Emnet er tilknyttet følgende studieprogram

  • Informasjons- og kommunikasjonsteknologi, ph.d.-program
  • Ph.d.-program i teknologi og realfag


The ISO/IEC 27001 standard defines principles for information security managing systems according to best practice in quality improvement. ISO/IEC 27002 is the code of practice for information security management. Other parts of the IOS/IEC 27000 family of standards provide guidelines for implementation, security metrics and information security risk assessment.

The course will cover the following:

  • Information security management systems

  • Information security management as continuous improvement

  • Integration of security in total quality management

  • The structure of the ISO/IEC 27001 and 27002 standards

  • Controls and best practice

  • Measurement and metrics

  • Information security risk management


After completing the course, the student is expected to have knowledge of the basics of information security management.

Vilkår for å gå opp til eksamen

Approved project report.

Undervisnings- og læringsformer

Lecture, exercises and project work.


Oral examination. Pass/Fail.

Sist hentet fra Felles Studentsystem (FS) 18. juli 2024 07:48:44