Emnet er tilknyttet følgende studieprogram


ME-426 Musicological Theory and Method


Students are expected to write a master´s thesis spanning between 50-80 pages (80-100 pages in groups of two). It should analyse practical/empirical issues within the chosen topic and include perspectives from different academic discourses. Both quantitative and qualitative methods are accepted. Other approaches can be implemented following an agreement with the supervisor.

The topic should address current issues in the music industry and must incorporate relevant theories, academic research design, and critical analysis. The master’s thesis is the capstone of the learning in the programme and builds on the skills and experience derived from the previous courses. It provides students with the opportunity to apply this knowledge into a major project and add to the body of professional practice and theoretical literature.

Sist hentet fra Felles Studentsystem (FS) 30. juni 2024 02:51:50