Student democracy

Do you have strong opinions on how student life should look like? Then you should probably get involved in student politics. This is how your voice can be heard.

Smilende mennesker rundt et bord i et møterom med kaffekopper, pc og notatbøker

Student Organisation of Agder (STA)

In STA, all UiA students can run for election! Representatives for councils, boards, and committees are elected through meetings where the Student Parliament casts votes to determine who will assume the positions.

The Student Organisation (STA) is the students' official consultative body to the University of Agder. Its task is to represent the academic, social, economic, and welfare interests of the students at the University of Agder.

STA represents around 14,000 students and is the umbrella organisation for a wide range of student activities and academic societies. By getting involved in STA or on councils, boards, and committees at UiA, you can participate in improving your study environment.

Find out what positions you can run for in STA

Student Parliament

Students have an important voice in the democracy at UiA. Therefore, the Student Parliament is the highest decision-making body in STA. The Student Parliament comprises 25 representatives from every faculty and the Teacher Education Unit, who make political decisions on behalf of the student body at UiA.

The Student Parliament also elects student representatives to serve on various councils, boards, and committees at UiA, STA, and the National Union of Students in Norway (NSO).

Learn more about the Student Parliament

Student magazine Unikum

Unikum is a voluntary student-run publication that is always interested in stories about student life from new and enthusiastic writers. Our goal is to provide students with important news and entertaining content, while also practicing independent and critical journalism.

The magazine is distributed free on campuses across all higher education institutions in Kristiansand and Grimstad, as well as selected pubs. Unikum also offers a podcast studio that others can borrow.

Explore Unikum and read articles in English

Welfare Council in Agder

Looking for an opportunity to make a positive impact as a student? The Welfare Council in Agder has a variety of exciting positions available for motivated and passionate individuals.

The Welfare Council is a body for all members of the Student Welfare Organisation in Agder (SiA), which include the University of Agder, NLA University College, Fagskolen i Agder, Ansgar University College, and Noroff.

The Welfare Council's key responsibilities include:

  • advocating for student welfare rights
  • appointing student representatives to the SiA Board and the SiA Culture Fund
  • allocating social funds for student activities
  • serving as an advisory body to the SiA Board

Learn more about the Welfare Council 

Published Mar. 1, 2024 - Last modified Apr. 18, 2024