Emnet er tilknyttet følgende studieprogram

  • Ph.d.-program i helse- og idrettsvitenskap

Anbefalte forkunnskaper

  • EX-602 Philosophy of Science

  • ME-617 Systematic Literature Analysis

  • ME-618 Qualitative Research Methods

  • ME-619 Quantitative Research Methods and Regression Analysis


This course unit is particularly concerned with the emergence of dialogical and collaborative concepts and perspectives as a basis of different practices in clinical work and research within the health sciences. A central focus will be on new understandings and paradigms of dialogical and collaborative practices and their implications for mainstream policies, services, research, clinical practices and professions. What distinguishes the philosophies and practices of dialogical and collaborative approaches is that they have a range of knowledge sources based in research, experience based and theoretical knowledges. These new approaches also consider an awareness of contexts as being central to knowledge development as well in research as in clinical settings.


The primary focus will be on different perspectives and traditions of research-, experience- and theoretical based knowledges in dialogical and collaborative practices, the development of dialogical and collaborative practices in research and clinical work, and the methodological and scientific contribution of the candidate to systematizing and developing different areas of dialogical and collaborative practices in health sciences. Relationships between differing views in ontology, epistemology and methodology, and organizational and political frameworks will also be explored. The content above will be disseminated via the following contexts and topics:


  1. The philosophical assumptions and stance of dialogical and collaborative practices in health care research and clinical work

  2. Action-orienting sensitivities and guidelines for dialogical and collaborative research

  3. Collaborative relationships and dialogical conversations in clinical settings in health care

  4. Methodology for the systematization and development of dialogical and collaborative practices in research and clinical work.

  5. Preparing and optimizing the conditions for collaborative-dialogue in knowledge and clinical development.


On successful completion of the course, the candidate:



  • will have in-depth knowledge of various ontological, epistemological and methodological traditions within dialogical and collaborative practices in different contexts (e.g. health and social care, pedagogy/education, research)

  • Will have in-depth knowledge and understanding of dialogical and collaborative traditions and practices in different areas of health sciences

  • Will have insight and understanding at a high international level of the complexity of dialogical and collaborative research methodologies.



  • will be able to formulate research questions and plan research in the area of dialogical and collaborative practices

  • can critically analyse, from the perspectives of participants involved, current dialogical and collaborative knowledges and practices as a basis for research

  • is able to contribute to the development of research based knowledge, theories and methodologies as a base for service transformation, and offer advice about policies and services related to dialogical and collaborative practices in health services.


General competences

  • can critically reflect on established professional practices and knowledges in various research areas

  • can communicate the results of research and development work through recognized national and international channels, and participate in debates in relevant forums

Vilkår for å gå opp til eksamen

The course days, group work, presentations and essay are obligatory.

Undervisnings- og læringsformer

This course unit will be taught over 4-5 days course program and an essay. The teaching and learning methods will consist of a combination of lectures, group work and presentations based on the lecture topics and the candidates´ own ongoing research work.


The final assignment is a 3000 word essay based on the literature review that the candidate has performed during the course. The essay will focus on a self-chosen topic related to the course content. The selected topic must also reflect the candidates´ own experiential learning in dialogical and collaborative practices in various contexts. The essay must be delivered within two weeks after the end of the course. The assignment will be graded as pass or fail.

Annen informasjon

Course coordinator: Professor Tore Dag Bøe (tore.d.boe@uia.no)

Sist hentet fra Felles Studentsystem (FS) 18. juli 2024 02:38:15