Emnet er tilknyttet følgende studieprogram




  • The EU system

  • Conceptualisations and theories of Europeanisation

  • The domestic Impact of the EU - an overview

  • Europeanisation of policy areas

  • Europeanisation in different countries


After successfull completion of the course the students should:

  • be able to demonstrate comprehensive theoretical and empirical knowledge of the EU-system and how EU-institutions and politics transform domestic systems of public administration

  • be able to analyze Europeanisation as an empirical phenomenon

  • have gained knowledge of empirical examples of Europeanisation, and different sites of Europeanisation

  • have achieved skills of presenting own student work


Vilkår for å gå opp til eksamen

Approved written assignment is required.

Undervisnings- og læringsformer

The course is offered as concentrated teaching, normally during the first part of the semester. Students will actively participate in group work, presentations, and discussions. More information will be given in Canvas.


The course responsible determines in consultation with the student representative evaluation form and whether the courses shall have a mid-term or final evaluation in line with the quality system, chapter 4.1.

Tilbys som enkeltemne


Opptakskrav hvis tilbudt som enkeltemne

The same admission requirements as for the Master's Programme in Political Science and Management


5 hours written school exam.Graded A-F.

Sist hentet fra Felles Studentsystem (FS) 1. juli 2024 02:39:55