Arts in Action: Doing Diversity

Hvordan kan utvidede oppfatninger og forståelser av mangfold skje på tvers av kunst, utdanning og forskning? 

Bilde av hender som som holder på med et kunstprosjekt

Remiks-øvelse. Makta-verksted med filmskaper og kunstner Hamid Waheed, fra ungdomstilbudet Blanke Ark på Arkivet freds- og menneskerettighetssenter i desember 2023. 

Foto: Idunn Sem / Makta

Arts in Action-komitéen på Fakultet for kunstfag har gleden av å invitere til en to-dagers samling om "Doing Diversity".

Vi ønsker å benytte anledningen til å skape et faglig fellesskap, der temaet kan utforskes og diskuteres både i lys av hva mangfold er, men muligens mer interessant i forhold til hvordan vi kan få mangfold til å fungere. Nåtiden og fremtiden er mangfoldig, så hvordan kan vi skape konstruktive og åpne fellesskap der temaet kan utforskes?

For å hjelpe oss med å utforske disse spørsmålene har vi invitert professor i Discriminierungskritische Didaktik im Feld der Künste Dr. Nanna Lüth fra Institute for Art in Context, UdK Berlin og kollega Dr. Wiebke Trunk fra Institute for Art and Visual Culture, Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg. Sammen holder de en workshop torsdag 13. og fredag 14. juni.

Programmet fordeler seg mellom UiA Campus Kristiansand G-bygget, Teatersal GU 043 og på BARE studenthus og Vaffelbua. Se mer informasjon om programmet i eget punkt.

I løpet av de to dagene har også KiK-forskningsgruppene Kunst og barn & unge, Kunst & konflikt og Kunst og sosiale relasjoner økter/workshops på rundt en time hver, som tar for seg temaet i lys av gruppenes arbeid.

For å starte seminaret har vi invitert ph.d.-kandidat i Kunst i kontekst, Deise Faria Nunes, til å holde et foredrag om temaet basert på forskningsarbeidet hennes.

Det er plass til 40 deltakere og det er førstemann til mølla-prinsippet.

Frist for påmelding er fredag 31. mai. 

På grunn av få deltakerplasser kan du kun melde deg på dersom du har mulighet til å delta begge dagene.

Deltakelse på seminaret inkluderer lunsj torsdag og fredag og middag torsdag kveld på BARE studenthus.

Vi ser frem til noen spennende og givende dager og håper du har lyst til å delta i disse viktige diskusjonene rundt mangfold i kunstneriske sammenhenger. 

Seminaret forgår på engelsk.
Med vennlig hilsen,
Arts in Action-komiteen på Fakultet for kunstfag, UiA: Lisbet Skregelid, Kristian Nødtvedt Knudsen og Helene llleris . 

Meld deg på 

Detaljert program

Torsdag 13. juni på UiA, G-bygget, Teatersal GU 043 i GU

09.00 - 09.30: Mingling med kaffe.

09.30 - 10.30: Velkomst. Åpningsforedrag ved Deise Faria Nunes.

10.30 - 10.45: Pause med kaffe.

10.45 - 11.15: Forskningsgruppen Kunst og barn & unge, del 1.

11.15 - 12.15: Forskningsgruppen Kunst og konflikt. 

12.15 - 13.00: Lunsj. 

13.00 - 16.00: Doing Diversity in the Arts (Institution), Del 1: Doing Difference. Workshop med Nanna Lüth og Wiebke Trunk. Kaffe innimellom. 

18.00: Gatelangs. Meet at Ekserserhuset, Tordenskjoldsgate 64.

Torsdag kveld på BARE studenthus i Skippergata 24 b

19.15 - : Middag

19.30: Forskningsgruppen Kunst og barn & unge, del 2. 

Fredag 14. juni på Vaffelbua i Jegersberg

08.45: Avgang fra UiA til Vaffelbua. Kaffe ved ankomst.

09.30 - 12.30: Doing Diversity in the Arts (Institution), del 2: Doing Diversity.

Workshop med Nanna Lüth og Wiebke Trunk. Kaffe og vaffel innimellom.

12.30 - 13.00: Lunsj.

13.00 - 14.00: Time, Rhythm, Land: Onto-sympathetic engagements with fundamentally different forms of existence. Workshop med forskningsgruppen Kunst og sosiale relasjoner. 

14.00 - 15.00: Oppsummering og debrief. 

Om workshopene


By Nanna Lüth and Wiebke Trunk  

First day/Thursday in the university (f.i. 14 to 17 h)

Second day/Friday in Vaffelbua (f.i. 9:30 to 12:30 h)

With the increasing pluralization of society, academic teachers and learners are faced with the question of how diversity-reflective, artistic and scientific teaching-learning contexts can be shaped. Therefore, with this workshop, we want to address questions about social, sexual, cultural differences and diversity from individual and institutional perspectives. It is important to us not to understand diversity as a dazzling fantasy concept or an innocent, happiness-bringing practice, but also to engage with more uncomfortable questions, such as privileges, discrimination, and equity. At the same time, the serious examination will be linked to diverse and enjoyable methods such as montage, performance, installation and with materials from art, music and theatre. Within this complex setting, we aim at working and communicating across differences.
The learning objectives of the workshop are: 

  • Getting to know different discourses about difference/diversity in the arts and pedagogy. 
  • Self-reflection on biographical experiences and their impact on one's own professional perspective and actions.
  • Developing and articulating concepts and skills for (critical) diversity discursively and creatively.
  • Getting to know and reflecting on professional approaches to diversity work, including institutional and societal changes. 

First day: Doing difference
Check-in: Starting with an exercise to get to know each other, also regarding one's perspective on diversity and critique of discrimination. 

Input on different discourses around diversity in the arts/pedagogy/cultural sciences to propose contexts in which diversity is used differently, f.i. biodiversity, sexual diversity
Exercise and exchange to learn more about one's social position and de/privileges.
Task to bring magazines / images printed out which relate to diversity in multiple senses for the second day.
Seond day: Doing diversity
Check-in: Doing a collage session (including the material brought by the participants) to relate and explain/comment visually on the different applications of diversity.
Then: speculative transfer to one's role and practice in the institution, doing a performance or installation, outside if weather is good enough.
Wrapping up (Iliterally) = packaging presents: the discussions around difference/discrimination and diversity in the Arts (Institution). 
Check-out and reflection about the seminar.

The Facilitators 

Nanna Lüth is an artist, and art pedagogue, holding a PhD in Cultural Gender Studies. She teaches as a visiting professor for Anti-Discriminatory Didactics in the Field of the Arts at the Berlin University of the Arts (UdK), funded by the Berlin Commission for Equal Opportunities (BCP). After working in a variety of positions in art education and research, Lüth was junior professor of Art Didactics and Gender Studies at the Berlin University of the Arts from 2013–21, including a two-year substitute professorship for Art Education/Didactics at the University of Duisburg-Essen. Her main foci of interest are: cooperative and interdisciplinary university teaching, especially in the areas of didactics and teacher training, art- and theory-based method development, the opening and diversification of institutions, as well as humor and criticism in (artistic) education.

Link to Nanna Lüth's website:

Wiebke Trunk first studied stage and costume design and then completed a second degree in art history and philosophy. She completed her doctorate at the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg on art politics and art mediation under National Socialism ("Art reports as a cultural and press-political instrument of power in the Nazi era - examination of the coverage of the "Great German Art Exhibition" in Munich from 1937 to 1943 in the "Frankfurter Zeitung and Handelsblatt").  Another focus of her research is the critical application of speaking about artworks in terms of difference and discrimination. She has been a research assistant at the Institute for Visual Culture (art education/art pedagogy) since 2014. 

Art and Young People: 

Members of group introduce art practices and projects that involve children and young people with a focus on both challenges and opportunities with diversity perspectives in such contexts. 

Art and Conflict:

Questions about diversity in art production, art dissemination, art institutions and cultural policy are usually not conflict-free. The research group Art and Conflict will offer 2-3 parallel sessions where we present and invite to conversation about selected practices, cases or fields. 

Arts and Social Relations: Time, Rhythm, Land: Onto-sympathetic engagements with fundamentally different forms of existence.

The research group Arts and Social Relations invites participants to explore, through sensory experiences, forms of diversity that include the other-than-human.  


Bilde av Lisbet Skregelid
+47 38 14 14 97
Publisert 6. mai 2024 10:11 - Sist endret 12. juni 2024 11:46