Emnet er tilknyttet følgende studieprogram




The aim of the course is twofold. In its first half, it discusses various theories and approaches in understanding history and historical time, including: historical consciousness; rethinking time and space in History; the relationship between History, social time and time orientation; the relationship between History, heritage and memory; the relationship between History and tradition; conceptual approaches to History; innovation approaches to History. The second part of the course discusses various uses of History in politics, identity building, culture and entertainment, as well as history uses in schools and by religions.


1. Knowledge

Upon completion of the course the students shall have an advanced knowledge of:

  • various theories on and approaches to historical time(s)

  • how to study History by using conceptual approaches

  • how to understand History better by using innovation theories

  • the relationship between history, memory, heritage, and identity

  • the relationship between history, social time and time orientation

  • the difference between history and the use(s) of History

  • various uses of history in politics, education and society

2. Skills

Upon completion of the course the students shall be able to:

  • master central historical terms and approaches, as for example historical consciousness, use of history, memory policy

  • apply theories on historical time(s) to their own historical research

  • apply theories on history use to their own historical research

  • recognize and analyse the use(s) of History in various periods and epistemological and social areas

  • formulate research problems related to historical time and history use

  • carry out independent research of international standards on subjects related to historical time and history use

3. General competence

Upon completion of the course the students shall be able to (independently and in cooperation with others):

  • use their theoretical knowledge of history and its use(s) and importance to participate actively in a democratic society

  • use their knowledge on the use(s) of history to analyse and discuss relevant educational, social, cultural, and political aspects

  • apply her/his theoretical knowledge of history and its use(s) and importance as employee of schools, museums, or mass media

  • participate in relevant academic and non-academic debates

Vilkår for å gå opp til eksamen

(a) Active participation at five obligatory seminars during which each student is to make at least one oral presentation based on the course syllabus and reciprocally act as respondent at least once for a fellow student.

(b) Approval of five essay drafts (350-450 words each) that the students will submit on fixed dates. Refer to Canvas for more information.    

Undervisnings- og læringsformer

Lectures, seminars, colloquium groups and self-study. Obligatory participation in five seminars. Students are expected to participate in colloquium groups, where they will discuss cases and theoretical approaches presented in the lectures. A one-week excursion abroad may be included in the teaching plan of the course. The workload is estimated to 400 hours.


Studieprogramleder i samråd med studenttillitsvalgt fastsetter evalueringsform og om emnene skal ha midtveis- eller sluttevaluering, jf. kvalitetssystemet kapittel 4.1. Informasjon om evalueringsform for emnet publiseres i Canvas.


Submission of individual portfolio of five (5) essays (900-1100 words each, excluding references and bibliography). Each essay assignment will be related to one of the subjects discussed in the lectures and seminars. Graded assessment (A-F) according to ECTS grading scale. Students may submit their essays in English or Norwegian.

Sist hentet fra Felles Studentsystem (FS) 30. juni 2024 02:25:52