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For Students at the Faculty of Fine Arts

Storage of instruments- guidelines

  • To store instruments on campus, you must send a request via e-mail to Arnstein Håkonsen An overview is kept of who stores instruments at UiA.
  • It is only allowed to store one instrument on campus per student.
  • Exceptions are allowed within certain instrument groups with critical needs, if proposals are presented that also include joint use between students.
  • All instruments/instrument boxes must be marked with a name tag. If you do not have a name tag, the instruments will be removed.
  • All instruments must be placed neatly next to each other so everyone finds their instrument. Where possible, they should be placed vertically for easy access. Instruments should be positioned so that they allow free movement in the room. Everyone has a common responsibility for a tidy environment.


Booking of Rooms

More information about schedules and booking of rooms.



Register for free and get the benefits of alumni network.

If you are a former or a current student at the UiA Faculty of Fine Arts, then you are an UiA alumnus. As a registered member of UiA alumni network, you get the opportunity to keep in touch with former fellow students and the Faculty of Arts, and stay updated so that our artistic research and knowledge become a part of your career development.”

Faculty of Fine arts  Alumni
UiA Alumni

Equipment loan guidelines

These are the guidelines for lending the Faculty of Arts' sound, light and AV equipment. 

  • ALL requests for borrowing equipment must be sent by e-mail to: hans
  • It is a strong recommendation that instruments and microphones are equipment that the students themselves provide.
  • E-mails about borrowing equipment must state who the sender is, who will borrow the equipment (and thus be responsible) and how long you want to borrow. The exact period for the loan is agreed upon with the lender. There may be restrictions.
  • Borrowed equipment will be acknowledged upon collection and acknowledged upon delivery.
  • Equipment to be borrowed is packed by the lending manager and set ready at a collection point by agreement. Return will be at the same place unless otherwise agreed.
  • If any equipment is damaged, this must be reported as soon as possible. If any equipment is damaged during the lending period, the borrower is liable for damages in the event of negligent use.


For questions about lending and storing equipment – contact: 

Picture of Arnstein Håkonsen
+47 38 14 27 63
Picture of Andi Laland Gyberg
+47 38 14 27 80


Student involvement and student associations

As a student, you can get involved in various ways. More information about being a student representative and the student associations.

Contact Lars Martin Bogen about Student Engagement and Line Associations

Picture of Lars Martin Bogen
+47 38 14 22 85


Study abroad

Studying abroad can be a life changing experience. Few other opportunities provide the professional and personal experience you get by living and learning in a new culture.

Read more about studying abroad and our recommended partners. 

Student Advisers

Department of Visual Arts and Drama
Picture of Judit Premak
+47 38 14 22 75
Department of Classical Music and Music Education
Picture of Mie Reibo
+47 38 14 24 09
Department of Popular Music
Picture of Charlotte Vartdal
+47 38 14 15 68
Published Mar. 21, 2024 - Last modified June 21, 2024