Norwegian version of this page

Marit Moi Jochemsen

Department of Health and Nursing Science
+47 37233457
Mobile phone
Office C4071 (Jon Lilletuns vei 9, 4879 Grimstad, Norway)

Areas of responsibility

Obtained the Bachelor’s degree in Nursing at Diakonissehjemmets Høgskole in Bergen (now VID Bergen, Haraldsplass) in 2007. Master’s degree in international health from the University of Uppsala in 2010. Also education in Multicultural Health Care from Oslo Met.

Main experience as a nurse in the pediatric ward at Haukeland University Hospital and the detoxification unit for drug addicts at Oslo University Hospital (Ullevål hospital). Worked at the venereological department (Olafiaklinikken) at Oslo University Hospital in recent years with a special focus on HIV prevention work among migrants and vulnerable groups. Has worked shorter periods in other countries through studies and work, including a year as associate professor at Libyan International Medical University.

Employed as associate professor at the University of Agder in January 2019.


Bachelor of nursing


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Published Apr. 16, 2024 11:09 AM