Information Support for Collaborative Emergency Management

The overall objective of this cluster is to contribute to more effective digital work practices among emergency stakeholders related to collection, integration, analysis, and communication of information supporting situational awareness, coordination and decision making in emergency operations. We explore new data sources relevant for command-and-control centers and first responders, such as the use of cognitive and artificial intelligence (AI), command and control software, UAV technologies, IoT for public safety, and crowdsourcing platforms using multidisciplinary approaches and a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods.  

The research cluster addresses the following topics:

  • The socio-technical, informational, risks and collaborative aspects of developing and using technologies and information systems in the context of the full-disaster lifecycle i.e., preparedness, warning, impact, response, recovery, and mitigation. This includes the interconnectedness of people, organizations, information, and technology during crises and the ways in which design, development and usage of the information systems and new technologies are entangled with socio-behavioral phenomena connected to emergency management, including in testing and training. 
  • Situational awareness, common operational picture and common situational understanding, including the role of information systems and communication technologies, and various information sources including sensor data and social media in enhancing or hindering the individual and team situation awareness.
  • Decision-support, decision-support systems and command and control systems.
  • Interactive learning environments, modelling and simulation that are relevant for emergency management, including learning from incidents and technology support that enable more effective evaluation and joint learning from events and exercises
  • Information sharing and information overload in emergency management, systemic risks and risk assessment of factors that affects critical societal functions
  • Digitalization and new technologies that affect emergency management work practices including design and technology integration to support both professional emergency responders and volunteers in emergency operations.

Picture of Jaziar Radianti
Principal investigator
+47 37 23 34 35
Principal investigator
+47 38 14 26 34
Published Mar. 27, 2024