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Department of Health and Nursing Science

The Department of Health and Nursing Science educates nurses and offers a range of bachelor’s, master’s, and further education programmes.

Nurses at work together

About the department

The Department of Health and Nursing Science offers education at all levels. At the bachelor level, we offer nursing education; at the master level, public health nursing, advanced clinical general nursing, specialist nursing, and an interdisciplinary master in health informatics; and at the Ph.D. level, a specialisation in health and nursing science. In addition, the department offers several continuing and further education programmes.

The Department of Health and Nursing Science is a recognised regional collaborative partner in education and research, collaborating, among others, with municipalities, various organisations, and Southern Norway Hospital HF. Additionally, the department has national and international partners.

The department has five research groups and a research centre, the Centre for Care Research, South. We also closely collaborate with the Centre for E-Health.

Prominent research areas at the department include patient safety and quality in hospitals, health and quality of life from a family perspective, vulnerable groups, health service development, welfare technology, and care and professional research.


Priority Research Centre