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Source referencing and plagiarism

Many students are unsure about the rules that apply during exams. Lack of knowledge about source use does not exempt you from responsibility, and if you get caught cheating, it can have significant consequences for you.

Bildet kan inneholde: produkt, erme, gest, font, lykkelig.

What is considered cheating?

  • having unauthorised study aids available during exams
  • presenting work done by others as your own
  • quoting or otherwise using sources in written work without sufficient references
  • quoting or otherwise using your own previous exam papers without sufficient references
  • gaining access to exams by cheating on tests or similar conditions required for taking the exam, or by unlawfully obtaining approval for participation in compulsory teaching or other mandatory activities
  • unauthorised collaboration between exam candidates or groups
  • acting in violation of these regulations or guidelines for each exam

What is plagiarism?


  • Direct copying or slight rewording/paraphrasing of other people's texts.
  • Applies to written take-home exams or mandatory assignments.

Lack of quotations or source referencing

  • Transcripts or paraphrases must be marked as quotes with quotation marks.
  • Source references must be included either as footnotes or parentheses in the text.

Exam answers:

  • Encouragement to express yourself in your own words.
  • Direct use of other texts must be clearly marked as quotes with source references.

Slight rewordings:

  • Can also be considered as cheating.
  • Indicate slight paraphrasing by including quotation marks or using footnotes/parenthetical references.

Information in the running text: 

  • In addition to using quotation marks and source referencing, the source can be directly indicated in the running text.

What is illegal collaboration?

If you share your own answers with another student to help them with their submission, it can be considered cheating and may lead to suspension for up to two semesters. Be cautious with discussions that could result in similar answers.

Use of artificial intelligence 

Writing robots like ChatGPT will be considered a legal aid in exams where all aids are allowed. However, if you submit text, calculations, etc. that are directly copied from a writing robot without referencing the source, it will be considered presenting someone else's work as your own, and therefore cheating.

What happens if you are caught cheating?

UiA takes cheating very seriously. If you are caught cheating, it may result in:

  • invalidating the exam
  • being suspended from the university for up to two semesters
  • losing the right to take exams at all Norwegian universities and colleges during the suspension period.

Processing of cheating cases

It is the appeals committee at the university that deals with cheating cases. Normally, the appeals committee has decided to invalidate the exam/test and suspend the student for one semester in cases where gross negligence is involved. In cases of intentional cheating, the appeals committee has normally decided to invalidate the exam/test and suspend the student for two semesters.

Decisions in cheating cases are made under the authority of the Act relating to Universities and University Colleges § 4-7(1)(b) and § 4-8(3). The law also allows for the sanctioning of complicity in cheating, cf. § 4-8.

Published Feb. 15, 2024 - Last modified May 30, 2024