ragnfrid Eline; Strømland, Monica; Larsen, Inger Beate; Topor, Alain Pierre & Bøe, Tore Dag [Show all 19 contributors for this article] (2022). Regjeringens utdaterte forståelse av psykisk helse. Morgenbladet. ISSN 0805-3847.
  • Strømland, Monica (2019). Barnets beste i lys av etisk teori .
  • Strømland, Monica (2019). Barns rettigheter - gjør vi nok? [TV]. TV Agder.
  • Strømland, Monica (2019). Har alle barn i Norge samme muligheter? Om barnekonvensjonen og barns rettigheter.
  • Friesinger, Jan Georg; Strømland, Monica & Larsen, Inger Beate (2019). Gammel ide i ny innpakning? Agderposten. ISSN 0805-3723.
  • Strømland, Monica (2018). Digniyt in the name of Justice. Can dignity be protected within the frames of democracy?
  • Strømland, Monica (2018). "Erfaringer med mobbing. Hvordan kan vi bruke smertefulle erfaringer med mobbing til å gjøre en bedre jobb og sikre alle barn og unge retten til læring i et trygt og godt skolemiljø?" .
  • Strømland, Monica; Andersen, Anders Johan W. & Bahus, Marianne (2024). In your best interest A study of how children have experienced being heard in child welfare services and how the Capabilities Approach could strengthen the understanding of the child’s best interests. Universitetet i Agder. ISSN 978-82-8427-185-9.
  • Strømland, Monica (2024). In your best interest: A study of how children have experienced being heard in child welfare services and how the Capability Approach could strengthen the understanding of the child’s best interests. Universitetet i Agder. ISSN 978-82-8427-185-9. Full text in Research Archive

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Published Apr. 16, 2024 11:31 AM