Norwegian version of this page

Name change

If you have changed your name and want it updated in our systems immediately, please notify us.

You can submit a name change form from the National Population Register/Tax Office, or present a valid passport or other valid photo ID (such as a bank card or driver's license). This can be done at UiA Help on your campus.

We do not accept scanned documents. Documentation of name changes must be delivered to us either by mail or in person at the UiA Help desk.

Send documentation to:

University of Agder
Postboks 422
4604 Kristiansand

If you are a grade applicant through the centralized admission service (Samordna Opptak), you should report the name change to them. 

You can obtain a new student card with your updated name once we have registered the change in our systems.

Published July 1, 2024 - Last modified July 1, 2024