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Elin Thygesen

Department of Health and Nursing Science
+47 38141852
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Office I1042 (Universitetsveien 25, 4630 Kristiansand, Norway)


Research groups

Areas of responsibility

I am a professor at the Department of Health and Nursing Sciences, Faculty of Health and Sports Sciences at the University of Agder. Currently, I am working as the academic leader of the Centre for e-health at the university. I am a trained nurse and holds a PhD from University of Bergen (2010) with a focus on mental health and coping among elderly people living at home. I have been researching topics related to e-health and have been associated with the Center for e-Health at UiA since 2011.


My research has focused on studying patients' and healthcare professionals' experiences with the use of various technological solutions, as well as identifying barriers to information and workflow. In recent years, I have primarily been involved in various innovation projects. These projects have focused on how technology solutions can support people with developmental disabilities in obtaining or maintaining employment, how technology can contribute to better collaboration between voluntary and public healthcare services, and how technology can be used to prevent or alleviate loneliness among vulnerable groups in the population. A key theme in the projects is how to involve vulnerable groups in co-creating new services and technology solutions, where projects are built around principles of interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral co-creation involving users, actors from the public and voluntary sectors, and actors from the business community. Consequences of increasing digitalization in society and how to prevent digital exclusion are also a central theme in recent projects.


  • Safari, Mugula Chris; Wass, Sofie & Thygesen, Elin (2024). One Size Does Not Fit All—Facilitating Participation of People with Intellectual Disability in Design of Digital Technology. International Journal of Design. ISSN 1991-3761. 18(1), p. 23–38. doi: 10.57698/v18i1.02. Full text in Research Archive
  • Wass, Sofie; Thygesen, Elin & Imre, Özgün (2023). Designing towards social inclusion - Insights on employers' willingness to recruit people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Systems ECIS 2023. Association for Information Systems (AIS). ISSN 978-1-958200-08-7.
  • Wass, Sofie; Thygesen, Elin & Purao, Sandeep (2023). Principles to Facilitate Social Inclusion for Design-Oriented Research. Journal of the AIS. ISSN 1536-9323. 24(5), p. 1204–1247. doi: 10.17705/1jais.00814. Full text in Research Archive
  • Wanderås, Magnus; Abildsnes, Eirik; Thygesen, Elin & Martinez, Santiago (2023). Video consultation in general practice: a scoping review on use, experiences, and clinical decisions. BMC Health Services Research. ISSN 1472-6963. 23(1). doi: 10.1186/s12913-023-09309-7. Full text in Research Archive
  • Safari, Mugula Chris; Wass, Sofie & Thygesen, Elin (2023). Digital technology design activities—A means for promoting the digital inclusion of young adults with intellectual disabilities. British Journal of Learning Disabilities. ISSN 1354-4187. 51(2), p. 238–249. doi: 10.1111/bld.12521. Full text in Research Archive
  • Safari, Mugula Chris; Wass, Sofie; Thygesen, Elin & Haugland, Silje (2023). Intellectual Disability, Digital Technologies, And Independent Transportation – A Scoping Review. In Bui, Tung X. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 56thAnnual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. HICSS Conference Office. ISSN 978-0-9981331-6-4. p. 1983–1992. doi: https:/ Full text in Research Archive
  • Safari, Mugula Chris; Wass, Sofie & Thygesen, Elin (2022). Motivation of people with intellectual disabilities in technology design activities: the role of autonomy, competence, and relatedness. Behaviour and Information Technology. ISSN 0144-929X. p. 1–19. doi: 10.1080/0144929X.2021.2015442. Full text in Research Archive
  • Thygesen, Elin; Safari, Mugula Chris & Wass, Sofie (2021). Transport og arbeidsinkludering. In Gjertsen, Hege Kristin; Melbøe, Line & Hauge, Hans A. (Ed.), Arbeidsinkludering for personer med utviklingshemming. Universitetsforlaget. ISSN 978-82-15-04692-1. p. 117–126.
  • Fredriksen, Erica; Thygesen, Elin; Moe, Carl Erik & Martinez, Santiago (2021). Digitalisation of municipal healthcare collaboration with volunteers: a case study applying normalization process theory. BMC Health Services Research. ISSN 1472-6963. 21. doi: 10.1186/s12913-021-06429-w. Full text in Research Archive
  • Safari, Mugula Chris; Wass, Sofie & Thygesen, Elin (2021). ‘I Got To Answer the Way I Wanted To’: Intellectual Disabilities and Participation in Technology Design Activities. Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research. ISSN 1501-7419. 23(1), p. 192–203. doi: 10.16993/sjdr.798. Full text in Research Archive
  • Fredriksen, Erica; Martinez, Santiago; Moe, Carl Erik & Thygesen, Elin (2020). Key challenges and best practices in the coordination of volunteers in healthcare services: A qualitative systematic review. Health and Social Care in the Community. ISSN 0966-0410. doi: 10.1111/hsc.13261.
  • Fredriksen, Erica; Martinez, Santiago; Moe, Carl Erik & Thygesen, Elin (2020). Communication and information exchange between primary healthcare employees and volunteers – challenges, needs and possibilities for technology support. Health and Social Care in the Community. ISSN 0966-0410. p. 1252–1260. doi: 10.1111/hsc.12958. Full text in Research Archive
  • Moe, Carl Erik; Thygesen, Elin & Aanestad, Margunn (2019). Dilemmas in Scaling up Telemedical Services. Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings. ISSN 1650-3686. 17, p. 56–60.
  • Barken, Tina Lien; Söderhamn, Ulrika & Thygesen, Elin (2019). A sense of belonging: A meta-ethnography of the experience of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease receiving care through telemedicine. Journal of Advanced Nursing. ISSN 0309-2402. p. 1–12. doi: 10.1111/jan.14117.
  • Karlsen, Cecilie; Haraldstad, Kristin; Moe, Carl Erik & Thygesen, Elin (2019). Challenges of mainstreaming telecare. Exploring actualization of telecare affordances in home care services. Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems (SJIS). ISSN 0905-0167. 31(1), p. 31–66. Full text in Research Archive
  • Karlsen, Cecilie; Moe, Carl Erik; Haraldstad, Kristin & Thygesen, Elin (2019). Caring by Telecare? A Hermeneutic Study of Experiences among Older Adults and Their Family Caregivers. Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN). ISSN 0962-1067. doi: 10.1111/jocn.14744. Full text in Research Archive
  • Holen-Rabbersvik, Elisabeth; Thygesen, Elin; Eikebrokk, Tom Roar; Fensli, Rune Werner & Slettebø, Åshild (2018). Barriers to exchanging healthcare information in inter-municipal healthcare services: a qualitative case study. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making. ISSN 1472-6947. 18(92), p. 1–14. doi: 10.1186/s12911-018-0701-z. Full text in Research Archive
  • Holen-Rabbersvik, Elisabeth; Eikebrokk, Tom Roar; Fensli, Rune Werner; Thygesen, Elin & Slettebø, Åshild (2018). Critical issues for employees in inter- municipal health care services: a multiple case study. BMC Health Services Research. ISSN 1472-6963. 18(805), p. 1–13. doi: 10.1186/s12913-018-3586-8. Full text in Research Archive
  • Wass, Sofie Sara Terese; Moe, Carl Erik; Thygesen, Elin & Haugland, Silje (2018). Use of welfare technology to increase employment of individuals with intellectual disabilities. Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings. ISSN 1650-3686. p. 11–15. Full text in Research Archive
  • Thygesen, Elin & Moe, Carl Erik (2017). Evaluation of a telemedical pathway for patients with COPD. In Martinez, Santiago; Budrionis, Andrius; Bygholm, Ann; Fossum, Mariann; Hartvigsen, Gunnar; Hägglund, Maria; Moe, Carl Erik; Thygesen, Elin; Vimarlund, Vivian & Yigzaw, Kassaye Yitbarek (Ed.), Proceedings from The 15th Scandinavian Conference on Health Informatics 2017 Kristiansand, Norway, August 29–30, 2017. Linköping University Electronic Press. ISSN 978-91-7685-364-1. p. 87–92.

View all works in Cristin

  • Thygesen, Elin (2024). Liability, information, and concent in municipal health and care services.
  • Thygesen, Elin (2023). Sammen om digitalt utenforskap.
  • Velez, Aurora & Thygesen, Elin (2023). Why is tackling soisal isolation and loneliness important? [TV].
  • Thygesen, Elin (2023). Digital inkludering – hva med de som blir stående utenfor?
  • Thygesen, Elin (2023). Sammen mot digitalt utenforskap.
  • Thygesen, Elin (2023). Sammen mot digitalt utenforskap.
  • Melkas, Helinä; Gustafsson, Christine & Thygesen, Elin (2023). PROTECT at EHiN Collaboration between HWT companies and researchers: What can we do together?
  • Barken, Tina Lien; Karlsen, Cecilie & Thygesen, Elin (2023). End conference project I2I.
  • Nybakke, Henriette Lauvhaug; Sand, Kari; Thygesen, Elin; Fuglerud, Kristin Skeide & Bradway, Meghan (2023). Rekruttering for å sikre inkludering. Dagens medisin. ISSN 1501-4290.
  • Fuglerud, Kristin Skeide; Moe, Carl Erik; Aanestad, Margunn; Nyhus, Kjetil; Quinteros, Ragnie & Tharaldsen, Jeanette [Show all 7 contributors for this article] (2023). Paneldebatt: Klarer vi å tilby digitale velferdstjenester slik at de som trenger det mest også vil ha nytte av tjenestene? [Internet]. Arendal, streaming.
  • Melkas, Helinä; Thygesen, Elin; Pekkarinen, Satu; Gustafsson, Christine; Johansson-Pajala, Rose-Marie & Gullslett, Monika Knudsen (2023). How can Technology Contribute to Sustainable Social Services in Europe?
  • Thygesen, Elin & Melkas, Helinä (2023). Nordic Health and Welfare Technology Research Network .
  • Thygesen, Elin & Kjørstad, Ingrid (2023). Service Innovation in Arendal municipality.
  • Thygesen, Elin (2023). Centre for e-health.
  • Thygesen, Elin (2023). From Isolation to Inclusion. Innovation in social service delivery to improve social inclusion and counteract loneliness in the North Sea Region.
  • Thygesen, Elin; Gustafsson, Christine & Melkas, Helinä (2023). The Nordic Health and Welfare Technology Research Network.
  • Thygesen, Elin (2023). Det gode liv som gammel.
  • Thygesen, Elin & Moe, Carl Erik (2023). Kompass - et karriereverktøy.
  • Barken, Tina Lien & Thygesen, Elin (2022). Geralds story.
  • Thygesen, Elin (2022). Fra isolasjon til inklusjon: Tjenesteinnovasjon for sosial inklusjon og forebygging av ensomhet.
  • Thygesen, Elin (2022). Samtale mellom forskere og brukere.
  • Thygesen, Elin (2022). Velferdsteknologi.
  • Thygesen, Elin (2022). Rekruttering for å sikre inkludering.
  • Thygesen, Elin (2022). Kan innovasjon stoppe sosial ulikhet og ensomhet?
  • Thygesen, Elin (2022). Fra ensomhet til sosial inkludert - samskaping med eldre i Arendal kommune.
  • Hovland, Henriette; Karlsen, Cecilie; Haraldstad, Kristin & Thygesen, Elin (2022). Abstracts presented at the Norwegian Public Health Conference, 18–19 October 2022, Hamar, Norway. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health. ISSN 1403-4948. 50(1). doi: 10.1177/14034948221121568.
  • Karlsen, Cecilie & Thygesen, Elin (2022). Innovation in social service delivery to improve social inclusion and counteract loneliness .
  • Thygesen, Elin (2022). Principles to Facilitate Social Inclusion for Design-oriented Research.
  • Thygesen, Elin & Holen-Rabbersvik, Elisabeth (2022). Inkludering av personer med utviklingshemming i arbeidslivet - trengs nye digitale løsninger?
  • skogedal, magnus nødland & Thygesen, Elin (2022). Ny teknologi skal hjelpe personer med utviklingshemming ut i arbeidslivet. [Internet].
  • Thygesen, Elin & Lundberg, Lene (2022). Målrettede grep for å inkludere flere, sosialt og digitalt . [Internet]. Universitetet i Agder.
  • Thygesen, Elin (2021). Hvordan skape det inkluderende samfunn - kan teknologi bidra?
  • Thygesen, Elin (2021). Hvordan skape et inkluderende samfunn - kan teknologi bidra?
  • Thygesen, Elin (2021). InnArbeid - Behovsdrevet innovasjon for inkludering av personer med utviklingshemming i arbeidslivet ved bruk av teknologi.
  • Thygesen, Elin (2021). Paneldiscussion: Health and welfare technology for children, adolecents and young adults with intellectual disabilities.
  • Thygesen, Elin (2021). InnArbeid-Behovsdrevet innovasjon for inkludering av personer med utviklingshemming i arbeidslivet ved bruk av teknologi.
  • Thygesen, Elin (2021). Health and welfare technology: Synthesis of present and future research needs.
  • Thygesen, Elin (2021). Hvordan skape et inkluderende samfunn - kan teknologi hjelpe oss?
  • Thygesen, Elin (2021). Tjenesteinnovasjon for sosial inklusjon og forebygging av ensomhet .
  • Thygesen, Elin (2021). Leve hele livet - innovasjon for økt sosial deltagelse blant eldre i Arendal.
  • Thygesen, Elin (2021). Fra isolasjon til inklusjon (I2I).
  • Thygesen, Elin (2021). InnArbeid - innovasjon gjennom samskaping.
  • Thygesen, Elin (2020). Bruk av teknologi i helsetjenesten - til glede eller besvær?
  • Thygesen, Elin (2020). From Isolation to Inclusion (I2I). Innovation in social service delivery to improve social inclusion and counteract loneliness in the North sea region.
  • Thygesen, Elin (2020). Need-based innovation of technology supported services for including persons with disabilities in working life.
  • Thygesen, Elin (2020). User-driven innovation for the inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities in working life through the use of technology .
  • Thygesen, Elin (2020). Behovsdrevet innovasjon for inkludering av personer med utviklingshemming i arbeidslivet ved bruk av teknologi .
  • Thygesen, Elin & Wass, Sofie (2020). InnArbeid - innovasjon i offentlig sektor Behovsdrevet innovasjon for inkludering av personer med utviklingshemming i arbeidslivet ved bruk av teknologi.
  • Thygesen, Elin (2020). InnArbeid - Need-based innovation of technology-supported services for including persons with intellectual disabilities in working life using technology .
  • Thygesen, Elin (2020). i2i - From isolation to inclusion.
  • Thygesen, Elin (2020). InnArbeid - innovasjon i offentlig sektor.
  • Thygesen, Elin (2020). InnArbeid - Need-based innovation of technology-supported services for including persons with intellectual disabilities in working life using technology .
  • Thygesen, Elin (2020). In For Care - Informal care and voluntary assistance: innovation in service delivery in the North Sea Region.
  • Thygesen, Elin (2020). In For Care - Informal care and voluntary assistance: innovation in service delivery in the North Sea Region.
  • Thygesen, Elin (2020). InnArbeid [Into work] - Need-based innovation of technology-supported services for including persons with intellectual disabilities in working life using technology .
  • Thygesen, Elin (2020). Pensjonister jobber frivillig. [TV]. NRK Sørlandet.
  • Thygesen, Elin (2019). InnArbeid: Behovsdrevet innovasjon for inkludering av personer med utviklingshemming i arbeidslivet ved bruk av teknologi? .
  • Thygesen, Elin (2019). InnArbeid: Behovsdrevet innovasjon for inkludering av personer med utviklingshemming i arbeidslivet ved bruk av teknologi? .
  • Thygesen, Elin (2019). Teknologi i eldreomsorgen - til glede eller besvær? .
  • Thygesen, Elin & Karlsen, Cecilie (2019). Trenger sykepleiere teknologikompetanse?
  • Thygesen, Elin; Wass, Sofie Sara Terese; Hansen, Lise Amy; Moe, Carl Erik; Holen-Rabbersvik, Elisabeth & Ludvigsen, Ann-Elisabeth [Show all 7 contributors for this article] (2019). InnArbeid - need-based innovation of technology-supported services with intellectual disabillities in working life.
  • Thygesen, Elin (2019). Utviklingshemmende i inkluderingsdugnaden . [Radio]. NRK Sørlandet.
  • Thygesen, Elin (2019). InnArbeid - Behovsdrevet innovasjon for inkludering av personer med utviklingshemming I arbeidslivet ved bruk av teknologi .
  • Thygesen, Elin (2019). InnArbeid - Behovsdrevet innovasjon for inkludering av personer med utviklingshemming I arbeidslivet ved bruk av teknologi .
  • Thygesen, Elin (2019). InnArbeid - Need-based innovation of technology-supported services for including persons with intellectual disabilities in working life using technology .
  • Thygesen, Elin; Wass, Sofie Sara Terese; Hansen, Lise Amy; Moe, Carl Erik; Holen-Rabbersvik, Elisabeth & Ludvigsen, Ann-Elisabeth [Show all 7 contributors for this article] (2019). InnArbeid - Userdriven technology innovation for including people with intellectual disability in working life.
  • Moe, Carl Erik & Thygesen, Elin (2018). Recruitment to and dropouts from telemedicine interventions. In Bygholm, Ann; Pape-Haugaard, Louise; Niss, Karsten; Hejlesen, Ole & Zhou, Chunfang (Ed.), Proceedings from The 16th Scandinavian Conference on Health Informatics 2018, Aalborg, Denmark August 28–29, 2018. Linköping University Electronic Press. ISSN 978-91-7685-213-2. p. 103–104.
  • Holen-Rabbersvik, Elisabeth; Prinz, Andreas; Gerdes, Martin; Martinez, Santiago; Thygesen, Elin & Fensli, Rune Werner [Show all 7 contributors for this article] (2018). Teaching High School Students eHealth through Role-play and Laboratory Simulation. Medicinsk Informatika. ISSN 1330-1799. 14, p. 35–36.
  • Moe, Carl Erik & Thygesen, Elin (2018). Recruitment to and dropouts from telemedicine interventions.
  • Thygesen, Elin (2018). Samhandling mellom helse- og omsorgstjenestene ved hjelp av teknologiske løsninger.
  • Thygesen, Elin & Moe, Carl Erik (2018). InnArbeid: Behovsdrevet innovasjon for inkludering av personer med utviklingshemming i arbeidslivet ved bruk av teknologi.
  • Holen-Rabbersvik, Elisabeth; Prinz, Andreas; Gerdes, Martin; Martinez, Santiago; Thygesen, Elin & Fensli, Rune Werner [Show all 7 contributors for this article] (2018). Teaching High School Students eHealth through Roleplay and Laboratory Simulation.
  • Thygesen, Elin (2018). Sammen om fremtidens helsetjenester - innovasjonsprosjekt mellom akademia, næringsliv, brukere og helsetjenesten.
  • Wass, Sofie Sara Terese; Moe, Carl Erik; Thygesen, Elin & Haugland, Silje (2018). Use of welfare technology to increase employment of individuals with intellectual disabilities.
  • Barken, Tina Lien; Thygesen, Elin & Söderhamn, Ulrika (2018). Å leve med KOLS og få oppfølging med telemedisin. BestPractice. Lungemedisin. 8, p. 13–15.
  • Thygesen, Elin (2018). InnArbeid - Behovsdrevet innovasjon for inkludering av personer med utviklingshemming i arbeidslivet ved hjelp av teknologi.
  • Thygesen, Elin (2018). InnArbeid - Behovsdrevet innovasjon for inkludering av personer med utviklingshemming i arbeidslivet ved hjelp av teknologi.
  • Smaradottir, Berglind; Martinez, Santiago; Thygesen, Elin; Vatnøy, Torunn Kitty; Holen-Rabbersvik, Elisabeth & Fensli, Rune Werner (2018). Innovative Simulation of Telecare Alarm Services in Usability Laboratory Environment, Scientific Workshop.
  • Barken, Tina Lien; Söderhamn, Ulrika & Thygesen, Elin (2019). The humanistic perspective of telemedicine care - COPD patient' and nurses' expereiences of receiving/providing telemedicine care . Universitetet i Agder. ISSN 978-82-7117-942-7. Full text in Research Archive

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Published Apr. 16, 2024 11:34 AM