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Stig Eriksen

Institutt for matematiske fag
+47 38141832
Kontor JU064 (Universitetsveien 25, 4630 Kristiansand, Norway)


  • Eriksen, Stig & Vos, Pauline (2023). Formal intentions in a new mathematics curriculum versus example tasks published before the standardized examinations–do they align? I Drijvers, Paul; Csapodi, Csaba; Palmer, Hanna; Gosztonyi, Katalin & Kónya, Eszter (Red.), Proceedings of the thirteenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME13). European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-963-7031-04-5. s. 3948–3955.
  • Eriksen, Stig & Vos, Pauline (2022). Kjerneelementer og eksempeloppgaver. Tangenten - Tidsskrift for matematikkundervisning. ISSN 0802-8192. 33(3), s. 45–51.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Eriksen, Stig (2024). Den tomme modelleringssyklusen. Tangenten - Tidsskrift for matematikkundervisning. ISSN 0802-8192.
  • Eriksen, Stig (2023). Regresjon UTEN GeoGebra.
  • Eriksen, Stig (2023). Regresjon UTEN GeoGebra.
  • Eriksen, Stig (2023). Regresjon UTEN GeoGebra.
  • Eriksen, Stig (2023). Tenkende klasserom i matematikk.
  • Eriksen, Stig (2023). Modellere modellering.
  • Eriksen, Stig (2023). Om eksamen - stort sett.
  • Eriksen, Stig (2023). Praktisk-muntlig eksamen.
  • Eriksen, Stig & Vos, Pauline (2023). Formal intentions in a new mathematics curriculum versus example tasks published before the standardized examinations – do they align? .
  • Eriksen, Stig & Vos, Pauline (2023). Formal intentions in a new mathematics curriculum versus example tasks published before the standardized examinations–do they align?
  • Eriksen, Stig (2022). Eksamen våren 2022 - and beyond.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

Publisert 16. apr. 2024 11:31