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Marius Lønskog Igland

Department of Classical Music and Music Education
+47 38142295
Mobile phone
Office G3036 (Universitetsveien 25, 4630 Kristiansand, Norway)

Research groups

Areas of responsibility

Marius Igland (assistant professor in music education) is a guitarist specializing in jazz and popular music. He was born in Grimstad, Norway, in April 1989. After completing his master's thesis Music as Art - A Reflection on Experience, Function, and Meaning (UiA, 2015; supervised by Professor Knut Tønsberg), he has taught in various educational settings, including schools of music and performing arts, upper secondary school, private music schools, and higher education institutions.

Through the jazz sextet Mirage Ensemble, he released the album Memory Happens Now (LOS 128-2) in 2014, and in 2017, the guitar-based quintet URO released the album OR (LOS 159-2). Composition and improvisation are central to his music, which can be described as architectural and melodic with a sense of melancholy.

As a music researcher, he is interested in the relational nature of music and its significance for human beings. As a member of the research group Art and Young People he contributed as a chapter author to the anthology Kunstens betydning? published by Cappelen Damm Education in 2022.

Igland works as an academic coordinator in UiA's co-creation lab Art & Aesthetics in Contemporary Society within the European university alliance FORTHEM. The lab aims to create new arenas for meaningful exchange through the arts and aesthetic approaches in society.


My research focuses on music philosophy in the intersection between music education, performance practises and existential meaning. I am particulary interested in improvisation, rhythm, entrainment and listnening. 

General outreach

Meet an Agder Researcher:

Music as an arena for democracy and citizenship - To own your own voice when meeting others.

Dahlske High-School, Agder Municipality.

18.oktober 2022.
Popular scientific lecture



I mainly teach popular music acoustic- and electric guitar, instrumental teaching, ensembles and band leadership.

Course administrative:

  • Post-graduate education:
    • MU-916 - Instrumental method and diverse teaching methods in schools of music
  • Bachelor-level:
    • MUK175/255/309/311 - Performance topics in the bachelor of classical music performance studies - Two main areas specialization. 

Academic responsible:

  • Ensembles, One-year programme in Music
  • Band-leadership, One-year programme in Music
  • Accompaniment, voice and guitar, One-year programme in Music
  • Main instrument, popular music guitar, One-year programme in Music
  • Teacher Education in music, Primary and Lower Secondary Teacher Education.



  • Igland, Marius Lønskog (2022). Den indre puls: Betydningen av temporær musikkutøving gjennom det analoge og digitale. In Skregelid, Lisbet & Knudsen, Kristian Nødtvedt (Ed.), Kunstens betydning? Utvidede perspektiver på kunst og barn & unge. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. ISSN 9788202763299. p. 265–286. doi: 10.23865/noasp.163. Full text in Research Archive

View all works in Cristin

  • Igland, Marius Lønskog (2022). Presentasjon av Kapittelbidrag "Den indre puls: Betydningen av temporær musikkutøving gjennom det analoge og digitale", under boklansering.
  • Igland, Marius Lønskog (2022). Maskefesten.
  • Igland, Marius Lønskog & Rypestøl, Trygve (2022). Alt er LOVE i krig, kjærlighet og disco.
  • Igland, Marius Lønskog (2022). Musikk som arena for demokrati og medborgerskap - Å eie sin egen stemme i møtet med andre.
  • Igland, Marius Lønskog & Grundetjern, Espen (2020). Frank Sinatra Tribute.
  • Igland, Marius Lønskog (2020). Komponist og musikalsk ansvarlig "Havfruens hevn".
  • Igland, Marius Lønskog (2019). Human musical interaction-patterns facing new music technologies.
  • Igland, Marius Lønskog (2019). Defragmenting the fingerboard - from beginners adventure to performers mastering.
  • Igland, Marius Lønskog (2018). Komponist og musikalsk ansvarlig "Penger er det viktigste i livet".
  • Igland, Marius Lønskog (2017). OR.
  • Igland, Marius Lønskog (2015). Musikk til teaterstykket "Villa Contigo - Halvveis til himmelen".
  • Igland, Marius Lønskog (2015). Bestillingsverk "Innbrudd i Arresten".
  • Igland, Marius Lønskog (2015). Ambience.
  • Igland, Marius Lønskog (2014). Memory Happens Now.

View all works in Cristin

Published Apr. 16, 2024 10:46 AM