Emnet er tilknyttet følgende studieprogram



Anbefalte forkunnskaper

DAT113-G Software Development 1, DAT201 Algorithms and Data Structures or equivalent.


Functional programming and Scala, Concepts of data types and coding, Declarative programming and Prolog, Syntax and Semantics, Computability, Subprograms, Exeptions, Runtime environments, Distributed Programming.


On successful completion of the course, the student will be able to

- Explain the implementation of basic programming concepts

- Apply programming concepts to solve problems

- Select a meaningful programming model for a given problem

- Program in Prolog, Scala, and ACT ONE, and use protocol buffers

- Solve problems using different programming models

- Compare features of programming languages

Vilkår for å gå opp til eksamen

Approved mandatory lab exercises as announced in LMS.

Undervisnings- og læringsformer

Lectures, group projects and lab exercises. The course covers programming in several languages and use of related software. Students develop their own programs to solve the given tasks. Some of the exercises are done in groups of appropriate size.

Parts of the course are run as intensive weeks.
Estimated work load for the average student is 27 hours per credit.


The study programme manager, in consultation with the student representative, decides the method of evaluation and whether the courses will have a midterm- or end of term evaluation, see also the Quality System, section 4.1. Information about evaluation method for the course will be posted on Canvas.

Tilbys som enkeltemne

Yes, subject to availability/capacity

Opptakskrav hvis tilbudt som enkeltemne

Opptakskravet er det samme som for ingeniør


Portfolio assessment with adjusting oral examination. Graded assessment. Information about the content of the portfolio will be given in the LMS by the start of the semester.

Annen informasjon

The course will be taught in English.

Reduksjon i studiepoeng

Innholdet i dette emnet dekkes helt eller delvis av annet emne. Tas ett av disse emnene i tillegg, reduseres studiepoengene som følger:

Emne Studiepoengreduksjon
IKT212 – Programmeringskonsepter 7.5
Sist hentet fra Felles Studentsystem (FS) 18. juli 2024 02:26:51