PhD Courses in Sport Sciences Available in Scandinavia

Most courses in this overview have been run every other year; however, we cannot guarantee their availability, as they depend on interest, and many are also hosted by other universities.

Please be aware that links and content may change. If you encounter a broken link, try to search for the course title.

If you have a course that should be represented on this page, or an update or correction to a course you see here, please send it in via this form

Health and physical activity

Bodily Formation

Høgskulen på Vestlandet, 914

Description of the course: 

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Lecturer: Gunn Helene Engelsrud

Evidence-Based Physical Activity

University of Agder (5 ECTS) HEL613-1

Description of the course:

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Bilde av Bjørge Herman Hansen
+47 38 14 14 21

Interactions Between Nutrition and Exercise: Health-Promoting Effects Across the Life Span

University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Science (2 ECTS)

Description of the course: The purpose of the PhD course is to present and discuss the interactions between exercise, nutrition and physiological function in different age groups. THe first half of the course will cover the effects of nutrition and exercise on: 1. Weight and Obesity, 2. Muscle and Bone and 3. Brain and Cognition. The second part of the course will focus on the health preserving effects of lifestyle factors in specific age groups (childhood and youth and healthy aging).

Lecturer: Professor Inge Tetens, NEXS Professor Erik Richter, NEXS Associate Professor Anke Karabanov, NEXS
Contact person: Anke Karabanov

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Sports performance

The Psychology of Team Performance in Sport: The Coach, the Athlete, and the Group

University of Agder (5 ECTS) HEL615 

Description of the course: 

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Bilde av Tommy Haugen
+47 38 14 23 27

Technology in Sport: Making decisions in a time of data overload

University of Agder (5 ECTS) HEL 617 

Description of the course: 

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Bilde av Matthew Ronald Spencer
+47 38 14 19 73
Bilde av Kerry Stephen Seiler
+47 38 14 13 47

Exercise performance and training of the top-class athlete

University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Science (4,5 ECTS)

Description of the course: The 5-day course aims at providing participants with state-of-the-art knowledge on physiological aspects relevant for performance in elite sports. Central themes include training strategies and practices as well as nutritional requirements and interventions (supplements and ergogenic aids) to optimize performance in various sports. Participants are introduced to advanced research methods to study muscular and cardiovascular adaptations to training with specific emphasis on performance.

Contact person: Kate Wickham

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Muscle physiology, exercise and performance

Muscle metabolism and E-C coupling – role in exercise, training, and disease

University of Southern Denmark (3,8 ECTS)

Description of the course: The course program covers aspects related to the regulation of muscle function at rest and during exercise, with emphasis on metabolic effects on excitation-contraction (E-C) coupling. The course focuses on the integrated physiology responses to exercise and covers concepts and methods from the molecular level to organ systems and whole body levels, including diet, in healthy individuals, elite athletes, and clinical populations.
Lecturer: Niels Ørtenblad, and others
Contact person: Niels Ørtenblad

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Skeletal muscle performance in basic and applied exercise studies

University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences (2,4 ECTS)

Description of the course: Through the course, the participants will be introduced to factors that affects physical work capacity, with an emphasis on muscle mass, strength, function, and aerobic capacity. The topic of the course will be highlighted in healthy people as well as patient groups. Furthermore, focus will be put on how to measure physiological variables (muscle strength/mass, muscle function, and oxygen uptake), both in a clinical setting as well as in larger cohorts.

LecturerJakob Agergaard, and others
Contact person: Charlotte Bilde

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Skeletal muscle metabolism and growth - insight into models and mechanisms

University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

(5 ECTS)

Description of the course: The purpose of this 5-day course is to present and discuss the most recent advances within skeletal muscle metabolism, growth and signaling. Central themes include energy metabolism, insulin signaling, hypertrophy/atrophy, and mitochondrial function. The course will include a strong focus on scientific methods and models used to investigate and evaluate skeletal muscle biology spanning from engineered in vitro muscle cell cultures to in vivo investigations of human skeletal muscle. The course will include several prominent international lectures as well as several Danish lectures each well-renowned within their field of research.

LecturerJørgen Wojtaszewski, and others
Contact personKate Wickham

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Assessment and evaluation of human muscle, nervous system and tendon‐aponeurosis function in sports science, clinical science and aging

University of Southern Denmark (4 ECTS)

Description of the course: This PhD course presents and discusses various measuring methods and data related to the assessment of maximal muscle strength/power of human skeletal muscle, including explosive muscle strength, and the evaluation of neuromuscular function. Furthermore, methods to assess muscle morphology, fiber-type composition and MHC distribution will be presented, along with a number of cellular and molecular analysis methods including measurements of mRNA expression and myogenic stem cell (satellite cell) activation/proliferation. Finally, various methods to assess tendon‐aponeurosis function in vivo from the macro level to the molecular level will be presented and discussed. Presentations and discussions typically will address specific types of interventions (i.e. training, injury, immobilization) in relation to various clinical aspects and subject groups (i.e. athletes, clinical patients, elderly, very old).

LecturerPer Aagaard, and others
Contact personPer Aagaard

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Musculoskeletal soft tissue regeneration – mechanisms and clinical perspectives

University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences (2,4 ECTS)

Description of the course: The basic principles of musculoskeletal soft tissue regeneration will be covered, with a translational link to clinical challenges. We will focus on skeletal muscles and tendons, and their attachment sites to the skeleton. The course teachers are internationally recognised leading experts in their field.

LecturerAbigail Mackey, and others
Contact personCharlotte Bilde

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Outdoor education (Friluftsliv) 

Research methods

Applied Research in Sport and Health Science – Optimization of the Knowledge Translation


Description of the course: The course gives an introduction to applied research in sports and rehabilitation. Interaction between research and the field of practice, as well as optimization of the knowledge translation during the different phases of a research project will be dealt with. The lectures will provide theoretical insights on evidence-based practice and own experiences with such work will be shared. In addition to theoretical lectures, the candidates should take an active part in learning through group exercises, reflections and discussions.

LecturerØyvind Bucher Sandbakk

Contact person:

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Publisert 18. apr. 2024 - Sist endret 19. apr. 2024