Study plan

Autumn 2021

Elective courses 3. semester

Studies abroad

  • UO30 Utvekslingsopphold 30 sp Course page missing 30 stp

Master Thesis 60 credits (research or industry)

  • MASTIKT60S Master Thesis 60 credits (research or industry) Course page missing 60 stp

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Spring 2022

Information Technologies - compulsory courses

Communication Technologies - compulsory courses

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In the second semester, the students have to choose at least one of the courses: IKT449-G Selected Security Topics, IKT519-G Blockchain and distributed ledger technology, or IKT520-G Security in IoT and Machine-Type Communication.

What do you learn?

Learning outcome

The learning outcomes are divided into three separate categories: Knowledge, skills, and general competence.


On successful completion of the study programme, the students should:

- have obtained advanced knowledge of ICT and specialized knowledge within their selected specialization profile
- have a thorough knowledge of the main scientific methods used in ICT research
- be able to analyze ICT problems, both from a research and an industrial perspective


On successful completion of the study programme, the students should:

- Be able to apply their knowledge in new areas within ICT.

- Be able to analyze ICT problems, both from a research perspective and from an industrial perspective within their specialization profiles.

- Be able to analyze existing theories and methods, and solve applied and theoretical problems independently.

- Be able to apply relevant research and development methods in an independent manner.

- Be able to critically analyze various information sources, and apply these for structuring and formulating arguments.

- Be able to conduct an independent research and development project under supervision, in agreement with the prevailing academic and ethical standards for research.

- Be able to contribute to the innovation and the creation of new ideas in academic and industrial ICT projects.

General competence

On successful completion of the study programme, the students should:

- be able to apply their knowledge in new areas in order to pursue advanced tasks and projects
- be able to communicate comprehensive independent work by mastering the relevant forms of expression used in ICT research and development

- be able to disseminate their knowledge of applied and theoretical solutions to certain problems, orally and in writing, to their peers and to a general audience

Structure and content

Admission requirements

There are two profiles in the Master’s programme of Information and Communication technology (ICT): Information Technology and Communication Technology.

Admission requirements for the Information Technology: a Bachelor’s degree within Computer Science or Electronics. Applicants must have passed all the mandatory mathematics courses in the above-mentioned study programmes. Applicants must also have passed one of the elective courses: Discrete Mathematics or Mathematics 3 within UiA’s engineering programmes.

Admission requirements for the Communication Technology: a Bachelor’s degree within Computer Science, Electronics, Renewable Energy, or Mechatronics. For applicants with background from renewable energy, it is a requirement that Control Engineering (MAS239) forms a part of the admissions basis. For applicants with background in Mechatronics, the requirement is that Embedded Computer Systems (MAS245) forms a part of the admissions basis. Applicants must have passed all the mandatory mathematics courses in the above-mentioned study programmes. Applicants must also have passed Mathematics 3 within UiA’s engineering programmes.

For more detailed information, please see Supplementary regulations regarding admission: Information and Communication Technology, master’s programme.

As most of the courses are taught in English, a good command of English is required.

General description and profile

The programme is organized into two standard profiles.
- Information Technologies, where the students can immerse in Artificial intelligence and machine learning, Data science, Decision support and eHealth technology.

- Communication Technologies
, where the students can immerse in Mobile and wireless communications, Computer networking, Embedded systems and Internet of things (IoT).

The first semester provides a basis for later specialization. During the second and third semesters students specialize further within a selected area. In the fourth semester the students work on their master's thesis.

There are four seminar courses in the programme, two compulsory courses (IKT 440 and IKT441) and two elective courses (IKT442 and IKT446). In the seminar courses the students can choose between different topics relevant for their specialization.

All students must have at least one ICT security course as part of their degree. The students can choose between the courses IKT449 Selected Security Topics, IKT519 Blockchain and distributed ledger technology and IKT520 Security in IoT and Machine-Type Communication in the 2nd semester.

Teaching methods

A range of different teaching and working methods will be used, including lectures, Internet discussion groups, seminars, group work and exercises, individual computer exercises, laboratory exercises, case studies and participation in ongoing research projects. In many courses, students are expected to submit well-structured project reports, usually written in a standardized document template. Every semester the students must prepare and update individual education plans. Students are expected to take full responsibility for their own learning and personal progress in keeping with their individual education plans. It is assumed that the students will attain parts of the curriculum objectives through self-study, especially in the seminar courses. Students are also required to have a laptop computer with a wireless network interface. There is usually no compulsory attendance at ordinary lectures, but students may be subject to attendance requirements for some courses, or parts of a course. This will be stated in the course description for the different courses.

Regarding master's thesis: For every student/group there will be 10 compulsory supervision meetings for the regular Master's Thesis, and 20 compulsory supervision meetings for the full-year Master's Thesis.

Assessment methods

Different forms of assessment are used. In some courses, compulsory written assignments or other coursework requirements must be successfully completed before the student is admitted to the final examination(s). Other courses use a system of continuous assessment, where the final grade is completely or partially based on tests or exercises throughout the semester. The form of assessment is given in the course description for each course. The examinations are given in English, but may be answered in English, Norwegian or another Scandinavian language.


Information and communication technology is an area where companies and professionals both cooperate and compete internationally as well as nationally. The literature in the programme is in English, and English is the language of teaching. Written assignments and project reports may be submitted in English, Norwegian or another Scandinavian language. In several courses, Norwegian and international students work together in groups. This will prepare the students for an international working life and teach them to communicate about their field of expertise in an international environment.

The programme provides the students an opportunity to take parts of the programme at partner universities abroad. Full-time Master students can take the 3rd and/or 4th semester at a partner university abroad. In order to become an exchange student, the courses/thesis work that the student is planning to undertake at the foreign institution must be given a preliminary approval by the study programme manager at UiA, and a written Student Contract must be signed with the International Education Office. The Faculty of Engineering and Science has a large number of partner universities with which the student exchange can be arranged in an efficient manner. The master´s programme is open to incoming exchange students from foreign universities, who may follow one or two semesters of the programme.

Requirements for continuing in programme

Before starting the 30 ECTS Master's Thesis (IKT590-G), the student must successfully complete courses amounting to at least 75 ECTS credits. For the 60 ECTS Master’s Thesis (IKT591-G) the requirement is 60 ECTS credits. All courses that lead directly to the thesis work must be successfully completed.

A prerequisite for students to take the full year Master's Thesis, i.e. IKT591-G, is a minimum grade point average of B in the 1st and 2nd semester. In addition, this choice must be approved by the study programme manager.

Occupational profiles / further studies

After successfully completing the Master's degree, candidates will be able to move directly into the professional field as an ICT engineer in a range of capacities. Graduates frequently obtain leading positions in industry and business. The programme has a direct relevance to the computing and communication industry, but job opportunities are not limited to such activities. The graduates from this programme may also be qualified for a career in research, and for doctoral studies in ICT, which is offered by most universities throughout the world. The Faculty of Engineering and Science offers its own PhD programme specialization in ICT.

Qualification awarded

The study programme leads to the degree Master i teknologi (sivilingeniør) - Informasjons- og kommunikasjonsteknologi/Master of Science in Information and Communication Technology (sivilingeniør).


Study programme evaluation is conducted annually in the programme committee in accordance with the Quality System, section 4.2. Before the meeting of the study programme committee, the student representative may obtain suggestions and ideas from fellow students.


If a student obtains an opportunity to work with a company in their location, or if a student chooses to work together with a company in a course, the student will have to cover the travel expenses.

Contact person

Study Programme Manager Lei Jiao

Other information

A compulsory course in Health, Safety and Environment is recommended for students admitted to the programme.

A wireless network is available on campus and the master students use their own laptop computers in most courses.

It is a requirement that all students at UiA have their own portable computer (laptop) for use in teaching and examinations, see Examination Regulations, University of Agder, §12d

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 17, 2024 3:16:03 AM