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Tasks of a UiA Buddy

Here is an overview of what you need to remember as a UiA Buddy.

Remember to contact your assigned buddy group members the week prior to semester start. Training for buddies will be held on the Saturday before semester start.

See also: What makes a good buddy?

Ahead of semester start

Stay tuned for updates from the Buddy Team 


Contact buddy group members the week before semester start

On the Wednesday ahead of semester start, you will receive an email with the contact information of the members of your group. 

  • Contact all of them as soon as you can and invite them to a group chat.

Attend buddy training on Saturday before semester start

  • On the Saturday before the start of the semester, a buddy training session will be held where the Buddy Team and others will share important information.
  • You will also receive various items, including a buddy t-shirt.

Plan Welcome Week

  • Agree on when and where to first meet with your buddy group, ideally before the introductory meeting for your programme. Consider these tips:
    • Choose a specific location that is easy for new students to find.
    • Avoid choosing locations that other groups are likely to choose, such as the main entrance, flagpole or lawn. 
  • Keep in mind that your buddy group members must attend the introductory meeting for their study programme.
  • Ensure that you can also attend the opening ceremony together.
  • Review the Welcome Week programme and prepare a plan for the first day and week.

After semester start

Meet your buddy group


Tour of campus and local area

Tour of Campus Kristiansand

Tour of Campus Grimstad

Tips: The check list for new students may be a useful guide to help you plan and prepare.