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Päivikki Lahtinen

Forsknings- og innovasjonsavdelingen
+47 38141816
Kontor 13119 (Universitetsveien 13, 4630 Kristiansand, Norway)


Päivikki Lahtinen, a seasoned educational researcher (M.A. and Ph.D. researcher in Educational Sciences at the University of Helsinki), serves as a social innovation and co-creation adviser at UiA CoLAB. Additionally, she actively supports the Labs and Co-creation Mission Board at FORTHEM Alliance, offering administrative assistance, shaping the strategy of the mission, and monitoring developments in nine multidisciplinary and international Labs. As a representative in the FOR-EU group "Research and Innovation", she collaborates with all European University Alliances towards enhancing transnational research, mobility, joint infrastructures, and innovation in education, research, and beyond. 

Specializing in General and Adult Education, she implements formative interventions for transformative change across various sectors. Her focus area is embedded in collective and continuous learning, leveraging interprofessional collaboration for organizational evolution.

Before joining CoLAB, Lahtinen contributed to the EU Horizon2020-MSCA-RISE project, enhancing collaboration between correctional and mental health services. She has also worked as a researcher in the settings of a surgical unit at a university hospital and in-home care for the elderly in the public sector. She is also an experienced ethnographer who has conducted ethnographic fieldwork in all these diverse and complex contexts.

Her expertise extends to co-authoring publications on workplace transformation and learning, human-centered co-evaluation, interprofessional challenges, and creativity enhancement through the Learning Design method. Drawing inspiration from sociocultural approaches and cultural-historical activity theory, she employs the Change Laboratory method for social innovation and work development. 




Organizational learning, change and develoment via interprofessional working and formative interventions. Her keen interest of research is on socio-cultural- and practice-based theories, qualitative research methods and participatory intervention techniques drawing from Cultural Historical Activity Theory (CHAT) and the Change Laboratory method. 

Utvalgte publikasjoner

Lahtinen, P & Flåten, B. T. (2022). Enhancing creativity in education. In P. Gebbing, X. Yang & C. Lattemann (Eds.) Fostering Creativity in Digital Gourp Work. A handbook for individuals, educators, and professionals. Imprint, Jacobs University gGmbH, Germany. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.20853.24804/1

Lahtinen, P., Kajamaa, A., Seppänen, L., Johnsen, B. & Esko, T. (2021). Interorganizational collaboration in a Norwegian prison - challenges and opportunities arising from interagency meetings. In S. Hean, B. Johnsen, A. Kajamaa & L. Kloetzer (Eds). Improving Interagency Collaboration, Innovation and Organisational Learning in Criminal Justice Systems. Palgrave Macmillan.

Seppänen, L., Ylisassi, H., Heikkilä, H., Kajamaa, A. & Lahtinen, P. (2021). Facilitation of Developmental Tasks in Prisons: Applying the Method of Human-Centered Co-evaluation. In S. Hean, B. Johnsen, A. Kajamaa & L. Kloetzer (Eds). Improving Collaboration, Innovation and Organisational learning in Criminal Justice Systems. Palgrave Macmillan.

Hean, S., Bruun, S., Aakjær, M., Kloetzer, L., Seppänen, L., Lahtinen, P., Kajamaa, A., & Murphy, T. (2021). A COLAB model of workplace transformation in the Criminal Justice Context.  In S. Hean, B. Johnsen, A. Kajamaa & L. Kloetzer (Eds). Improving Collaboration, Innovation and Organisational learning in Criminal Justice Systems Systems. Palgrave Macmillan.

Hean, S., Lahtinen, P., Dugdale, W., Larsen, B. & Kajamaa, A. (2020).The Change Laboratory as a tool for collaboration and social innovation. In: Willumsen, E. & Ødegård, A (eds.). Samskaping - sosial innovasjon for helse og velferd. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.

Hean, S., Aakjær, M, Kloetzer, L., Seppänen, L., Kajamaa, A., Lahtinen, P. & Murphy, T. (2020) Combining Resources: A Participatory Intervention promoting Organisational Learning, Social innovation and Interorganisational Collabroations in Criminal Justice. UiS Scholarly Publishing Services, Stavanger, Norway. 

Lahtinen, P., Esko, T., Kajamaa, A., Johnsen, B., Seppänen, L & Hean, S. (2018). Addressing reoffending through addressing offender mentla health: Exploring the viability of the Change Laboratoy method as means of promoting social innovation in the delivery integrated mental heatth care offenders in prison services. Report. Stavanger: University of Stavanger. 

Kajamaa, A. & Lahtinen, P. (2016). Carnivalization as a new mode of collaboration. Journal of Workplace Learning 28, 4, pp.188-205.

Engeström, Y., Kajamaa, A., Lahtinen, P. & Sannino, A. (2015). Toward a grammar of collaboration. Mind, Culture, and Activity, 22, 2, pp. 92-111.


Podcast: "Better Together" - UiS (2022). People in contact with criminal justice are vulnerable and need help to remain crime-free.  In this series, we hear about prisoner vulnerabilities and give them a voice in the development of services.  We explore the importance of collaboration, innovation, and organisational learning within the criminal justice field and the multiple stakeholders involved.

Kort biografi

Research project experience, Horizon 2020 and Academy of Finland: 

  • "Improving collaborative working between correctional and mental health services" (2017 - )
    • EU -project, Horizon 2020 MSCA-RISE-2016
  • "Pilot of a Change Laboratory in a Norwegian Criminal Justice System" (2017-2018)
  • "Concept Formation and Volition is Collaborative Work" (2011-2015)
  • "Implementation Conditions of Integration Innovations in Health Care: Organizational Volition and the Voice of the Client" (2010-2012)

I have worked as a kindergarten teacher and daycare manager several years in Finland, Sweden and Estonia. 

Publisert 16. apr. 2024 12:01