Study plan

Spring 2022

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Students who have their background from the 1-year programme Technology for Teaching will get an exemption from courses that are equivalent to courses they have already completed.

What do you learn?

Learning outcome

On successful completion of the programme, the student should have the following learning outcome defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:


The candidate:

  • can review multimedia and educational technology as a research field

  • understands the relationship between interactive design and learning theories

  • has advanced knowledge of deliverance platforms for multimedia content

  • has a thorough understanding of 3D visualization and transfer of models

  • can assess the value of games and simulation in E-learning systems

  • has advanced knowledge of human-machine interfaces

  • has advanced knowledge about how to apply theoretical models to identified research problems


The candidate:

  • can design and create an advanced and effective educational multimedia system, using state of the art technologies, based on acknowledged pedagogical and aesthetical principles

  • masters multimedia technology, software and hardware, on a professional level

  • can create and use interactive content and web design to promote and enhance media projects

  • can develop Internet services and web applications

  • has control of the formatting and distribution of content across major digital media platforms

  • has proper control of the exchange of 3D models between CAD systems and visualization tools, and can visualize these models for educational purposes

  • has the programming skills to produce advanced educational technology content

  • can carry out an independent, limited research or development project in accordance with applicable norms for research ethics


The candidate:

  • can apply their knowledge and skills to new areas to pursue advanced task and projects

  • can communicate extensive independent work by mastering the relevant forms of expression used in research and development in multimedia and educational technology

  • can disseminate their knowledge of applied and theoretical problems and solutions, orally and in writing, to their peers and to a general audience

  • can evaluate work in their field, including their own work, using professional terminology

  • can contribute to innovation in academic and industrial projects

  • can analyse relevant professional and research ethical issues

Structure and content

Admission requirements

Admission requirement for the two-year master's programme is a bachelor degree in Multimedia Technology and Design, or in a similar field. For more detailed information, see the Regulations for admission to programmes and courses and Supplementary regulations for admission to Multimedia and Educational Technology, master´s programme on the UiA website (

A good command of English is required.

General description and profile

The programme delivers candidates with high competence in multimedia and educational technology. The emphasis in the programme is on knowledge of existing and new technology, new tools and new methods for dissemination of knowledge through the use of modern educational technology. The teaching will reflect the wide range of branches the candidate can work in after graduation, ranging from the development of E-learning material for traditional school and university education, training of employees in firms and as employees in companies using E-learning and educational technologies. The programme focuses on educational technology, and all topics are helping to underpin the knowledge necessary to develop good E-learning modules and topics. A thesis of 45 credits in the third and fourth semester, gives the students the possibility for specialization in a particular field of industry.

The master's thesis is normally carried out in the Spring semester. On application, the Faculty may approve that some students carry out their master's thesis in the Autumn semester. This is given that the student meets all the prerequisites, and that there are available supervisors.

Teaching methods

A range of different teaching and working methods will be used. This includes lectures, seminars, group work and exercises, individual computer exercises, laboratory exercises, case studies and participation in on-going research projects. E-learning courses consisting of a variety of different online resources including video lectures, simulations, discussion groups, and document cooperation is a natural part of a master´s programme in multimedia and educational technology. In most courses, students are expected to submit well-structured project reports, usually written in a standardized document template. It is assumed that the students will attain parts of the learning outcomes through self study, especially in the E-learning and seminar courses. Students are also required to have a laptop computer with a wireless network interface. The programme is taught in English. Written assignments and project reports may be submitted in English, Norwegian or another Scandinavian language. Regarding master's thesis: For every student/group there will be 10 compulsory guidance meetings.

Assessment methods

Several different forms of assessment are used, written or oral exams, portfolio assessment, project reports, individually or in groups. In some courses, compulsory written assignments or other coursework requirements must be successfully completed before the student is admitted to the final examination(s). The form of assessment is given in the course description for each course. The examinations are given in English, but may be answered in English, Norwegian or another Scandinavian language.


Multimedia is an area where companies and professionals both cooperate and compete internationally as well as nationally. The literature in the programme is in English, and English is the language of teaching. This will prepare the students for an international working life and teach them to communicate about their field of expertise in an international environment.

The students are given the opportunity to take parts of the programme at partner universities abroad. Full-time master´s students can take the third and/or fourth semester at a partner university abroad. Credits awarded at the foreign university may be transferred into the student´s programme at the University of Agder (UiA). In order to become an exchange student, the courses/thesis work that the student is planning to undertake at the foreign institution must be given a preliminary approval by the student´s programme coordinator at UiA, and a written student contract must be signed with the International Education Office. The Faculty of Engineering and Science has a large number of partner universities with which student exchange can be arranged in an efficient manner. The master´s programme is open to incoming exchange students from foreign universities, who may follow one or two semesters of the programme.

Requirements for continuing in programme

Students who have been given conditional admission to the programme must meet all the admission requirements before they can pass into the 2nd year of the programme. The student must have passed at least 70 ECTS in the Master´s programme before registering for the Master´s Thesis. All courses that lead directly to the thesis work must be successfully completed. Every semester the students must prepare and update individual education plans. Students are expected to take full responsibility for their own learning and personal progress in keeping with their individual education plans.

The requirements that the students have to meet in order to graduate are described in the different course descriptions under the headline "Examination requirement"and "Assessment methods and criteria".

Occupational profiles / further studies

On successful completion of the master's degree, candidates will be able to move directly into the field of multimedia industry and enterprises where information is central. Central areas of work will be development of digital learning systems for the public and private sector, for example the public education system, the movie-, TV- or other media industry, the structural engineering, offshore industry, museums/galleries and advertising agencies. The Master´s programme in multimedia and educational technology provides the basis for continuing in education and research in Norway or abroad, for example with a doctorate.

The Faculty has its own doctoral programme in engineering and science, and a candidate from a master´s programme in multimedia and educational technology can be qualified for this programme.

Qualification awarded

The study programme leads to the degree Master of Science in Multimedia and Educational Technology.


Study programme evaluation is conducted annually in the programme committee in accordance with the Quality System, section 4.2. Before the meeting of the study programme committee, the student representative may obtain suggestions and ideas from fellow students.


Together with the students the university regularly arranges trips abroad for the students to visit relevant firms and universities. These trips are voluntarily and not a requirement in the study programme. The students must cover the expenses of the trip themselves.

If a student gets the opportunity to work with a company in their location, or if a student chooses to work together with a company in a course, the student will have to cover the travel expenses.

Contact person

Study programme manager Morgan Konnestad or student adviser Sissel Andreassen.

Other information

A compulsory course in Health, Safety and Environment is required for students admitted to the programme.

It is a requirement that all students at UiA have their own portable computer (laptop) for use in teaching and examinations, see Examination Regulations, University of Agder, §12d

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 17, 2024 1:31:50 AM