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Get involved

Life as student is much more enjoyable if you take part in other kinds of activities while studying! You will make memories for life, grow your network, make friends and expand your creative skills. 

Studentforeningen KSI Topaz kaster noen høyt opp i luften

Activities and associations

There are plenty of activities, associations, and sports clubs to join.

Find one that suits you

Image may contain: Leisure, Happy, Recreation, Eyewear, T-shirt.

Become a Buddy

Help other students feel at home when arriving at the University of Agder for the first time. 

Sign up as a Buddy

Smilende mennesker rundt et møtebord med kaffekopper, vannflasker, pcer og notatblokker foran seg

Student democracy

Get involved in student politics, write for the student magazine, or become a board member. Taking an active role in student democracy will positively influence your life after your studies.

Read more about student democracy