


Basic knowledge in sensors and signal processing, electronic circuit design and programming.


mmWave is an extremely valuable sensing technology for detection of objects and providing the range, velocity and angle of these objects. mmWave sensors are used in automotive, industrial, drones and medical applications. It is a contactless-technology which operates in the spectrum between 30GHz and 300GHz. Due to the technology¿s use of small wavelengths it can provide sub-mm range accuracy and is able to penetrate certain materials such as plastic, drywall, clothing, and is impervious to environmental conditions such as rain, fog, dust and snow.

The Introduction to mmWave sensing course is designed to learn the fundamentals of FMCW technology and mmWave sensors, and start development quickly. This course covers both the AWR automotive radar mmWave sensors and the IWR industrial mmWave sensors, which are intended to be used for detecting range, velocity and angle of objects in wide range of applications.

Students go through the Fundamentals of millimeter wave sensors, Introduction to FMCW Radars, FMCW Radars ¿ Range Estimation, FMCW Radars ¿ The Phase of the IF Signal, FMCW Radars ¿ Velocity Estimation, FMCW Radars ¿ System Design, FMCW Radars ¿ Angle Estimation and designing systems using mmWave sensors for detecting very small objects.

The student shall conduct a project dealing with recent (up to within the last few months) applications of mmWave sensors in ICT.


The goal of this course is to give the students a basic knowledge on mmWave Sensors (FMCW Radars) which are important parts of contemporary electronics (for example: design and development of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS)). At the end of this course, students will be able to design systems to detect very small objects using mmWave sensors.

The course will enable students to gain knowledge in:

  • Understanding the specifications of the mmWave Sensors/Radars.

  • Capturing of Raw Data from mmWave Sensors/Radars.

  • Range, velocity and angle estimation using the data collected from mmWave Sensors/Radars.

  • Designing of systems using mmWave Sensors/Radars.

  • Programming of mmWave Sensors/Radars.

Undervisnings- og læringsformer

  • 5 Lectures (5 x 2 hours)

  • 5 Tutorials (5 x 2 hours)

  • 1 Project (1 x 120 hours [max.])

Total work load including exam: 150 hours [max.]


Project report and oral exam. Pass: B or better.

Sist hentet fra Felles Studentsystem (FS) 18. juli 2024 07:48:50