Emnet er tilknyttet følgende studieprogram


ME-426 Musicological Theory and Method


The study programme coordinator will discuss and choose the supervisor(s) together with the students. All students are obliged to have at least one in-house supervisor. According to the scope of the thesis and the interests of the students, two students may work together in a group.

During the first semester the students will have the opportunity of having consultations on a general level. The teachers in the masters team will provide such consultations. The programme will also have excursions and meetings with businesses, entrepreneurs and employees in the field.

The student is supervised by a University of Agder faculty member and potentially a mentor from the music- and cultural field. The mentor can typically represent the organisation/company where the student has his/her practical cultural project management. The master thesis can very well be linked to the practical cultural project management. Each student will in consultation with the module leaders and/or mentor choose the subject area for research where appropriate. The subject should address current issues in project management for music and stage and must incorporate relevant theories, academic research design, and critical analysis. The master¿s thesis is the capstone of the learning in the programme and builds on the skills and experience derived from the previous modules. It provides students with the opportunity to apply programme knowledge into a major project and add to the body of professional practice and theoretical literature.


On successful completion of this course, the student should be able to:

  • understand project management within a cultural management context

  • undertake in depth analysis

  • work independently

  • apply basic research techniques

  • organize the findings into a comprehensible and explicit structure

  • critically assess the validity and general applicability of the conclusions drawn


Master’s thesis

Length: 70-100 pages

The Master’s thesis is individual or in groups of two students.

Assessed on the basis A-F (with A as the highest level and F as fail)

Sist hentet fra Felles Studentsystem (FS) 30. juni 2024 02:29:27