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Phd i utviklingsstudier 1988 med fokus på jordbruk- og landsbygdsutvikling, bistand og internasjonale finansielle institusjoners strategier med hovedfokus på Afrika. Forsker og professor ved norske (Universitetet i Bergen, Chr. Michelsen Instituttt og Universitetet i Agder), svenske (Sveriges Landsgruksuniversitet og Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, Uppsala og tanzanianske (Institute for Resource Assessment, IRA, Universitet i Dar es Salaam) forskningsinstitusjoner og universitet.


Jordbruks- og landsbygdsutvikling, bistand og utviklingsstrategier, matvaresikkerhet og suverenitet med hovedfokus på Øst-Afrika og i det siste tiår også Brasil.


  • Havnevik, Kjell Johannes (2021). The World Food Programme and the Nobel Peace Prize 2020. Forum for Development Studies. ISSN 0803-9410. 48(3), s. 371–386. doi: 10.1080/08039410.2021.1947366.
  • Havnevik, Kjell Johannes (2019). Postface. I Ege, Svein (Red.), Land Tenure Security: State-Peasant Relations in the Amhara Highlands, Ethiopia. James Currey Publishers. ISSN 978-1-84701-224-1. s. 159–165.
  • Havnevik, Kjell Johannes (2019). The dam that was never built: The Stiegler's Gorge project in Tanzania. I Oestigaard, Terje; Beyene, Atakilte & Ögmundardottir, Helga (Red.), From Aswan to Stiegler’s Gorge: small stories about large dams. Nordiska Afrikainstitutet. ISSN 978-91-7106-833-0. s. 81–104.
  • Havnevik, Kjell Johannes (2019). The Stiegler's Gorge project in Tanzania: the dam that will be built? I Oestigaard, Terje; Beyene, Atakilte & Ögmundardottir, Helga (Red.), From Aswan to Stiegler’s Gorge: small stories about large dams. Nordiska Afrikainstitutet. ISSN 978-91-7106-833-0. s. 105–116.
  • Havnevik, Kjell Johannes (2016). From Food-Security to Food Sovereignty? I Havnevik, Kjell Johannes; Østigård, Terje; Tobisson, Eva & Virtanen, Tea (Red.), Framing African Development – Challenging Concept. Brill Academic Publishers. ISSN 9789004305410. s. 169–194. doi: 10.1163/9789004305465_009.
  • Havnevik, Kjell Johannes (2016). Framing African Development – Challenging Concepts. I Havnevik, Kjell Johannes; Østigård, Terje; Tobisson, Eva & Virtanen, Tea (Red.), Framing African Development – Challenging Concept. Brill Academic Publishers. ISSN 9789004305410. s. 1–16. doi: 10.1163/9789004305465_002.
  • Havnevik, Kjell Johannes (2015). The Current Afro-optimism – A realistic image of Africa? FLEKS - Scandinavian Journal of Intercultural Theory and practice. ISSN 1894-5988. 2(2). doi: 10.7577/fleks.1498.
  • Havnevik, Kjell Johannes (2014). Smallholder agricultural production schemes. Tvergastein. ISSN 1893-5605. s. 70–75.
  • Jumanne, Abdallah; Engström, Linda; Havnevik, Kjell Johannes & Salomonsson, Lennart (2014). Large scale land acquisitions in Tanzania: a critical analysis of practices and dynamics. I Kaag, Mayke & Zoomers, Annelies (Red.), The Global Land Grab - Beyond the Hype. Zed Books. ISSN 9781780328942. s. 36–54.
  • Havnevik, Kjell Johannes (2012). Food sovereignty: A question of sustainable production and equitable distribution. New Routes. ISSN 1403-3755. s. 8–12.
  • Dietz, Ton; Havnevik, Kjell Johannes; Kaag, Mayke & Østigård, Terje (2011). African engagements: on whose terms? Africa negotiating an emerging multi-polar world. I Dietz, Ton; Havnevik, Kjell Johannes; Kaag, Mayke & Østigård, Terje (Red.), African engagements : Africa negotiating an emerging multipolar world. Brill Academic Publishers. ISSN 978-9004209886. s. 1–32. doi: 10.1163/ej.9789004209886.i-390.5.
  • Matondi, Prosper B.; Havnevik, Kjell Johannes & Beyene, Atakilte (2011). Conclusion: land grabbing, smallholder farmers and the meaning of agro-investor-driven agrarian change in Africa, Biofuels, land grabbing and food security in Africa. Zed Books. ISSN 9781848138780. s. 176–196.
  • Havnevik, Kjell Johannes (2011). Grabbing of African lands for energy and food: Implications for land rights, food security and smallholders, Biofuels, land grabbing and food security in Africa. Zed Books. ISSN 9781848138780. s. 20–44.
  • Havnevik, Kjell Johannes & Haaland, Hanne Sortevik (2011). Biofuel, land and environmental issues - the case of SEKAB's biofuel plans in Tanzania, Biofuels, land grabbing and food security in Africa. Zed Books. ISSN 9781848138780. s. 106–134.
  • Havnevik, Kjell Johannes (2010). A Historical Framework For Analysing Current Tanzanian Transitions: The Post-Independence Model, Nyerere’s Ideas and Some Interpretations. I Havnevik, Kjell & Isinika, Aida C (Red.), Tanzania in Transition. From Nyerere to Mkapa. Mkuki na Nyota Publishers. ISSN 978-9987-08-086-1. s. 19–55.
  • Havnevik, Kjell J. (2006). Successful Community-based Forest Management in Northern Tanzania: Reflections and Theoretical Implications, Of Global Concern. Sida.
  • Havnevik, Kjell J. (2006). Introduction to Rural Livelihood and Governance Issues, Of Global Concern. Sida.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Havnevik, Kjell Johannes; Østigård, Terje; Tobisson, Eva & Virtanen, Tea (2016). Framing African Development – Challenging Concept. Brill Academic Publishers. ISBN 9789004305410. 16(1). 367 s.
  • Dietz, Ton; Havnevik, Kjell Johannes; Kaag, Mayke & Østigård, Terje (2011). African engagements : Africa negotiating an emerging multipolar world. Brill Academic Publishers. ISBN 978-9004209886. 389 s.
  • Matondi, Prosper B.; Havnevik, Kjell Johannes & Beyene, Atakilte (2011). Biofuels, land grabbing and food security in Africa. Zed Books. ISBN 9781848138780. 230 s.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Havnevik, Kjell Johannes & Haaland, Hanne (2015). Tiltak eller tilsløring. Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.). ISSN 0804-3116.
  • Haaland, Hanne & Havnevik, Kjell Johannes (2015). Tiltak eller tilsløring. Dagsavisen. ISSN 1503-2892.
  • Havnevik, Kjell Johannes (2014). Responsible agricultural investments – need to face reality.
  • Havnevik, Kjell Johannes (2014). Presentasjon av forskning omkring storskala land investeringer I tredje verden.
  • Havnevik, Kjell Johannes (2014). Presentasjon av studien; ”Responsible agricultural investments in developing countries – how to make principles and guidelines effective”.
  • Eckerberg, Katarina; Friman, Eva; Gren, Ing-Marie; Gustafsson, Bengt; Havnevik, Kjell Johannes & Holmgren, Pär [Vis alle 19 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2012). Varför brister politikerna när det gäller miljömålen? Dagens nyheter. ISSN 1101-2447.
  • Havnevik, Kjell Johannes (2012). Färre fattiga, men fler hungriga – hur är det möjligt? Uppsala Nya Tidning.
  • Matondi, Prosper B.; Havnevik, Kjell Johannes & Beyene, Atakilte (2011). Introduction: biofuels, food security and land grabbing in Africa, Biofuels, land grabbing and food security in Africa. Zed Books. ISSN 9781848138780. s. 1–20.
  • Havnevik, Kjell Johannes (2014). Responsible agricultural investments in developing countries – how to make principles and guidelines effective. Ministry for Rural Affairs, Swedish FAO committee.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

Publisert 16. apr. 2024 10:50