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Artificial intelligence in assignment writing

Many students are uncertain about the rules for using aids and collaboration when writing assignments, and with the emergence of new tools based on artificial intelligence, such as ChatGPT, there may be more questions than before. It is therefore important that you as a student know and understand the rules.

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Please note that there may be different guidelines in different subjects. If you are unsure about what applies to your subject, you can contact the person responsible for the course.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be a useful tool in assignment writing, but you must follow the academic and ethical guidelines for academic writing. When using AI, you should be aware of how you use it and what kind of contribution it makes to your text.

It is important to know the rules for citation and how to cite the sources you have used, including AI, both in the text itself and in a reference list. You must also know what is considered cheating and plagiarism to avoid serious mistakes, whether intentional or unintentional.


When writing an academic paper, you must always refer to the sources you have used. This also applies when using artificial intelligence. Learn more about the rules for citations in the Citation Compass. Here you will find instructions on how to reference the use of artificial intelligence.  

The University Library offers courses in source criticism and reference management.


For each exam, information about citations and the bibliography is provided. You can get information from the person responsible for your course. Additionally, it will be displayed on the front page of the test in Inspera for home exams.

As a general rule, all aids are allowed in home exams and assignment submissions. Language models like ChatGPT are considered legal aids in exams where all aids are permitted. However, if you submit text, calculations, or similar that are directly copied from a language model without referring to the aid you have used, it is considered cheating since you are presenting someone else's work as your own. 

Cheating and plagiarism

Plagiarism and cheating in exams are serious offenses that can have consequences for your right to study and your grades.

  • Plagiarism is using someone else's texts, ideas, images, or other material without citing the source or giving acknowledgment
  • Cheating is using illegal aids, collaborating with others, or cheating in other ways during exams 

If a student is suspected or caught for plagiarism or cheating, the case will be handled in the university's appeals committee. The consequence can be various reactions, such as annulment of the exam or exclusion from the university for up to two semesters. You can read more about plagiarism and cheating on this page.

Examples of the use of artificial intelligence

Can I use AI for ideas or structure in my assignment?

You can use a language model to generate ideas or arguments, but you need to be cautious and critical when doing so. A language model can help you develop or expand your topic or issue by giving you suggestions based on your text or a keyword. A language model can also assist you in finding or formulating supporting or opposing arguments by providing examples, sources, or counterarguments.

How to reference correctly?

If you have used AI as a tool to write an academic paper, you should refer to it in the text and in the reference list in your chosen referencing style. A reference to AI should include the name of the language model, the developer or provider of the language model, the version or date of the language model, and the URL or platform where you used the language model. In the text or in a footnote, you can also explain how you have used the language model and what kind of contribution it has made to the text.

A reference to GPT UiO based on APA7 style could look like this:

In this paper, I have used the language model GPT-3 (OpenAI, 2020) through GPT UiO (University of Oslo, 2021) to generate ideas and arguments for my text. GPT UiO is a UiO-developed service that allows me to use OpenAI's GPT models within privacy requirements. I have used GPT UiO to suggest topics, issues, hypotheses, and research questions for the assignment, and to find or formulate supporting or opposing arguments for these. I have not used GPT UiO to write entire paragraphs or chapters, but only to make suggestions that I have evaluated and processed myself.

In the reference list, the reference to GPT UiO will look like this:

OpenAI. (2020). UiO GPT (Version GPT-3.5 Turbo) [Large language model]. University of Oslo.

Learn more about references in the Citation Compass

Can I use AI for proofreading?

AI can assist you with language correction in your assignment, but you must be aware that AI cannot replace a thorough manual proofreading or expert guidance from your instructor. Additionally, using AI for language correction may not be appropriate for language-related subjects, and different academic communities may have varying guidelines regarding its use. If you are uncertain about the guidelines specific to your subject, you can reach out to your course instructor.

As a student, it's essential to exercise caution when using AI in your assignments. Please take note of the following:

  • You are expected to submit a text that is solely produced by you. Submitting a text that is fully or partially produced by AI or someone else without appropriate declaration is considered cheating. 
  • Language models generate text based on probability and common phrases, which may lack your unique and academic expression.
  • You should also be careful to avoid sharing sensitive data or personal information.

You can be specific in your request to the tool. For example, you can ask for help with finding grammatical errors, improving sentence structure, or requesting synonyms to avoid repetition. Remember that all suggestions should be evaluated and possibly adapted to the context of your assignment.

By using ChatGPT or similar AI tools in a responsible and critical manner, you can improve the language quality of your exam assignment. Remember that AI can be used as a tool, but the final text and responsibility for the content rests with you as a student.

How to reference correctly? 

A reference to GPT UiO based on the APA7 style could look like this in the text or in a footnote:

In the process of preparing this assignment, 'UiO Chat,' an AI-based tool for proofreading and linguistic improvement, was used to identify and correct grammatical errors and to improve sentence structure. This assistance was crucial for ensuring linguistic clarity and correctness in the text (UiO Chat, 2023).

In the reference list, the reference to GPT UiO would look like this:

OpenAI. (2020). UiO GPT (Version GPT-3.5 Turbo) [Large language model]. University of Oslo.

See more in the Citation Compass.

Is it allowed to copy AI-generated text into my assignment?

Copying text from AI into your assignment without acknowledging it, is considered plagiarism, and it can have significant consequences. Therefore, you should always exercise caution when using artificial intelligence in your assignments.

Please be aware of the following:

  • As a student, it is expected that you submit independently produced text. Submitting a text that is fully or partially generated by AI or others without proper acknowledgement is considered plagiarism.
  • Language models generate text based on probability and commonly used phrases, which may result in text lacking your own academic and independent touch.
  • It is also important to be mindful and avoid sharing sensitive data or personal information when utilising AI. 

Even though you might insert a paragraph referencing the language model, it may not be advisable. It is difficult to precisely define when a text ceases to be an independent product. For example, if you include a paragraph to illustrate how AI can be used, you must clearly indicate in the text or a footnote which paragraph(s) were generated by AI and disclose the input you provided to the AI beforehand.

Remember that you are responsible for the content of your assignment, so it is essential to be meticulous in checking the content and references. There are examples of cases where language models have provided wrong facts or pointed to non-existent sources. 

How to reference correctly 

If you insert a text paragraph, you must mark it in a clear and correct manner, either in the text or a footnote. For example, This paragraph was generated with the help of [Name of AI tool], based on input: '[your specific request to the AI tool]'.

In your reference list, the reference to GPT UiO would look like this:

OpenAI. (2020). UiO GPT (Version GPT-3.5 Turbo) [Large language model]. University of Oslo.

See more in the Citation Compass

Published May 14, 2024 - Last modified May 30, 2024