Emnet er tilknyttet følgende studieprogram




The course introduces students to various concepts and theoretical perspectives to make sense of recent and ongoing dynamics across the public sector at large, with a focus on reform and change processes. Major concepts include; instrumental versus institutional accounts; New Public Management (NPM), New Public Governance, Post- NPM, Hybrid and network organizing, co-production and co-creation; etc. Typical questions include, but are not limited to: What are the main drivers and rationales for reform processes across the public sector? What are the prevalent government/policy logics, ethical considerations and strategic agendas? How and why are local actors responding as they are? What types of reform effects - short (outputs) and long run (outcomes) - are detected, and what key lessons can be learnt?


Upon successful completion of the course students should be able to:

  • Give an account of recent government-led reform efforts and its effects across the public sector

  • Grasp the various ways to conceptualize and theorize change processes across the public sector

  • Explain how the public sector in Norway and beyond (e.g. across the Nordics) is affected by global- reform trends and ideas

  • Discuss the extent to which new, emerging forms of governance, management and collaboration affect dynamics across the public sector, nationally (state) and locally (region)

Undervisnings- og læringsformer

Combination of lectures, seminars, group work and presentation of group work.


Emneansvarlig i samråd med studenttillitsvalgt fastsetter evalueringsform og om emnene skal ha midtveis- eller sluttevaluering, jf. kvalitetssystemet kapittel 4.1.

Tilgang for privatister


Tilbys som enkeltemne

Ja. Med forbehold om ledig plass/kapasitet.

Opptakskrav hvis tilbudt som enkeltemne

ORG 100 or equivalent.


 The exam consists of two parts:

1) Group assignment - group based grading (30% of the final grade).

2) An 4-hour individual written examination (70 % of the final grade)

Both parts must be passed in order to get a final grade. Graded A-F.




Reduksjon i studiepoeng

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Emne Studiepoengreduksjon
ORG940 – Administrasjon og ledelse i offentlig sektor 10
Sist hentet fra Felles Studentsystem (FS) 2. juli 2024 20:53:12