Emnet er tilknyttet følgende studieprogram

  • Global utvikling og samfunnsplanlegging, masterprogram

Anbefalte forkunnskaper



The course will help the students develop a defendable proposal for their master thesis. It will build upon previous courses, especially UT504 (Integrating Environment, Development and Management for Sustainability) and ME413 (Research Methods in Development Studies). The main aim is to prepare the students for practical research work, including the writing of the thesis. The students will raise critical questions when reading research proposals, and will develop their own openness of mind, curiosity and probing attitude, characterizing the accomplished researcher.


On completion of the course the participants should have the ability to:

  •  Create a cogent, coherent and defendable thesis proposal

  • Present and explain their preliminary thesis proposal to an audience of fellow students, tutors and course instructors

  • Critique the presentations of peers and provide constructive feedback 

Undervisnings- og læringsformer

Seminars and lectures during the second face-to-face session and netbased teaching through Fronter (LMS). Estimated workload, 27 hours per credit. 


Course evaluation is carried out as a midterm evaluation in accordance with standard procedure in the quality assurance system, chapter 2.1.1., unless other information is given in the beginning of the semester.


Portfolio 100% evaluated as passed/failed. All hand-ins of the portfolio must be passed to obtain an overall passing grade. A study guide and calendar will provide more detailed information at the beginning of the semester.

Reduksjon i studiepoeng

Innholdet i dette emnet dekkes helt eller delvis av annet emne. Tas ett av disse emnene i tillegg, reduseres studiepoengene som følger:

Emne Studiepoengreduksjon
ME-521 – Thesis seminar in Development Management 10
ME-500 – Thesis Seminar and Applied Research Methods 5
Sist hentet fra Felles Studentsystem (FS) 1. juli 2024 02:24:57