Emnet er tilknyttet følgende studieprogram

  • Ph.d.-program i helse- og idrettsvitenskap


None apart from being accepted in the PhD programme in Health and Sport Sciences


The overall goal of the course is to supply the participants with relevant practical skills as researchers. The candidates will be given an introduction in how to write and publish a scientific article, how to present research findings in a scientific manner, and how these findings may be popularized for presentation to the public. In addition, the course will prepare the candidates for the thesis. The course is a continuing course throughout the whole PhD period and contains:


1) Lectures on themes like article writing, publishing, open access, research impact, ethical and academic guidelines, co-authorship, citation rules, book - and report writing, poster presentation, oral presentation, popularization of research, the researcher as participator in the public debate (social media, blogs, newspaper chronicles, media).


2) Candidate presentations of project descriptions and findings, respectively 20 % and 50 % into the course of PhD programme, as well as a trial PhD defence at 90% time. The trial defence will function as an examination in the course and as a gate to pass to be allowed to submit the PhD thesis.


3) Candidate opposition to other candidates´s project findings.


On successful completion of the course, the candidate:



  • is able to assess the usefulness of disseminating research findings in different channels to different audiences

  • knows how articles and a PhD thesis are constructed and demonstrates knowledge on the procedures of scientific writing and publishing

  • is familiar with and able to assess the possibilities of research dissemination through popular scientific channels such as media and social media


  • is able to disseminate his/her research work through recognized national and international channels

  • is able to disseminate academic matters in both scientific and popular scientific ways

  • is experienced in presenting his/her own research

  • is well prepared for defending his/her PhD thesis at the public defense

General competences

  • is able to draw the essence of complex matters and present it in an understandable way to different audiences

  • is ready to participate in academic debate in both national and international forums

  • understands the importance of brevity and is experienced in expressing oneself with brevity

Vilkår for å gå opp til eksamen

The candidate is required to have participated with a presentation of

1) project outline and

2) his/her own project findings as well as an opposition another candidate´s project finding presentation. In addition, attendance on at least 9 one-day seminars is required (included those where the candidate conducts presentations and opposition).

Undervisnings- og læringsformer

The course will be held as one-day seminars with lectures and student presentations and oppositions. In general, three to four seminars will be held each semester. The course is organized as a continuing course during the PhD program. It will also function as a meeting place for the students enrolled in the programme.


The trial lecture completed at normally 90 % PhD time counts as the examination for the course. The candidate hands in the work as completed at the time, i.e. scientific articles (both published and drafts) as well as an outline and possibly a draft for the summary or a draft of the monograph. The work that is handed in must be of quantity and quality which convince the examiner that the candidate will be able to submit the thesis within the remaining 10 % of the available PhD timeframe (i.e. in three to four months).


The candidate will present his/her project (20 minutes) and will then be questioned by the examiner for about 40 minutes. The examiner must be without affiliation to the candidate´s project and may be internal or external. The examination will be open to the other PhD candidates enrolled in the program. Main supervisor will suggest an examiner. It is expected that main supervisor is present at the examination. Immediately after the examination, the examiner will discuss the examination with the leader of the PhD program and the main supervisor. The examiner will then recommend whether the work is sufficiently to be submitted as a thesis within reasonable time or not.

Reduksjon i studiepoeng

Innholdet i dette emnet dekkes helt eller delvis av annet emne. Tas ett av disse emnene i tillegg, reduseres studiepoengene som følger:

Emne Studiepoengreduksjon
HEL601 – Avsluttende faglig fordypning 5
ME-616 – Forskningsformidling 2.5
Sist hentet fra Felles Studentsystem (FS) 1. juli 2024 02:46:11