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Children's and young adult literature

The research group is organisationally affiliated with the Department of Nordic and Media Studies at the University of Agder. It is intended as a place to develop shared research projects, as well as a forum for discussion of individual research projects. The primary material, with respect to literature, is printed texts for young readers. However, digital texts are also of interest to the group from a research perspective, in addition to various forms of communication and use of literature, especially in schools. 

The group cooperates with children’s literature scholars from other universities in a variety of projects. Research is mainly conducted in two fields: The study of literary texts and the study of literature didactics.

Projects and publications

Several anthologies (in Norwegian) from recent years are associated with the group:

  • Skolebiblioteket som læringsarena. Leseglede, utforsking, opplevelse. Fredwall, I. E. & Bergan C. (ed.). Cappelen Damm Akademisk, 2023.
  • Elevene og litteraturen. Estetisk lesing på barnetrinnet. Fredwall, I.E., Moseid, E.A. & Slettan, S. (ed.). CappelenDamm Akademisk, 2022.
  • Ungdomslitteratur – ei innføring. 2nd ed. Slettan, S. (ed.). Cappelen Damm Akademisk, 2020.
  • Fantastisk litteratur for barn og unge. Slettan, S. (ed.). Landslaget for norskundervisning/Fagbokforlaget, 2018. 

Relevant ph.d. program

Ph.d. specialization in Literary Studies 


Tags: Fine arts, Education and teacher training, Media and communication, Linguistics and literature
Published Apr. 25, 2024 2:10 PM - Last modified May 28, 2024 10:55 AM