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Technology and Institutional Logics

The 39th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), At San Francisco, CA, Conference Paper· December 2018


Peter Andrè Busch


During the past decade, information systems (IS) scholars have increasingly benefited from the concept of institutional logics. Whereas much of this literature looks at how actors are influenced by and seek to influence institutional logics, less research has focused on the direct link between technology and institutional logics. By neglecting this perspective, we have failed to explain how technologies, as material manifestations of institutional logics, can influence institutional stability and change. This paper has two main contributions. First, we provide an overview of IS research that draws upon institutional logics. We show that this research stream clusters into four perspectives focusing on how agentic behavior influences logics, how logics influence human behavior, how technology can influence logics, and how technology can influence human behavior. Our review shows inconclusive results regarding the role of technology in institutional stability and change, and more research is called upon. As our second contribution, we suggest an analytical framework to systematically investigate how technological artifacts relate to institutional logics and how they can change organizing.