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Lisbeth Jensen Gallefoss

Department of Health and Nursing Science
+47 38141847
Mobile phone
Office I2062 (Universitetsveien 25, 4630 Kristiansand, Norway)

Areas of responsibility

I became a nurse in 1986, took health and social administration in 1994, public health nursing education in 1996, and guidance pedagogy in 2001. I took a master’s degree in mental health work in 2010 with a focus on children and young people’s mental health. In 2019, I became a Marte Meo therapist. My work experience from the specialist health service is in the premature and children’s department and I have many years of experience in the municipality as a public health nurse both in the health station, school health service, health station for youth, and family center. In addition, I have worked as an advisor in environment, health and safety at Sørlandet Hospital, been a professional advisor at Barns Beste,the National Competence Network for Children as Next of Kin and led the establishment and continuation of Blå Kors Children’s Station, which is a service aimed at children aged 0-12 years who are growing up in families with many simultaneous challenges in their everyday life. Furthermore, I have been the project manager for the “Drop-out project” (prevent drop out of drug treatment) at the research unit, department for drug and addiction treatment (ARA) SSHF. I have been permanently employed at the Institute for Health and Nursing Science since August 2019, and teach on the master’s in public health nursing and bachelor’s nursing. I am currently in a first lecturer course.


Gallefoss, Lisbeth; Høie, Magnhild (2021). Public Health Nurses’ Reflections on Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Elementary School. Different Professions Common Goals: Children and Youth at Risk. ISBN: 9788215032443. University Press. 5. p 85 - 99.

Gallefoss, L.J. et al. Effects of a brief pre-admission telephone reminder on no-show and dropout rates in substance use disorder treatment: a quasi-experimental study. Subst Abuse Treat Prev Policy 17, 61 (2022).

Academic interests

Health promotion and rpeventive orwk (Public health nursing)

Mental health (Children/Youth and Adults)

Research and development of the nursing profession competence

Competence development and education

Selected publications

Effects of a brief pre-admission telephone reminder on no-show and dropout rates in substance use disorder treatment: a quasi-experimental study | Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy | Full Text (

Scientific Article: An increasing number of children and young people are struggling with mental health problems. Public health nurses do important therapeutic work in schools


Preventive Health Work and Public Health Nursing

Public Health

Minority Health

Mental Health Children & Youth

Mental Health Adults

Substance Dependence

Short biography

Preventive work (children/youth) as a public health nurse in the municipality

Family counselor at the family center

Public health nurse at an enhanced health station (families with substance abuse problems)

Professional advisor at the competence network for children as next of kin (Barns Beste)

Project manager at the research unit at the Department for Substance and Addiction Treatment

Advisor in environment, health and safety at Sørlandet hospital (SSHF)

Established and led Children’s Station Kristiansand (Blå Kors)


  • Gallefoss, Lisbeth; Gabrielsen, Karin Berle; Haugland, Siri Håvås; Clausen, Thomas & Vederhus, John-Kåre (2022). Effects of a brief pre‑admission telephone reminder on no‑show and dropout rates in substance use disorder treatment: a quasi‑experimental study. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy. ISSN 1747-597X. 17(1). doi: 10.1186/s13011-022-00489-9. Full text in Research Archive
  • Gallefoss, Lisbeth & Høie, Magnhild (2021). Helsesykepleieres refleksjoner over tverrfaglig samarbeid i barneskolen. In Omdal, Heidi & Thorød, Anne Brita (Ed.), Ulike profesjoner felles mål : Barn og unge i risiko. Universitetsforlaget. ISSN 9788215032443. p. 85–99.

View all works in Cristin

  • Gallefoss, Lisbeth; Bråten, Gro & Tonstad, Inger Turid (2023). Vold og seksuelle overgrep er et folkehelseproblem og hjelp til de utsatte er samfunnsansvar. Lindesnes Avis.
  • Gallefoss, Lisbeth; Bråten, Gro & Tonstad, Inger Turid (2023). Dette er et stort folkehelseproblem. Agderposten. ISSN 0805-3723.
  • Gallefoss, Lisbeth; Bråten, Gro & Tonstad, Inger Turid (2023). Vold og seksuelle overgrep er et folkehelseproblem. lokalavisen fedrelandsvennen.
  • Robstad, Anja Nastasja; Haddeland, Kristine & Gallefoss, Lisbeth (2023). Presentasjon på Forskningstorv i forbindelse med Forskningsdagene 2023. .
  • Gallefoss, Lisbeth & Øen, Kirsten Gudbjørg (2023). Helsesykepleiere driver utstrakt psykisk helsearbeid. Tidsskriftet sykepleien. ISSN 0806-7511. 2023;11191150):e-91150. doi: 10.4220/Sykepleiens.2023.91150.
  • Gallefoss, Lisbeth (2022). «Helsesykepleieres refleksjoner over tverrfaglig samarbeid i barneskolen».
  • Gallefoss, Lisbeth (2020). En pilotundersøkelse: Hvordan forholder undervisere seg til studenter de opplever som umotiverte og uengasjerte?
  • Gallefoss, Lisbeth (2019). Helsesykepleiers møte med familier med rusrelatert problematikk.
  • Gallefoss, Lisbeth (2018). Tenåringer og psykisk helse.
  • Gallefoss, Lisbeth (2018). Tenåringshjernen.
  • Gallefoss, Lisbeth & Tveiten, Line (2018). Forsterket helsestasjon Kristiansand kommune.
  • Vederhus, John-Kåre; Årseth, Anne Lene & Gallefoss, Lisbeth (2017). Kan telefonkontakt før behandling øke oppmøte og redusere frafall i rusbehandling? Erfaringer fra poliklinikk og avgiftningspost ved Sørlandet Sykehus.
  • Gallefoss, Lisbeth (2016). Mikroseparasjoner og rusmiddelavhengighet.
  • Gallefoss, Lisbeth (2016). Ny viten om barn som er pårørende og helsesøsters rolle i dette.
  • Gallefoss, Lisbeth (2005). Angrepillebruk. lokalavisen fedrelandsvennen.
  • Gallefoss, Lisbeth (2005). Lettvint løsning? lokalavisen fedrelandsvennen.
  • Gallefoss, Lisbeth & Årseth, Anne Lene (2016). Drop-out prosjektet, Delrapport 2, Pasientforløp og drop-out i overgang fra Avd. for rus- og avhengighetsbehandling (ARA), Sørlandet sykehus HF til videre behandling i private døgninstitusjoner. FoU enheten v/ Avd. for rus- og avhengighetsbehandling, Sørlandet Sykehus HF. ISSN 978-82-91191-26-3.

View all works in Cristin

Published Apr. 16, 2024 11:02 AM