University of Makerere

Study Abroad

Om studiestedet

Mer om destinasjonen

Makerere University is situated in Kampala, the neighbouring town to the capital in Uganda, Entebbe. Makerere is one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in Africa and has around 40 000 students. The university started as a technical school in 1922 and became an independent national university in 1970 and consists today of 10 Colleges.

UiA has a long history of collaboration with Makerere University through education programmes and through large research projects.

Makerere has for many years received Norwegian students from the development studies programmes doing field course and field work and recently also students doing practical training in social work.

Students from the Bachelor programme in Global Development Studies and the Master programme in Global Development and Planning can go on exchange for their field work in their final semester. Students in Social Work can apply for practical training (praksis) at Makerere in their fifth semester.


You must be registered for a study program at UiA and have completed a minimum of 60 credits to be able to go on an exchange. You can find more information about possible requirements to apply for exchange on your program page. 

Studiepoeng og emner

Students going on exchange to Makerere University will either do field work or practical training and will take their credits at UiA.


Fall: August-Decemeber

Spring: January-June


Bachelor in Global Development Studies and Master in Global Development and Planning

Students doing field work in connection with their bachelor thesis will need to pay a school fee of around USD 1000. For students eligible for support through Lånekassen, part of the fee will be covered.

Bachelor in Social Work

There are no school fees for students doing practical training in social work.

Ongoing projects and scholarships

Any ongoing projects with available scholarships will be announced.


Normally students will stay in a guest house or a hostel close to the university. Makerere University will assist in finding safe and proper housing.

Slik søker du


  • 10. februar for utveksling i høstsemesteret eller hele studieåret
  • 10. september for utveksling i vårsemesteret

Mer informasjon om utveksling og søknadsprosessen

Disse studieprogrammene tilbyr utveksling til University of Makerere