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Approved AI

Do you want to use artificial intelligence (AI) to improve your writing or as a sparring partner? UiA offers the following approved AI solutions for employees and students:

GPT UiO          

Microsoft Copilot

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The service is an AI-based digital assistant that can be used by both employees and students to perform a range of tasks and analyses.

What is GPT UiO?

  • Chatbot: GPT UiO is an advanced form of artificial intelligence capable of communicating with people naturally. Students and employees at UiA can log in with FEIDE and freely use the service.
  • Safety first: All data is stored on UiO's servers, and your name is not disclosed. GPT UiO can be used in teaching at UiA and for research.

Why use GPT UiO?

  • Accessibility: The service is available to both employees and students at UiA via their FEIDE user. Based on advanced technology: This service is built on the GPT-3.5 technology from OpenAI and is continuously updated by professionals at UiO.
  • Confidentiality: GPT UiO is a safe model to use and can be used with personal data up to yellow data.
  • It's important to remember that no AI models are perfect or 100% accurate. If you still have concerns or questions about the safety of using GPT UiO, feel free to contact the AI coordinators at for more information and guidance.

Microsoft Copilot

Copilot, known as Microsoft's chatbot, offers employees and students at UiA an advanced way to communicate and boost productivity. This AI-powered tool, utilizing GPT-4 technology, allows you to ask questions, get help with writing texts, perform translations, and more, all within strict security frameworks where information is not stored after use.

Why use Copilot?

  • Available for UiA users: Easy access via your Microsoft account.
  • Secure and confidential: Enhanced security measures compared to open ChatGPT, with no information storage.
  • Versatile: Assists with everything from decision support and skill development to data analysis and document summaries.

Access Copilot in two ways:

Through or directly in the Microsoft Edge web browser, logged in with your UiA user.

Copilot at UiA is designed to promote productivity and creativity, with a variety of applications such as assisting with project management, coding help, travel planning, and more, always with a guarantee that organizational data remains confidential and secure.

Tags: AI
Published Apr. 19, 2024 - Last modified May 16, 2024