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Useful tools

Find selected solutions that may streamline certain tasks

Filesender: share larger files


FileSender is a service for sending large files, available to both employees and students at UiA, ideal for collaboration both internally and with external contacts. The recipient does not need a Feide account; you can invite anyone as a guest user, and the service supports files up to 1000 GB. The service is operated by Sikt.

To send files with FileSender:

  1. Visit and log in with your Feide account.
  2. Enter the recipients' email addresses, subject, and a message.
  3. Choose an expiration date for the files (up to 180 days, the standard is 20 days).
  4. Upload the files, accept the terms, and click "Send".

Nettskjema: data recording and voice recorder


Nettskjema is a flexible and secure online data collection tool, developed by the University of Oslo and available to both employees and students. It supports surveys, registrations, and data collection, including sensitive personal information, with accompanying mobile apps for audio and image recording. Data can be securely delivered via an encrypted API.

If you wish to borrow a physical voice recorder, contact UiA Help.

Remember that you need an approved project through Sikt or a valid disclaimer from your Faculty stating that adequate storage of sensitive data will be ensured.

SurveyXact: surveys

SurveyXact is a survey tool with great options for analysis and statistics design. Students and employees at UiA have free access.

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Published Apr. 5, 2024 - Last modified May 7, 2024