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Jamie Christopher Callison

Institutt for fremmedspråk og oversetting
+47 38142061



Jeg jobber som professor i engelsk litteratur ved Universitetet i Agder. Jeg underviser litteratur i engelsk med spesialisering i poesi og poetikk, modernisme og litteratur og religion. Jeg har skrevet artikler om T.S. Eliot, David Jones og den religiøse kulturen av det 1900-tallets som har bli publisert i tidsskriftene «ELH», «Literature and Theology» og «Modernist Cultures». Jeg har publisert (sammen med Thomas Goldpaugh) en vitenskapelig kommentarutgave av et upublisert dikt. Diktet var skrivet av David Jones og hetes «The Grail Mass» (Bloomsbury Academic, 2018; pocketbok: 2022). Min monografi som heter «Modernism and Religion: Between Mysticism and Orthodoxy» ble publisert av Edinburgh University Press i august 2023. Min vitenskapelige antologi (redigert med Matthew Feldman, Anna Svendsen og Erik Tonning) heter «The Bloomsbury Handbook of Modernist Archives» ble utgitt av Bloomsbury Academic i juni 2024.

Les mer om «Modernism and Religion: Between Mysticism and Orthodoxy» på UiA netssiden her.


Modernisme, litteratur og religion, kultur, poesi og poetikk, diktlesing og lyrikkfestival, vitenskapelig kommentar

Utvalgte publikasjoner


«Modernism and Religion: Between Orthodoxy and Mysticism» (Edinburgh University Press, 2023). ISBN: 9781474457224.https://doi.org/10.1515/9781474457248


«The Grail Mass and Other Works» by David Jones» redigert av Thomas Goldpaugh & Jamie Callison (Bloomsbury Academic, 2018; pocketbok, 2022). ISBN: 9781350052062; pocketbok: 9781350277267.


«Dissociating Psychology: Religion, Poetic Inspiration and T.S. Eliot’s Subliminal Mind», ELH 84 (2017): 1029-1059. https://doi.org/0.1353/elh.2017.0039

«David Jones’s «Barbaric-fetish:» Frazer and the «Aesthetic Value» of the Liturgy», Modernist Cultures 12 (2017): 438-61. https://doi.org/10.3366/mod.2017.0186

«Jesuits and Modernism? Catholic Anti-Modernism and Versions of Late Modernism», Literature and Theology 31 (2017): 1-18. https://doi.org/10.1093/litthe/frw005

«An Unnoticed Liturgical Parallel in T.S. Eliot’s A Song for Simeon», Notes and Queries 61 (2014): 592-594. https://doi.org/10.1093/notesj/gju132


«Virginia Woolf and Modernist Mysticism» i «The Edinburgh Companion to Virginia Woolf, Modernism and Religion», redigert av Jane de Gay og Gabrielle McIntire (Edinburgh UP, 2024).

«Introduction» (skrevet med Erik Tonning, Anna Svendsen and Matthew Feldman) i «The Bloomsbury Handbook of Modernist Archives», redigert av Jamie Callison, Matthew Feldman, Anna Svendsen and Erik Tonning (Bloomsbury Academic, 2024), pp. 1-16. ISBN: 9781350450554.

«Additions and Editions: H.D. and the Archive» (skrevet med Matte Robinson) i «The Bloomsbury Handbook of Modernist Archives», redigert av Jamie Callison, Matthew Feldman, Anna Svendsen and Erik Tonning (Bloomsbury Academic, 2024), pp. 207-19. ISBN: 9781350450554.

«Sacred Ground: Orthodoxy, Poetry and Religious Change», i «The Edinburgh Companion to Modernism, Myth and Religion», redigert av Suzanne Hobson og Andrew Radford (Edinburgh UP, 2022), pp. 373-88. ISBN: 9781474494786.  https://doi.org/10.1515/9781474494793-026 

«Directing Modernist Spirituality: Evelyn Underhill, the Subliminal Conscious, and Spiritual Direction» i «Modernist Women Writers and Spirituality: A Piercing Darkness», redigert av Elizabeth Anderson, Andrew Radford og Heather Walton (Palgrave Macmillan, 2016), pp. 39-54. ISBN: 9781137530363. https://doi.org/10.1057/978-1-137-53036-3_3


PhD-program i litteraturvitenskap

  • Jobbet som et midtveisseminar kommentator.

Masteroppgave i engelsk (EN-500)

  • Veiledet to oppgaver om Shakespeare og en om moderne elegi.

Litteratur, religion og det sekulære (EN-472) (emneansvarlig)

  • Diskuterer koblinger mellom religion, litteratur og sekularitet og bruker post- sekulær teori.

Beat-kultur: Litteratur og billedkunst (TFL-111) (emneansvarlig)

  • Et kurs som inkluderer litteraturstudier, kunsthistorie og kreativ praksis. Kurset  bruker på Wennesland-kunstkolleksjonen som utgangspunkt.

Bacheloroppgave i engelsk (EN-212) (emneansvarlig)

  • Veiledet prosjekter om Sylvia Plath, Contemporary American Fiction, Queer Modernism, the Harlem Renaissance, Edgar Allen Poe, Henry James, Don DeLillo, og Mary Butts.
  • Undervist skriveseminarer og forskerferdigheter.

Modernisme (EN-220) (emneansvarlig)

  • Emne diskuterer modernistisk litteratur i kobling til utviklinger i kultur for eksempel urbanisering, teknologi, religion og spiritualitet, sinnet og psykologien, rase og rasisme, tid, kjønn og seksualitet, og krig.

Amerikansk og britisk litteratur del 2 (EN-167)

  • Foreleste og underviste seminarer om amerikansk, britisk og global engelsk litteratur etter 1900.

Britisk og amerikansk litteratur og kultur del 1 (EN-166) (emneansvarlig)

  • Foreleste og underviste seminarer om amerikansk og britisk litteratur før 1900.

Kort biografi

  • Professor i engelsk litteratur, Institutt for fremmedspråk og oversettelse, Fakultet for humaniora og utdanning, Universitetet i Agder (2023-i dag)
  • Førsteamanuensis i engelsk litteratur, Institutt for fremmedspråk og oversettelse, Fakultet for humaniora og utdanning, Universitetet i Agder (2022-23)
  • Forsker, David Jones Center, Honors College, Washington Adventist University, Maryland, USA (2021-2022)
  • Førsteamanuensis i engelsk litteratur, Fakultet for lærerutdanning og kunst- og kulturfag (FLU), Nord universitet (2017-2022)
  • Tilknyttet Jacques Maritain Center, University of Notre Dame (2018)
  • Tilknyttet Oxford Center for Christianity and Culture, Regent's Park College, University of Oxford (2015-16)
  • Tilknyttet Editorial Institute, University of Boston (2014-2015) 


  • Callison, Jamie Christopher; Feldman, Matthew; Svendsen, Anna & Tonning, Erik (2024). 'Introduction: Re-Presenting and Re-Imagining Modernist Archives'. I Callison, Jamie Christopher; Feldman, Matthew; Svendsen, Anna & Tonning, Erik (Red.), The Bloomsbury Handbook of Modernist Archives. Bloomsbury Academic. ISSN 9781350450554. s. 1–16.
  • Callison, Jamie Christopher & Robinson, Matte (2024). ‘Additions and Editions: H.D. and the Archive’. I Callison, Jamie Christopher; Feldman, Matthew; Svendsen, Anna & Tonning, Erik (Red.), The Bloomsbury Handbook of Modernist Archives. Bloomsbury Academic. ISSN 9781350450554. s. 207–219.
  • Callison, Jamie Christopher (2023). ‘Sacred Ground: Orthodoxy, Poetry and Religious Change’. I Hobson, Suzanne & Radford, Andrew (Red.), The Edinburgh Companion to Modernism, Myth and Religion. Edinburgh University Press. ISSN 9781474494786. s. 373–388. doi: 10.1515/9781474494793-026.
  • Callison, Jamie Christopher (2021). Redefining Marriage in Interwar Britain: Internal Transformation and Personal Sacrifice in the Poetry of H.D. I Mohammed, Jowan Abbas & Jacob, Frank (Red.), Marriage Discourses: Historical and Literary Perspectives on Gender Inequality and Patriarchic Exploitation. Walter de Gruyter (De Gruyter). ISSN 9783110751338. s. 187–206. doi: https:/doi.org/10.1515/9783110751451.
  • Callison, Jamie Christopher (2018). A Poet of Distraction: Recent Work on David Jones. Essays in Criticism. ISSN 0014-0856. 68(3), s. 397–406. doi: 10.1093/escrit/cgy008.
  • Callison, Jamie Christopher (2017). Transmuting F.H. Bradley: T.S. Eliot's notes towards a theory of poetry. I Morgenstern, John D. (Red.), The T.S. Eliot Studies Annual: volume 1. Liverpool University Press. ISSN 9781942954286. s. 99–113.
  • Callison, Jamie Christopher (2017). David Jones’ ‘Barbaric-fetish’: Frazer and the ‘Aesthetic Value’ of the Liturgy. Modernist Cultures. ISSN 2041-1022. 12(3), s. 439–462. doi: 10.3366/mod.2017.0186. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Callison, Jamie Christopher (2017). Dissociating psychology: Religion, inspiration, and T. S. Eliot's subliminal mind. ELH: English literary history. ISSN 0013-8304. 84(4), s. 1029–1059. doi: 10.1353/elh.2017.0039. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Callison, Jamie (2017). Introduction: Unorthodox Orthodoxies. Renascence: Essays on Literature and Ethics, Spirituality, and Religion. ISSN 0034-4346. 69(3), s. 132–136. doi: 10.5840/renascence201769311.
  • Callison, Jamie (2017). Jesuits and modernism? Catholic responses to anti-modernism and versions of late modernism. Literature & Theology. ISSN 0269-1205. 31(1), s. 1–18. doi: 10.1093/litthe/frw005.
  • Callison, Jamie Christopher (2016). Directing Modernist Spirituality: Evelyn Underhill, the Subliminal Conscious, and Spiritual Direction. I Anderson, Elizabeth (Red.), Modernist Women Writers and Spirituality: A Piercing Darkness. Palgrave Macmillan. ISSN 978-1-137-53036-3. s. 39–54. doi: 10.1057/978-1-137-53036-3.
  • Callison, Jamie Christopher (2015). 'Celestial Music Unheard: T. S. Eliot, "Marina" and the Via Negativa'. I Grzegorzewska, Małgorzata (Red.), Breaking the Silence: Poetry and the Kenotic Word. Peter Lang Publishing Group. ISSN 9783631655146. s. 117–135.
  • Callison, Jamie Christopher (2014). '"Nie dla mnie ostateczna wizja:" wiersze Ariela T. S. Eliota a doświadczenie religijne' [trans. Maria Fengler] (Original title: '"Not for me the ultimate vision:" T. S. Eliot's Ariel Poems and Religious Experience'). I Ward, Jean (Red.), Między słowem i rzeczywistością. Poezja Eliota wobec cielesności i W/wcielenia. University of Gdansk Press. ISSN 978-83-786-5301-1. s. 91–112.
  • Callison, Jamie Christopher (2014). An Unnoticed Liturgical Parallel in T.S. Eliot’s 'A Song for Simeon'. Notes and Queries. ISSN 0029-3970. 61(4), s. 592–594. doi: 10.1093/notesj/gju132.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Callison, Jamie Christopher; Feldman, Matthew; Svendsen, Anna & Tonning, Erik (2024). The Bloomsbury Handbook of Modernist Archives. Bloomsbury Academic. ISBN 9781350450554. 384 s.
  • Callison, Jamie Christopher (2023). Modernism and Religion: Between Mysticism and Orthodoxy . Edinburgh University Press. ISBN 9781474457224. 256 s. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Jones, David; Goldpaugh, Thomas & Callison, Jamie Christopher (2022). David Jones's The Grail Mass and Other Works. Bloomsbury Academic. ISBN 9781350277267. 294 s.
  • Callison, Jamie Christopher & Goldpaugh, Thomas (2018). David Jones's The Grail Mass and Other Works. Bloomsbury Academic. ISBN 9781350052062. 279 s.
  • Callison, Jamie Christopher; Fiddes, Paul S.; Johnson, Anna & Tonning, Erik (2017). David Jones: A Christian Modernist? New Approaches to his Art, Poetry and Cultural Theory. Brill Academic Publishers. ISBN 9789004356979. 12(1). 297 s.
  • Callison, Jamie (2016). Directing Modernist Spirituality: Evelyn Underhill, the Subliminal Conscious, and Spiritual Direction. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-1-137-53036-3. 15 s.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Callison, Jamie Christopher (2023). 'Book Review of "Unbelief in Interwar Literary Culture: Doubting Moderns." By Suzanne Hobson.'. Literature and history. ISSN 0306-1973. 32(1), s. 1–3. doi: 10.1177/03061973231186644.
  • Callison, Jamie Christopher (2023). ‘Rediscovering the Moravians: Between Credulity and Credibility in the Lived Religion of H.D.’.
  • Callison, Jamie Christopher (2023). Keynote Lecture: ‘“Fools to the World”: Transatlantic Connections in the Twentieth-Century Arts and Crafts and Retreat Movements’.
  • Callison, Jamie Christopher (2022). ‘Poetic Conversions in a Secular Age: Epiphany, Human Rights, and Retreat in David Jones’.
  • Callison, Jamie Christopher (2021). 'The Grail Mass: Reassessing David Jones’.
  • Callison, Jamie Christopher (2021). ‘Editing David Jones’.
  • Callison, Jamie Christopher (2020). 'Silent Protest: Ditchling and the Rhythms of the Modern Retreat Movement'.
  • Callison, Jamie Christopher (2019). ‘[Review of] Virginia Woolf and Christian Culture. By Jane de Gay’. Literature & Theology. ISSN 0269-1205. s. 1–4. doi: 10.1093/litthe/frz010.
  • Callison, Jamie Christopher (2019). 'Bearing with Reality: Making Retreats with T.S. Eliot’.
  • Callison, Jamie Christopher (2019). 'Out-of-this-World Love: Denis de Rougemont on Eros and Agape'.
  • Callison, Jamie Christopher (2018). New Orthodoxy: Revisiting T.S. Eliot’s Notes Towards the Definition of Culture.
  • Callison, Jamie Christopher (2018). Introductory Talk on James Whale's 'Frankenstein' (1931).
  • Callison, Jamie Christopher & Hanssen, Jessica Allen (2018). Frankenversions: 200 Years of Adapting 'Frankenstein'.
  • Callison, Jamie Christopher & McKendry, Andrew James (2018). Ice and Fire: 'Frankenstein' and the Arctic.
  • Callison, Jamie Christopher (2018). Ritual Observance: Modernism and Lived Religion.
  • Callison, Jamie Christopher (2017). 'Plenary: Conference Conclusion'.
  • Callison, Jamie Christopher (2017). [Review of] The Astral H.D.: Occult and Religious Sources and Contexts for H.D.’s Poetry and Prose. By Matte Robinson’. Modernism/Modernity. ISSN 1071-6068. 24(4), s. 889–891. doi: 10.1353/mod.2017.0073.
  • Callison, Jamie Christopher (2016). 'History as Distraction: Sacrament, Liturgy, Poetics'.
  • Callison, Jamie Christopher (2016). '[Review of] Young Eliot: From St. Louis to "The Waste Land"'. By Robert Crawford'. Christianity & Literature. ISSN 0148-3331. 65(2), s. 257–259. doi: 10.1177/0148333115614505.
  • Callison, Jamie Christopher (2015). 'Religious Genius and Spiritual Pedagogy in Evelyn Underhill'.
  • Callison, Jamie Christopher (2015). 'Liturgical Poesis: Rapture, Ritual, and Reform in Christian Modernism and David Jones'.
  • Callison, Jamie Christopher (2015). 'Evelyn Underhill's Awakening of the Soul: An Alternative Modernist Religiosity'.
  • Callison, Jamie Christopher (2015). 'Knowing Nothing: Revelatory Experience, Pathologized Mysticism and the Divided Mind of Eliot Studies'.
  • Callison, Jamie Christopher (2015). 'The Dying God at the Last Supper: David Jones, J.G. Frazer, and Eucharistic Theology'.
  • Callison, Jamie Christopher (2015). '"The Spark of the Soul": Evelyn Underhill and Spiritual Transformation',
  • Callison, Jamie Christopher (2014). 'The Poetry of Irruption: T. S. Eliot and Early Psychology'.
  • Callison, Jamie Christopher (2014). 'The Secret History of Medieval Spirituality: Eliot, Jones reading Julian of Norwich'.
  • Callison, Jamie Christopher (2013). 'Psychical Training: Interwar Theorists of Mysticism and Popular Literature'.
  • Callison, Jamie Christopher (2013). Celestial Music Unheard: "Marina" and the Christian Mystical Experience'.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

Publisert 16. apr. 2024 11:39 - Sist endret 17. juni 2024 23:36