

Anbefalte forkunnskaper

ORG464 Innovation Through Design Thinking or equivalent


The course starts with an introduction to the role of marketing in the organization and market analysis based on demand, environmental factors and user buying behavior. It continues by focusing on the development of market strategies through the understanding of user needs and value, market segmentation, targeting, strategic positioning, branding and user experiences. Through the course and assignments, students will be introduced to and trained in the creative processes of developing market plans based on user insights and market analysis.


Upon successful completion of the course, the students should: 

• Have advanced knowledge about marketing and specialized insights in entrepreneurial marketing

• Have thorough knowledge about theories, approaches and tools relating to market entry in domestic and international markets

• Have advanced knowledge about market entry strategies for firms and the different challenges and techniques when approaching end users versus businesses

• Be able to develop international marketing strategies based on thorough market research

• Be able to conduct national and international market research, gather user insights and apply the findings in business development

• Be able to plan and carry out effective sales and marketing efforts targeting both end users and businesses

• Be able to develop a dynamic marketing plan, and optimize the plan with respect to the unique properties of the product or service and its users

• Be able to use knowledge and skills to develop user experiences and brands

Vilkår for å gå opp til eksamen

Submission and presentation of project must be approved before examination. More information is available on the course schedule and Canvas.

Undervisnings- og læringsformer

Lectures, workshops, cases, presentations, project. Approximate workload is 210 hours.


Student evaluation is carried out as a midway evaluation and in accordance with the normal arrangement as described in the quality assurance system, chapter 4.1. If necessary, a possible end of semester evaluation may be implemented.


Group project report (counts 60 %, one grade for the whole group) and individual term paper (counts 40 %). Grading by letters. More information is provided on Canvas.

Sist hentet fra Felles Studentsystem (FS) 1. juli 2024 02:36:09