

Dalehefte, I. M., & Canrinus, E. T. (2023). Fostering Pupils’ Deep Learning and Motivation in the Norwegian Context: A Study of Pupils’ Perceptions of Mathematics Instruction and the Link to Their Learning Outcomes. In Effective Teaching Around the World: Theoretical, Empirical, Methodological and Practical Insights (pp. 619-634). Springer International Publishing.


Midtsundstad, J. (2022). Tett på eller langt borte? Perspektiver på kompetanse og inkludering i skolen. Spesialpedagogikk 5 (4-16).

Midtsundstad, J.H. (2022). Betydningen av å forske sammen. Bedre skole. Tidsskrift for lærere og skoleledere. 4. (68-72).

Kvåle, G., Dalehefte, I.M., & Midtsundstad, J.H. (2022). En podkast fra Colletts kafé – Å forske på skoleutvikling: School-In. episode 5. Universitetet i Agder

Dalehefte, I.M. & Midtsundstad, J.H. (2022). A Systemic Approach to School Development - Technical Report on the Project School-In. Waxmann. Download 

Ingebrigtsvold Sæbø, G. & Midtsundstad, J.H. (2022). How can critical reflection be promoted in professional learning communities? Findings from an innovation research project in four schools. Improving Schools.


Wergeland, B & Midtsundstad, J.H. (2021). En samtale på podkasten Læringspodden om Profesjonsfellesskap – fra refleksjon til tiltak.

Midtsundstad, J. H. & Harbo, S (2021). De beste skolene i Agder samarbeider tett med lokalmiljøet. Kronikk i Fedrelandsvennen. 25. september


Horrigmo, K. J. & Midtsundstad, J. H. (2020). Schools’ prerequisites for inclusion – the interplay between location, commuting, and social ties. International Journal of Inclusive Education. Published online:

Hillen, S. (2020). School Staff-centered School Development by Communicative Action:  Working Methods for Creating Collective Responsibility - From the Idea to Action.  Journal on Efficiency and Responsibility in Education and Science, Vol. 13 (4).

Midtsundstad, J.H. & Langfeldt, G. (2020). The School Programme – a Key Link Between Contextual Influence and School Development. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 64(1), 87-97. DOI: 10.1080/00313831.2018.1495261

Midtsundstad, J. H. (2020). Hvordan kan skoleeiere og PP-tjenesten samarbeide om inkluderingSpesialpedagogikk. 5


Dalehefte, I.M. & Midtsundstad, J.H. (2019). Linking School’s Local Context to Instruction – An Important Characteristic of the In-Service Teacher Professionalization in School-In. In: T. Janik, I.M. Dalehefte, & S. Zehetmeier (Eds). Supporting Teachers: Improving Instruction. Examples of Research-Based In-Service Teacher Education. Münster. Waxmann.

Hillen, S. (2019). The Impact of Local Communities on the School Development - A Case Study Examining Expectations and Inclusion on a Systemic Level. International Journal of Learning Technology and Research pp. 23-38

Midtsundstad, J. H. (2019). Lokal skoleutvikling. Sammenhengen mellom sted, roller og undervisning. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget.


Ingebrigtsvold Sæbø, G. & Midtsundstad, J.H. (2018). Teachers’ Responsibility and Expectations: Dependent on the School  organisation? Improving Schools 21(3), 285-295, DOI: 0.1177/1365480218783796



Hillen S.A. (2020): School Development by Stimulating School Staff’s ‘Communicative Action. ICSEI - International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement 2020, Marrakech


Horrigmo, K.J. & Midtsundstad, J.H. (2019). How does the connection between families, school and local society facilitate inclusion? ERNAPE – European Research Network on Parents in Education, Gdansk 2019-09-19 – 2019-09-21.


Dalehefte, I. M. Kristiansen, A. & Midtsundstad, J. H. (2018). The Decision for a School Intervention – What happens when a democratic school culture and participation of the teaching staff have an influence on the intervention subject? EARLI - the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, SIG 13  "Moral and Democratic Education" INZENTIM & EARLI-SIG 13 CONFERENCE 2018 - Migration, Social Transformation, and Education for Democratic Citizenship; Essen 2018-08-27 - 2018-08-29 

Hillen, S. (2018). The impact of local communities on school development—a case study examining expectations and inclusion on a systemic level.  International System Dynamics Conference 4-7. August, Island

Horrigmo, K. J., Midtsundstad, J. H., & Myrann, M. K. (2018). How does the interplay between school and place influence inclusion? Round table. EARLI - the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, SIG 11 "Teaching and Teacher Education", University of Agder, Kristiansand, Norway 2018-06-12 - 2018-06-15  

Ingebrigtsvold Sæbø, G. & Midtsundstad, J. H.(2018) Professional learning communities - How do they reflect on inclusion as a balance between social and academic needs? Paper presentation. EARLI - the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, SIG 11 "Teaching and Teacher Education", University of Agder, Kristiansand, Norway 2018-06-12 - 2018-06-15  

Ingebrigtsvold Sæbø, G, Horrigmo, K. J. & Midtsundstad, J.H. (2018). Teachers’ awareness of the importance of their interpersonal competence for students’ eagerness and confidence. Paper presentation. EARLI - the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, SIG 11 "Teaching and Teacher Education", University of Agder, Kristiansand, Norway 2018-06-12 - 2018-06-15  


Dalehefte, I.M., Hillen, S.A., & Midtsundstad, J.H. (2016). Fostering the awareness of expectations towards students – an approach towards a more inclusive school? First findings of the ‘School-In project’. Paper presentation. EARLI - the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, SIG 11 - "Teaching and Teacher Education" University of Zurich", 2016 


Hillen, S.A. & Midtsundstad, J.H. (2015). Teachers’ expectations’ - shaped and reshaped by the local environment - a system thinking approach.  BOSTON International Research Symposium. Toward the Fusion of Horizons. “Critical Dialogue for Increased Understanding: Beyond Epistemological Nationalism” Boston College, MA, USA; 2015-10-22 - 2015-10-23


Midtsundstad, J.H. (2014). The School organization’s limits to Inclusion - from comparisons to change.  Press: E- Colloquia. Boston College Lynch school of Education (Newsletter from Boston College): ‘Understanding cultural concepts and assumptions: An international dialogue’ by John Shakespeare  

Ansvarlig for siden:

Hillen, S. (2020). School Staff-centered School Development by Communicative Action:  Working Methods for Creating Collective Responsibility - From the Idea to Action.  Journal on Efficiency and Responsibility in Education and Science, Vol. 13 (4).

Midtsundstad, J.H. & Langfeldt, G. (2020). The School Programme – a Key Link Between Contextual Influence and School Development. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 64(1), 87-97. DOI: 10.1080/00313831.2018.1495261

Midtsundstad, J. H. (2020). Hvordan kan skoleeiere og PP-tjenesten samarbeide om inkludering, Spesialpedagogikk. 5


Dalehefte, I.M. & Midtsundstad, J.H. (2019). Linking School’s Local Context to Instruction – An Important Characteristic of the In-Service Teacher Professionalization in School-In. In: T. Janik, I.M. Dalehefte, & S. Zehetmeier (Eds). Supporting Teachers: Improving Instruction. Examples of Research-Based In-Service Teacher Education. Münster. Waxmann.

Hillen, S. (2019). The Impact of Local Communities on the School Development - A Case Study Examining Expectations and Inclusion on a Systemic Level. International Journal of Learning Technology and Research pp. 23-38

Midtsundstad, J. H. (2019). Lokal skoleutvikling. Sammenhengen mellom sted, roller og undervisning. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget.


Ingebrigtsvold Sæbø, G. & Midtsundstad, J.H. (2018). Teachers’ Responsibility and Expectations: Dependent on the School organisation? Improving Schools 21(3), 285-295, DOI: 0.1177/1365480218783796



Hillen S.A. (2020): School Development by Stimulating School Staff’s ‘Communicative Action. ICSEI - International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement 2020, Marrakech


Horrigmo, K.J. & Midtsundstad, J.H. (2019). How does the connection between families, school and local society facilitate inclusion? ERNAPE – European Research Network on Parents in Education, Gdansk 2019-09-19 – 2019-09-21.


Dalehefte, I. M. Kristiansen, A. & Midtsundstad, J. H. (2018). The Decision for a School Intervention – What happens when a democratic school culture and participation of the teaching staff have an influence on the intervention subject? EARLI - the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, SIG 13  "Moral and Democratic Education" INZENTIM & EARLI-SIG 13 CONFERENCE 2018 - Migration, Social Transformation, and Education for Democratic Citizenship; Essen 2018-08-27 - 2018-08-29 

Hillen, S. (2018). The impact of local communities on school development—a case study examining expectations and inclusion on a systemic level.  International System Dynamics Conference 4-7. August, Island

Horrigmo, K. J., Midtsundstad, J. H., & Myrann, M. K. (2018). How does the interplay between school and place influence inclusion? Round table. EARLI - the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, SIG 11 "Teaching and Teacher Education", University of Agder, Kristiansand, Norway 2018-06-12 - 2018-06-15  

Ingebrigtsvold Sæbø, G. & Midtsundstad, J. H.(2018) Professional learning communities - How do they reflect on inclusion as a balance between social and academic needs? Paper presentation. EARLI - the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, SIG 11 "Teaching and Teacher Education", University of Agder, Kristiansand, Norway 2018-06-12 - 2018-06-15  

Ingebrigtsvold Sæbø, G, Horrigmo, K. J. & Midtsundstad, J.H. (2018). Teachers’ awareness of the importance of their interpersonal competence for students’ eagerness and confidence. Paper presentation. EARLI - the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, SIG 11 "Teaching and Teacher Education", University of Agder, Kristiansand, Norway 2018-06-12 - 2018-06-15  


Dalehefte, I.M., Hillen, S.A., & Midtsundstad, J.H. (2016). Fostering the awareness of expectations towards students – an approach towards a more inclusive school? First findings of the ‘School-In project’. Paper presentation. EARLI - the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, SIG 11 - "Teaching and Teacher Education" University of Zurich", 2016 


Hillen, S.A. & Midtsundstad, J.H. (2015). Teachers’ expectations’ - shaped and reshaped by the local environment - a system thinking approach.  BOSTON International Research Symposium. Toward the Fusion of Horizons. “Critical Dialogue for Increased Understanding: Beyond Epistemological Nationalism” Boston College, MA, USA; 2015-10-22 - 2015-10-23


Midtsundstad, J.H. (2014). The School organization’s limits to Inclusion - from comparisons to change.  Press: E- Colloquia. Boston College Lynch school of Education (Newsletter from Boston College): ‘Understanding cultural concepts and assumptions: An international dialogue’ by John Shakespeare  

Publisert 11. juni 2024 - Sist endret 11. juni 2024