Emnet er tilknyttet følgende studieprogram

  • Ph.d.-program i teknologi og realfag


The course will present the following topics in stochastic processes, with additional topics and examples presented at the lecturer's discretion.

  • Stochastic processes and their descriptions

  • Mathematical description of stochastic systems

  • Analysis of linear systems with random inputs

  • Prediction and filtering theory

  • Prediction for ARMAX systems

  • The Kalman filter and the Riccati equation

  • Parameter estimation theory for parametric models

  • Least squares and maximum likelihood estimators

  • Stochastic control methods based on dynamic programmeming

  • The LQG problem and the separation theorem

  • Minimum variance control

  • Adaptive control of stochastic systems

  • Self-tuning regulators

  • Direct adaptive control schemes

  • Stability and convergence analysis

  • Selected advanced topics


This course will introduce students to the basic results of stochastic systems for estimation, identification, stochastic control and adaptive control.

Undervisnings- og læringsformer

Lectures and examples classes


Oral or Written Examination at the lecturer's discretion. Pass/Fail.

Sist hentet fra Felles Studentsystem (FS) 1. juli 2024 03:05:32