
The overall objective of the cybersecurity cluster is to contribute to the societal resilience through broad engagement with public and private companies as well as citizens by conducting high-quality multi-disciplinary research on the social and technological aspects of cybersecurity, and by actively partaking in societal discussions. 

The research cluster addresses the following topics: 

  • Development and design of organizational cybersecurity management practices for secure digital transformation and understanding the implications of those practices at the individual, organizational, and societal level. 
  • Investigation of new methods and processes following socio-technical and human centric approaches to address challenges related to cybersecurity (emerging threats and vulnerabilities) arising from the digital transformation in business, industries, and critical services sectors. 
  • Study the factors behind strengthening organizational capabilities within the different phases of cybersecurity incident management, leading to efficient management of cyber incidents, stronger defenses against cyberattacks and guaranteed business continuity.  
  • Integration of innovation concepts to develop new methods for enhancing cyber situational awareness, SoC operations and cyber preparedness based on advanced training, capacity-building  and  development of tools for  operational,  tactical  and  strategic  decision-making towards resilient organizations and societies. 

To address these questions, we aim at multidisciplinary approaches and to utilize broadly scientific methods from both engineering and the social sciences. 

Picture of Nadia Saad Noori
Principal investigator
+47 37 23 32 49
Picture of Marko Ilmari Niemimaa
Principal investigator
+47 38 14 18 42
Published Mar. 27, 2024