Emnet er tilknyttet følgende studieprogram


The course introduces the students to (a) the relationship between history as an academic discipline and the use of history, (b) the use of history in politics, nation building and identity formation, and (c) various types of history use, as for example in education, commercialization and entertainment, in art and religion. The students will learn to analyse and discuss the use of history both within and outside educational institutions and museums, and in a broader social context.

Students also get to know theories relevant to the study of history use, as for example theories related to the formation of national and cultural identity, the phenomena of “imagined communities” and “invented traditions”, as well as theories of communication and media.


After the completion of the course, the students shall:



  • Have insight into how history has been and still is used to build national, regional and local identities, to achieve political goals, and to shape values and norms.

  • Have knowledge of key academic debates related to history use, not only in and around conflicts and wars, but also as part of post-conflict societies.

  • Be able to deepen into various aspects of the relationship between historical research and historical (scientific) debates on the one hand, and history use in schools, media, memory cultures and popular culture on the other.



  • Have insight into the differences between history as an academic discipline, the use of history, memory, and the construction of historical myths.

  • Be able to analyse various types of historical cases, which demonstrate how mass media, schools, cultural and educational institutions, political parties and a variety of other actors consciously or unconsciously use and influence our perception of the past.

  • Master the central subject of the field and reflect on different types of memory processes based on concepts such as “historical consciousness”, “history use”, “memory” and “memory politics”.

  • Be able to master the form of scientific paper.

General competence

  • Have insight into the role and significance of history use in modern societies and in peoplesˊ daily lives.

  • Be able to participate in discussions and debates about history use in politics, social interaction and public life.

  • Apply theoretical knowledge for the cases of school, the museum, the mass media etc.

Vilkår for å gå opp til eksamen

For students in the teacher education: The practice period must be completed and passed.

All other students (voluntary for the teacher students): Within a given deadline a draft (1-2 pages) for the term paper must be submitted and approved.

Further information will be posted on Canvas when the semester starts.

Undervisnings- og læringsformer

Lectures, seminars, and self-study. Further information will be given in Canvas. Expected workload: 270 h.


Studieprogramleder i samråd med studenttillitsvalgt fastsetter evalueringsform og om emnene skal ha midtveis- eller sluttevaluering, jf. kvalitetssystemet kapittel 4.1. Informasjon om evalueringsform for emnet publiseres i Canvas.


  1. Final paper (total of 3000 words +/-10 percent, not counting the footnotes/in-text citations and bibliography); final paper is written individually. Counts 70 % toward final grade.

  2. One two hours individual written examination. Counts 30 % toward final grade.

The student must pass both final exams.

Differentiated marks.

Reduksjon i studiepoeng

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Emne Studiepoengreduksjon
HI-225 – Uses and abuses of History 10
Sist hentet fra Felles Studentsystem (FS) 18. juli 2024 02:28:16