Emnet er tilknyttet følgende studieprogram




EN-410 and EN-411 (or the equivalent) must be completed.


National myths account for a nations origins and present situation as well as suggesting a direction for future development via stories, scenarios, and narratives. This course treats cultural myths based upon history and / or science discourses. Analyses of canonical literature and popular media from Colonial times until today will describe and discuss diverse national myths, such as "the myth of the garden", "the myth of the American West" and progressive myths of race, imperialism, and economic and technological progress.


After completion of the class, the student will

  • be able to describe and explain the process of how scientific and scholarly discourses are transformed into cultural myth in the processes of repetition and simplification

  • be able to analyze the play between historical events and cultural myth in popular, narrative and representative media such as literature, film, television, and music

  • be able to identify and explain the growing skepticism to naturalizing national myths

Vilkår for å gå opp til eksamen

One short writing assignment (700 words) and one mid-term essay must be assessed as a pass.

Undervisnings- og læringsformer

Seminars: Film and television episodes will be shown outside of class time. This course is taught in English; all target texts and secondary materials are in English. Estimated workload: Approximately 400 hours.


The study programme manager, in consultation with the student representative, decides the method of evaluation and whether the courses will have a midterm- or end of term evaluation, see also the Quality System, section 4.1.

Tilgang for privatister


Tilbys som enkeltemne

Yes. Subject to availability.


A two-week take home essay. Graded assessment.

Reduksjon i studiepoeng

Innholdet i dette emnet dekkes helt eller delvis av annet emne. Tas ett av disse emnene i tillegg, reduseres studiepoengene som følger:

Emne Studiepoengreduksjon
EN-407 – Litteratur 4 15
Sist hentet fra Felles Studentsystem (FS) 18. juli 2024 02:27:07