Emnet er tilknyttet følgende studieprogram



Anbefalte forkunnskaper

Recommended knowledge from MA-431-G Mathematics for mechatronics, MAS416-G Modelling and simulation of mechatronic systems, MAS408-G Analog and digital electro technologies.


System analysis in frequency domain, control design assisted by frequency responses, limitations and instabilities of SISO control systems, state-space modeling and state-space system analysis, similarity transformations and control design in state-space, design of LQR controllers, observer design and observer-based controllers, introduction to Kalman filtering, integral and robust tracking controls, z-domain and z-transformations, digital control techniques.

Examples and exercises in the subject will be related to electric motor drives, robotic manipulators, and servo techniques based on the valve-controlled hydraulic systems.


On successful completion of the course, the student should be able to

  • analyse systems and design feedback controllers in frequency domain

  • analyse systems and design controllers and state estimators in time domain and state-space representation

  • use techniques for design and implementation of discrete control systems


Course evaluation is carried out as a midterm evaluation in accordance with standard procedure in the quality assurance system, chapter 2.1.1., unless other information is given in the beginning of the semester.


4-hour individual written examination (60 % contribution to final assessment), and practical project work with compulsory presentation (40 % contribution to final assessment). Graded assessment.

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Emne Studiepoengreduksjon
MAS501 – Reguleringsteknikk 7.5
Sist hentet fra Felles Studentsystem (FS) 30. juni 2024 02:28:35